Ok, I have to ask this. My husband is a comic geek.

March 11, 2011 7:40am CST
My husband is an avid collector of comic books, he has been for years. I almost convinced him a few years ago to give it up as we had far too many books in the apartment. He sold off a lot of what he had, but kept quite a few of what he wanted to keep. Of course, he kept the most valuable books in his collection, even though we sacrificed many of the Amazing Spiderman books. He's built up quite a collection yet again, and we're looking at getting a limited edition book graded, it could value at up to $600 once graded. We're hoping to get to the convention next weekend in order to do a walk thru grading session and get the book back immediately. I am sure that this book will instill a bidding war on eBay, it's one of only 7500 printed, and if it's in the grade range that I think it is, the war could reach upwards of $1,000+. Last night we got to talking about crossovers, something that's not new to the comic industry, but he was thinking about something else that had been tried in the past. He thinks that Marvel and DC should merge, and that characters should cross over to the opposite side. This was done years ago, but it was only a mini series that lasted 4 issues. Makes you wonder why. I don't think this would work, but he does, and thinks it would make a lot of money for these creators. I told him that I'd ask around and see what opinions I'd get, and then I asked him which company he'd approach first with this idea. He told me both of them, but I said that one of them had to get it first, not both at the same time. I said that they are competitors, there's no way competitors would team up and work together. I then told him that it's like a person who likes Pepsi. They are not suddenly going to change brands. Anyways, I just thought I'd get some opinions about this.
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2 responses
@Jamdin (110)
• United States
12 Mar 11
DC and Marvel actually "merged" more than once. The event that started it all was DC vs Marvel Comics/Marvel Comics vs DC mini series. The result was actually two Amalgam Comics events that each had twelve one-shot issues with each company printing six issues for each event. Then there was the DC/Marvel: All Access mini-series between the events that lasted for four issues. Finally, there was DC/Marvel: Unlimited Access mini-series after the second event that also lasted for four issues. They had previous crossovers including Superman vs Spider-man, Batman vs Hulk and The Uncanny X-Men and The New Teen Titans. Their first team up was actually The Wizard of Oz. I doubt that we will ever see the return of Amalgam Comics or even intercompany crossover events with characters from those two companies again in the near future.
• Calgary, Alberta
13 Mar 11
marvel is more interested on having crossover with Capcom (I love it actually to see characters created by a Japanese company fighting against Marvel superheroes and villains is like a nerds ultimate fantasy.) I do love DC and marvel comics, though i was more into marvel crossing over with Japanese companies for now since seeing Anime like characters with Western characters is much more refreshing.
• Calgary, Alberta
11 Mar 11
I'm a comic book collector too but my girlfriend(who lives with me,so its like being married) is not, I dont talk to her about comics and make her read because she is not interested. She is more interested with Manga and anime (I do read manga but I enjoy American comic books too) Anyway DC and Marvel will never merge because Marvel is now a property of Disney and Dc is a property of Warner Brothers.... I think Warner and Disney are not in good terms at this moment.
• Canada
11 Mar 11
I told him as much, and I'll remind him again when he gets home from work tonight. I'm not into super hero books, I'm into stuff like the Simpsons and a bit of sci fi, but that's really it for me.
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