Do you think my books will sell on ebay?

United States
March 13, 2011 2:28pm CST
If you are actually a book lover do you look for books on Ebay. I have a wide collection of books that I have read over and over time again and now they are taking up space in house on top of that I would love to share the knowledge and make some extra money too. Before I spent my money to post them I wanted to know if people search for stuff like that on ebay. I am new to Ebay all together so I don't know the demands on the site.
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7 responses
@Iram786 (498)
13 Mar 11
I do buy a lot of books but i've never really thought to buy them off Ebay. Now that i think about it, that may be a good idea! :) As for selling them, depending on whether it's a popular book or not will probably determine if it sells and how much you'll get for it. Obviously for most bestsellers you probably will get a fair amount of money and they'll possibly sell pretty fast too but then there might be a lot of books that will only sell for a very low price. It's worth a try though, you can always withdraw it, even if people have bidded on it. My advice would be to go for it and see what happens! Who knows, you might make some decent money from it :) And if you have whole series of books, it's a good idea to sell them all together!
@Iram786 (498)
13 Mar 11
i forgot to add, Ebay have free listing weekends every month. it would be a good idea to wait until there next free listing weekend, that way even if you end up withdrawing your books, then at least you won't have had to pay for adding it. but i'm not actually sure if listing books costs money, you should probably check it out :)
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
15 Mar 11
You could sell them or you could donate them to a library. Just remember you're taking money from the writer when you resell a book. I can tell you as someone who has a novel out, money does not coming pouring in and we need to make sales. Selling books is taking money out of our pocket.
@weasel81 (2496)
• Australia
13 Mar 11
i've bought books on ebay before, depends on what kind of book your selling and how easy it is to get hold of as well. watch your prices as well, but it really does fall back to what people are wanting.
@tcup345 (358)
• United States
14 Mar 11 is a much better site to sell your books, also try
• United States
13 Mar 11
I don't get books on Ebay myself. I usually go to Amazon or Barns and Noble's website if I'm looking to buy books online. I hate online book shopping though. It's utterly no fun. I prefer being in a real bookstore with real books.
@leasmom (101)
• Austria
13 Mar 11
Yes, I have bought books on Ebay before. I usually browse uf there is anything I like and if the price is reasonable abd in case that I find anything worth the hassle I will buy it. Amazon is also a good place, for new books as well as used ones (the latter via their marketplace).
@owlwings (43915)
• Cambridge, England
13 Mar 11
Many more books are sold on Amazon than are sold on eBay, so Amazon is a very good place to, at least, check your prices. You can also sell on Amazon. It costs nothing to open a Seller account and you set your own prices. Amazon pay you a fixed amount per book to cover the cost of shipping, so if the book is large or heavy, you will need to adjust the price you charge to compensate (and also for the fact that Amazon will take a percentage of the price as commission - but ONLY when the book is sold).