Is your facebook privacy settings too tight?

April 17, 2011 11:20pm CST
Well, I noticed that a few of my friends have really tight privacy settings. I can't even view their walls! You check their info and almost no viewable items there too. I honestly think, they shouldn't have added me in the first place if they only want me to see their names in my friends list. I don't typically do the adding, most times I just approve, and i only also approve if the person is my friend (or my siblings'), or is at least civil enough for me to call acquaintance. I got a bit annoyed, so what I did is I customized my settings. I set it up so they would not be able to see my info or wall as well. For most people in my friends list, they can see my wall, my info. I mean, I don't post any offending items, or too personal items. It is a social networking site, what's the point of connecting if they won't let me catch up to them? How about you fellow mylotters?
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10 responses
@p3ks626 (6538)
• Philippines
19 Apr 11
I think my friends can see most of the information I have in my facebook but those who are not my friends dont see anything. I also discovered that I have been blocked by someone who hates me. lol
• Australia
19 Apr 11
I deactivated my facebook recently because i am way too busy with other stuffs. But when i used to have facebook, i had a big privacy concern too. I made sure that no stranger can see my wall, my pictures or even my info. But my friends could view all my settings. It is weird to add a friend and hide wall from them. If one's really concerned they should not be adding friends in the first place. But it is good to lock your wall just in case you give way too much information. 'Happy MyLotting'
@sizzle3000 (3036)
• United States
18 Apr 11
My family does that. But as far as I know its for people who are not your friends. My daughter is paranoid about other people so her's is private unless you're a friend as is mine and my mother's. It's not that we don't want to connect it's the fact that businesses look at your facebook now to see if you're suited for a job and hackers get into it and many other things. I feel it's better to be safe than sorry. Plus if you really want to get to know someone and connect there is a button to send a message.
@jordq7 (576)
• Philippines
18 Apr 11
Hi there sweet_jette!! Well my privacy setting is set to let only my friends see my wall and info.If someone that is not my friend browse my profile they wouldn't be able to see my info and wall.I think it is better to be in this way coz I don't want someone whom i don't know to see and browse my information just to know something about me. Only those persons that I know or are related to me are the ones whom I am adding in my friends lists.I don't really care if I only have few friends as long as my privacy is safe and not being distructed.
• United States
18 Apr 11
I dont think privacy can be too tight. Those settings are in place for a reason. Would you want a stranger to access to all your information and pictures? Thats were identity theft and stalkers come into play when you dont have those settings in place.
• United States
19 Apr 11
i have not had that problem , i mean if you dont want to connect with people why have a facebook page to begun with you r right
@tlb0822 (1410)
• United States
18 Apr 11
I have my privacy settings strict enough that I do not allow anyone who isn't my friend to see any information on my wall or to look at my photos. I only ever add people that I know or that I am related to. It makes me nervous thinking that someone I don't know could get on my page and be looking at pictures of my children. I think that, that is my biggest fear so I do not post to many pictures of my girls on facebook or any sight for that fact. I think that only allowing those who know you to see your information is good in keeping out predators and trolls that may be trying to get your information.
• Philippines
18 Apr 11
That sure is annoying when friends don't even show their walls. Yes, what is the point right? I didn't know until now that the settings can actually be set to be seen by the user only. I thought the tightest setting was the 'Friends Only' option. Even though I know now, I wouldn't choose the 'Only Me' option because it totally contradicts the purpose of being on a social networking site.
@moirai (2849)
• Philippines
18 Apr 11
Hehe. I just answered a similar discussion sometime yesterday or early this morning... =P Different people have different reasons for using social networking sites I suppose. The majority probably use them to uhm... 'broadcast' to the world (hehehe) their thoughts and what's happening in their lives. But some may just want to keep a line of communication open with family, friends, acquaintances, coworkers, etc... (Personally, I would prefer exchanging email addresses for that purpose but anyway. =P ) Some, but not all, enjoy updating other people about themselves. Some only want to be updated about others. I think everyone has a right to their own choice. It may sound unfair to the others who are more open about themselves, but the choice of how to set privacy settings is with the individual. Maybe some are more comfortable updating their friends in private chat or messages instead of more public places like the wall. If you do not like that certain people are not as open about themselves as you are, then you can choose to either remove them, or just ignore that fact and accept it as part of life. =P Have a nice day! =)
@dimzok (127)
• Indonesia
18 Apr 11
i dont too tight with my privacy setting on my facebook account,let the people know what i like and dislike,and maybe we have same opininon and we can be a new friend in facebook,so i just want to enjoy with social networking today