Growing up so fast

playing - Playing outside
United States
March 19, 2011 2:00pm CST
My baby girl is almost 2 years old already! I cant believe how fast time is flying by. We were outside the other day enjoying the 60 degree weather. It was so beautiful out. Now we are back to 40's. I am so happy the warmer weather is finally here and the snow is gone. She is enjoying the outside more than ever. Last summer she was too little to really understand it and now I can hardly get her back in the house for a meal or nap time. How are your little ones enjoying the warm weather?
3 responses
• China
17 Apr 11
I can well imagine how happy you were!when you lovingly looked at your baby in the sunlit and enchanting scene of spring.The baby really grows up quickly,even varies from day to day.
@txgrl21 (819)
• United States
21 Mar 11
I know! My first baby just turned 2 a few months ago and now my second is starting to walk! I am sad because I will never get to do the baby thing with each of them again but I am also happy because they have so much life ahead of them. Makes me want to baby them more, lol!
@iklananda (1202)
20 Mar 11
Yeah time past so fast if we don't count it day by day watching the calendar changing it day.