who's your inspiration?

March 10, 2011 8:49pm CST
im from a not that good family..in financial means and im an engineering student.. i always saw that my mother and father strives harder beyond their capability so that they can support us.. i really love them and thats why im striving hard too to be an electronics engineer.. they are my inspiration rather than my ex bfs who are nothing to compare them in terms of the custody and love my family is giving to me.. so? mind if you share yours and comment here? Ü
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9 responses
• Indonesia
11 Mar 11
em, for me my inspiration not from my family but from my friend's family. they can solve any problems without violence, but in my family not like that
• Philippines
11 Mar 11
oh why? :|
@janron29 (266)
• Philippines
11 Mar 11
When I was still a student just like you, my parents were also my inspiration to get my university diploma. I finished my bachelor degree with the help of my parents. They work hard to give me a bright future. I am now married and my son is my inspiration. I love my son so much that I could do anything for him.
• Philippines
11 Mar 11
oh nice :) i hope youll be a good father to your son.. goodluck sir Ü
@yugasini (12836)
• Anantapur, India
11 Mar 11
hi finaldrafts, once again i am giving reply to your discussion,books are my inspirations after reading some books ,i have read several books of Ramana Maharshi,ISKON,Robin sharma,Master CVV,Lob song Rampa,but all are in Telugu language,still i wish to have more books in telugu language and mainly the book " An Autobiography of a yogi",have a nice day
• Philippines
11 Mar 11
nice :) your a bookworm :) hahah. i wish ill be more industrious to read books
@agrim94 (3805)
• India
12 Mar 11
Hi Finaldrafts, You are still student and you are comparing the love of your parents with that of your friends which is not fair. The love of parents is 100% ( in most cases) selfless. They would take care of you, make you learn how to walk, and even if you wet them they would just smile. Then they would if so needed might stay hungry so you can eat and so on. About inspiration well I would say any normal person who does his duty as a son, husband, father and a responsible citizen of India is a source of inspiration. Unfortunately there are only handful of such person in a population of 1.2 billion people who do this.
• United States
11 Mar 11
Simultaneously both my children and myself are my inspiration. The thought of doing well for them and for me does inspire me to continue trying and putting my best foot forward.
• Philippines
11 Mar 11
yes.. thats good, if only children will understand their parents hardworking attitudes.. they will love them so much :)
• Philippines
11 Mar 11
i was touched with your discussion, your parents must be very lucky to have you, you valued the hard-worked they do to provide for the family. i was a parent now, and how i wished my children would be like you, hope they can also see the hard-work my husband and me doing for our family, my children are my inspiration on my day to day life, they are also doing good in their studies, i just hope they are like you, inspired in life by their parents.
• Philippines
11 Mar 11
thank you..you will be if you show them the reality.. reality which i meant that the environment around is now harmful.. my parents always advices me. i love them so much :) i hope your children will be in good :)
@tiffnkeat (1673)
• Singapore
11 Mar 11
I guess it is not any particular individual but so many individuals that I read online about. I am interested in computer stuff and I see the talents of many young people in the open source community, and yes, the young people actually inspires me!!! My family though is my motivation for all I do in life.
@sais06 (1284)
• Philippines
11 Mar 11
Hi finaldrafts. My parents has always been my inspiration. Without them I guess I won't be able to continue with the struggles in my life. They are always there for me and although I have so many failures yet they never let me feel low to myself. They would carry the burden on themselves as much as possible and don't want us their children to have it. They are very understanding and supportive and that is why I wanted to strive harder for them. We also don't have that much but they are willing to give what we need and want in every honest possible way. I really felt so blessed to have them. Let's not forget to show our love and care for them. Have a nice day.
• Philippines
11 Mar 11
When I was in college,I strived hard for my family.I worked so hard to achieve my dreams with my family as the wind beneath my wings.that's why when I took the board exam for nurses I worked hard for them and so I made it.I am a nurse now.I took the board exam only once.I hot married and now I have additional inspirations..my husband and my son.