changing a sites name doesnt make it suddenly not scam!

@fpsninja (874)
March 27, 2011 4:22pm CST
Hey all I am on a site called swagbucks, that recently added a special offers area. You may have read a post from me saying that a site gWallet was scam, and that they didnt pay you for your completion of offers. Now, this wall was removed from swagbucks. There is a new walled called radiumone, and today i realised this is exactly the same site as gWallet, just named differently. And how did i realise that they are the same site, after not being paid for doing a special offer (seems to be getting a bit familiar this with this site) i did some research, and hey presto! So be wary of gWallet, and radiumone. It seems the scammer involved has tried to cop off a few more people! Some people have no shame
1 response
• Canada
27 Mar 11
If you can prove this, then forward the information to Swagbucks. They don't take kindly to scamming companies and will remove it from the offers pages. They're pretty reliable when it comes to removing scam offer sites, they don't want to keep them around.
@fpsninja (874)
28 Mar 11
I have submitted a ticket, but i am not sure how exactly i can prove it. I mean, how do i prove i watched a video really? If you have an idea, please let me know