Taking rice at breakfast? Unhealthy :O

@besthope44 (12123)
March 30, 2011 9:30am CST
My aunt and me went into a serious argument yesterday. She always takes rice only for her lunch and not breakfast. Whenever she sees me having rice at breakfast, she starts to scold saying its unhealthy. I asked her how? She says it has Carbohydrates and makes sleepy. It causes bad effects to health. But I dont think so, can anyone justify if my aunt argument is right?
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8 responses
@neildc (17239)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
31 Mar 11
Yeah, your Aunt is right. There is no argument to this. Rice is bad and unhealthy at breakfast. It is bad for lazy people. It is bad for people who only think about eating. It is bad for those people to have rice in the morning because they will only get back to sleep. It is bad for their health, it will only stay in their stomach, and the nutrients or the carbohydrates or the cholesterol they will get will not be utilize, if they will fall asleep. See, your Aunt is right, rice is unhealthy. For Lazy People...
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
31 Mar 11
Am at first reading your comment, you are supporting my aunt?!!. Got your point, She thought me as lazy. Am like a busy bee of my home. You made me laugh stating that! For lazy people, I think not only rice almost all they eat puts them to sleep. Is it not? Her argument is no one should take rice at morning. Well I will add your points in my argument. So what you take at your breakfast, you love rice at breakfast ?
@neildc (17239)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
31 Mar 11
I do not usually have breakfast at early morning. It's just a cup of coffee for me. But when I am already in the office and at work, I take rice in the mid-time of the morning, Making it almost brunch.
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
31 Mar 11
So you escaped now with a cup of coffee. Argument will continue tommorrow, as i am planning to prepare flavored rice for breakfast and she is gonna back home tommorrow. Argument not gonna end anyhow.
@youless (112193)
• Guangzhou, China
2 Apr 11
I think having the rice as breakfast is healthy. Although we seldom have rice as breakfast, but here we believe that having the rice as breakfast can make you have a strong body. I love China
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
2 Apr 11
You said it right way, it make me strong and energetic. I dont feel lazy after having rice. You supported my point..thank you. So you are from China? I can see your passion for your country.Whats your usual diet for breakfast?
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@youless (112193)
• Guangzhou, China
2 Apr 11
Yes, I come from China. Usually I will have bread, noodles etc. as my breakfast.
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
4 Apr 11
Great Chinese!. I love Chinese foods much! I am big fan of Chinese items
@k8lyn07 (72)
• Philippines
31 Mar 11
I think it depends on the perspective of a person if the food is health or not,. Information are very much available to have a debate on it,. But for me, what people tend to think is how our body reacts. So if a person have a heavy work and needs a heavy breakfast, rice would be good to sustain the pressure in work,. But if the person is very much concern with the health, oats and fruits would be the best. Best for people who needs diet.
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
31 Mar 11
Hi K8lyn07, your statement is quite convincing and makes me feel i can stop the argument. I accept its depends on person and the body adaptability. But why I argue is she makes blind statement without any convincing way. She says its bad for any one from kids to old people even healthy or sick. This rises my nerves to make her understand the benefits of rice especially to her kids atleast. My argument gonna continue, let me see if i win convincing her. I would take your points in my hot argument. Thats a informative one!
@jaiho2009 (39142)
• Philippines
30 Mar 11
hello, No,it's not unhealthy. Even people who doesn't eat rice for breakfast are still taking carbo when they take bread or other rootcrops for breakfast. Maybe for old ones,they prefer to eat fruits at breakfast instead of taking rice. Some people who has illness takes fruits for breakfast,it's good to detoxify the body. Here in our country,rice is the main meal for breakfast,lunch and dinner. Still people are healthy. What makes food unhealthy is when you are eating a balance healthy diet,like over-eating or eating unhealthy foods like fatty,too salty or junk foods.
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
30 Mar 11
Hi friend! Thats really informative. Yes I believe old people dont prefer rice. Once my friend said taking rice, will add on weight. I wonder how they get these details. As you said, taking good balanced diet is real healthy. My aunt mistook what her grandma said, I wanted to make her understand, it doesnot matter taking rice. She even teaches this to her kids, so worried she is misguiding the kids too
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@jaiho2009 (39142)
• Philippines
30 Mar 11
oh,how old are the kids? kids needs a hearty breakfast especially when they're going to school. Rice and a complete meal will give them energy to last till break time.
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
30 Mar 11
You are right. Rice gives good energy for growing kids. Her kids are 8 and 12 years old. She stricts on to Protein rich food and advising no rice. When I give them, she scolds me rather. Hard to make her understand, hope her kids should explain her when they learn these on their studies.
@LeighB (700)
• Thailand
31 Mar 11
Hi there, I would actually disagree with your aunt, as rice is generally considered a healthy food option. Everyday, for 2 years I used to eat for breakfast boiled rice and an omlette. I found it filling and nourishing and never once felt after eating it sleepy or lathargic. In the West I don't think people eat enough rice and don'tb experiment with it for various meals and the variety of ways and things that can be eaten with it.
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
31 Mar 11
You made a right shot!. My favorite at break fast was variety rice and half boiled egg. So that gives a kickstart of my morning booster to roundabout. I want to say my aunt same," dont go experimental, enjoy the rice without digging it too much. Its not bad for health". Her immediate answer would be "You are immatured, not able to judge good and bad diet at times". Am I not so pathetic? Tell me one good way that make her stop arguing about this again to me..grrr
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
1 Apr 11
Hey LeighB, Thats a good one! Your idea is really good one to try. Let me start today. Hope atleast she finds it herself and make a idea. Thats a good site. Will keep you updated on the status of argument. I really dont have intention to argue with her, but am helpless that she doesnot allow me to prepare rice at morning
@LeighB (700)
• Thailand
31 Mar 11
It isn't good for us to be seen arguing with our elders. But you could show your aunt this web site: www.health24.com/dietnfood/Healthy_foods/15-18-23-194.asp The first thing it states is: (Quote) "Rice produces fast energy and is readilly digested. It is an important source of vitimn B1 and encourages stable blood sugar levels." Rice has a lot of nutritional values and is really good for the body. If you feel that you can't tell your aunt about this site and the benefits that it shows rice gives to the body, why not leave the page up on your comp. when your aunt is around and let her see it for herself. Or print it off and leave it where she may find it. Good luck!
@gelayagui98 (1336)
• Australia
31 Mar 11
i can't see any logic on what your auntie is pointing out. My teacher once said that it is better to eat rice in the morning because our stomach is empty for the whole night unlike lunch that we have our snack in the morning. Generally speaking regardless of what country we live in, any food can be eaten as long as our stomach is not empty.
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
1 Apr 11
Hi gelayagui, I am happy that most of them in mylot support the same point of having rice is good. My aunt has a myth and believe the old days, where it is said for some other reason that rice is unhealthy to eat at morning. So from her grandma, she sticked it strong in her mind. Today when i did flavored rice, my aunt son wanted it. When i gave him for eating, she again started with this topic. I dont want to stop her belief, atleast the kids take the right food and understand her mom is wrong. Because they are the one who get affected
@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
30 Mar 11
Hi Dear Besthope! I am from India. Many people in India is where the Rice is staple food , they have rice in the break fast. In southern part of India, he rice is eaten early in the morning along with salt and Curds. In southern states the dishes made out of rice namely Idli and Dosa are eaten as breakfast and people are healthy over there. For that matter our diet mainly consists of more carbohydrates than protein and fats because we need more energy which we draw from Carbohydrates! So even if you consume bread or any other products prepared out of wheat still you will be consuming Carbohydrates and the results will be same! So in my opinion it is not the type of food what you consume which matters, it is the balancing of one's diet which is important! Thus one should have a balanced doet and should have enough of exercise to burn the excess calories to keep one self fit! Thanks for the discussion ! I liked participating in it!
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
30 Mar 11
Hi AKRao, Nice to hear that! True Idli, dosa are very good for health. I argued the same with my aunt, as we are also in India. But she says consuming direct rice, say rice with dhal or spinah at morning is unhealthy. You worded with very correctly, as long as we take right food at right timings and exercise, everything is healthy! She has skipped rice for this reason and advising her kids to do the same.. Thanks Rao for sharing! Am pleased of your comments! Thanks you too
@dznurani (160)
• Indonesia
30 Mar 11
I don't think it's unhealthy as long as you don't take it too much. but as I read from the mags, that we are suggested to eat protein for breakfast :)
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
30 Mar 11
Hi dznurani, You are right. Protein is good at morning breakfast. My aunt is at the intention that I should not take it all. But I love rice and only after i take rice, I feel energetic. Just want to prove her she is wrong!