Always Late to know the Latest

@xien2xien (1382)
March 21, 2011 7:58pm CST
I don't know if its just me or i have some problem with being updated with the latest. In school when i was a student since i go home early after the class whenever there's a bonding or party in my classmates house i'm always not present and will know the scene the next day when they all talk about what happen last night at the party... In the house, since i always stays in my room i'm always late to know that we have a family outing on weekend or next month. Even in the news, since i don't usually watch tv, i think i'm the last to know on what happened in Japan, i just knew it when my officemate talk about it for i guess 2 or 3 days ago.... what must have been wrong with me? does this things happen also with you?
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5 responses
@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
22 Mar 11
That is sad, it's upsetting when people don't invite.
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@xien2xien (1382)
• Philippines
22 Mar 11
there are many reason why people don't invite you, maybe they don't like you or just as simple in my case i got to go home before they were really made the plans since i wasn't there i didn't able to go out with them
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• United States
22 Mar 11
There are times that I do feel like I am the last to know anything, almost as if I am living in a box. I blame myself because I go through periods where I sort of close myself off the world. Sometimes I spend way too much time online and not necessarily the news that I stumble on something that has been ongoing for days. Maybe you are limiting your self from others and it is not that they do not want to inform you, maybe you have not made yourself available at the right moments. Not sure if you are like me but if so venture out a bit and socialize a tad more. I do hope both of us can be brought up to speed. lol
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@xien2xien (1382)
• Philippines
22 Mar 11
hehe, i guess my social life is too down and low, i usually stay at home and not miggle with too much people, i don't like the feeling of many people surrounds me like when i'm in a reunion or even in malls and parks, many people makes me sick and i can't breath comfortably... but i guess i'll try it sometimes in order to end this frustration of always getting late for the latest
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@dainy1313 (2370)
• Leon, Mexico
22 Mar 11
Hello Xien2xien I don´t love to watch tv,nor news, because I get depressed =(. I knew about Japan here at Mylot. So I prefer to know about the world in this way, to listen all the bad news, all days, all mornings long in tv. I don´t have an elder brother nor sister, my parents are divorced, so I do not tend to know the things at first. I am most your type. We must try to be online. =) Blessings!... Dainy
@sang25 (61)
• India
22 Mar 11
there is nothing wrong with just need to communicate more with more tv with your family etc..then everything will be just fine.have a great time :)
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@knicnax (2233)
• Philippines
22 Mar 11
Happens to me a lot. I choose not to know stuff when I was in school, and now at work. I don't like gossiping, and I don't like intruding in other people's lives, that's why I don't ask people for updates or what's happening, or what I hear about. I wait for them to tell me. As for my family, they make it a point to inform everyone about plans, since we need to check our scheds if the outing is feasible. As for the news about what's happening, Since i'm regularly online, I can read news there. I also follow a local news channel in twitter, so I'm really udpated.
@xien2xien (1382)
• Philippines
22 Mar 11
better hate gossips, most of it are made out of someones crazy mind :) and people who commonly do that is a fool of talking somebody's life and not mind their own business....
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