Run For Life: Why do you jog?

March 18, 2011 11:10pm CST
I woke up early this day. I went with my friends for a jog here in the city. I enjoyed the feeling of perspiration, I missed being perspired. I have not been doing outdoor activities or any physical fitness activities lately until this morning with a jog. I realize that jogging would be a lot of fun if you are with friends. You wouldn't notice you've already made a mile of jogging. And it's refreshing if you jog at night time. I jog to at least release some toxins in my body, and I really want the refreshing feeling if I am perspired. How about you fellow lotters? Why do you jog? or why not? What are your sports or physical fitness activities?
6 responses
@rencarl (620)
• Philippines
20 Mar 11
hello there.way back during my high school days,i played for the basketball varsity team of our school from year 2001 to 2002.from 2003 to 2004,i played for the volleyball varsity team of the same school.back then,jogging had been a training routine,an activity that you need to do to improve endurance.i know its importance a matter of fact,i jogged early in the morning every saturdays together with my 2 friends.we usually start jogging as early as 3 AM in the that age,jogging for me was merely to improve i am in my 20's.i am a nurse by profession. i still do jog at least once a is amazing how things have changed.if before i jog to improve endurance,now i jog to stay fit.this is mainly because i am afraid to suffer from heart conditions which runs in our family.this reason is the one that motivates me to jog,whether alone or with friends.of course jogging is fun when you join with friends.
• Philippines
20 Mar 11
Oh you're a pretty athletic person rencarl. you've been in varsity team. I guess you're popular in campus then. As for me I run in athletic meets representing my school when I was still in elementary. During highschool and college I have refrained from athletic events, but I joined the school band. College has been so much of my academics.And now that I am already working, I would want to be active again physically, I would love to join a marathon soon, I jog around 5-10K now. Thanks for sharing rencarl. :)
@rencarl (620)
• Philippines
20 Mar 11
impressive!i am a music lover too but i never thought of joining school bands.way back in high school i was preoccupied with academic competitions and athletic band was the least of my priorities.good for you that you found a way to pursue your music far as i am concerned,i am satisfied with being an active music listener.though i don't have an interest in joining or creating bands,i still want to learn how to play the guitar.that is my greatest disappointment so far...what instrument do you play chuyin?
• United States
19 Mar 11
I started jogging just for a cheap and easy way to stay in shape while sitting with my son in the hospital and nursing home. After my first 5K I was in love! I am now training for my first half marathon (even though I am 50 years old!).. and did my first 10 miler yesterday!
• Philippines
20 Mar 11
Wow, 10 miles! amazing Ms. Mac. Yeah, I was talking to my friends last friday, and I told them that I want to go out with them with minimum cash outlay. I told them I want to control spending if there's a way to hang out with them cheaply but enjoyably. And jogging is one of the ways I could think of as a bonding activity with them. :)
@sunny5u (2069)
• India
19 Mar 11
Hi chuyins, i used to jog before joining into this company, till then i used to go get up early and then jogging for 1hour later i stopped because of shift duties and no proper time....and for physical fitness i play badminton and do exercises,yoga and all....
• Philippines
19 Mar 11
At least you have other physical fitness activities. it's good. I am not good at badminton. :) yoga would be great too.
@06MLam (620)
19 Mar 11
I do some jogging regularly as well. I am not a fast runner when comparing with my teamates that run with me every week. They are all very fast funners and have won quite a lot of matches for the school. Therefore, running with them is quite challeging at tall as I am always left far behind but I still continue because I want to keep fit and have a good health and every time when I know that I have run for a longer distance than I have ever done before, I find it quite satisfying. I would also like to go around the town and joing the crosscountry team can really help me to achieve that because we usually run around the town and the countryside which makes me enjoy the beautiful scenary in the countryside. I especially like running along the canal connecting Worcester and Birmingham because it is quite special within the UK. However, I do not like running in HK because there is not enough running path in the countryside in HK and people usually have to run along the road with lots of vehicles next to them and this is not good for our health as we will inhale all those harmful substance in the air cause by the heavy transport.
• Philippines
20 Mar 11
Oh yes, I jog in a place here in the city where there is not much vehicles running around and there are a lot of joggers there too. Yeah, you're right, the scenery could add to the excitement and refreshment of jogging. Thanks for sharing. :)
• India
19 Mar 11
yes..the kewl breeze is so exciting and we can have lots of fun and make our day refreshing... It is one of the ways to get the day started in a nice way..
• Philippines
19 Mar 11
Yeah, it's one great way to start a day! Thanks for the response creovation... :)
• Australia
19 Mar 11
Recently i went overseas for my holiday. When i came back, i had put on more than 4 Kilos of weight. I really need to burn all this fat. So, i make sure i do all my exercises and jogging on time. Jogging helps me remain fit and healthy. As you said, jogging helps us feel fresh and healthy.
• Philippines
19 Mar 11
Yes, I love running. I even want to join a marathon if there would be any this year in any of my affiliations. Thanks for sharing sweetme... God bless you! :)