More blu-ray talk whats the best brand to buy?

@apples99 (6556)
United States
April 22, 2011 12:32am CST
I'll be getting my first blu-ray player soon and I'd like to know whats the best brand to buy? here's what I'm looking for. 1. It must be easy to hook up to my TV and by easy I mean hassle free not a lot of extra wires needed to connect the device 2. It has to have up-scaling feature for my existing DVDs without a bunch of extra parts or cords if possible 3. This next feature is optional but it would be great to have it WIFI would be great so I can stream TV shows or view netflix 4. But most important the blu-ray player cant cost too much meaning it has to be under $100. Ok now you know what I'm looking for please give me your opinion/review of the best brand to buy? I really need some good choices thanks everyone.
4 responses
@rafiholmes (2896)
• Malaysia
22 Apr 11
hi there..its about time u enjoy full hD 1080i im already became a bluray guy for almost 2 years now..loving every minute of it.. here what u should do.== 1 - any brand is fine.but if u can find an All Region player thats better (plays all region A,B & C) 2- if u have more money..get 3D capable bluray player..if not,just get the regular ones. 3- or ..get urself a playstation 3, if ur not watching a bluray movie.u can use the machine to play games..and plus it is 3D enable already ..; ) cool huh?* i ultimately suggest this one..but it is unlikely that it will play bluray from region other than ur country. 4- get an HDMI cable(if they dont include it)simple plug and hassle.and a must to enjoy full HD..regular cables cant transfer huge data like HDMI does. 5- SONY bluray player and SONY ps3 console are able to detect Wifi..and LAN.but to view netflix ,youtube, U NEED a TV that does that dude..not the bluray player. 6- u need a Full HD to enjoy the bluray in its full advantage..what kinda TV u have ?? 7-what????? a hundred bucks??? and u want wifi?? better save some more money till 200 bucks.then go get a bluray player.. But if u insist..then get the Philips,Toshiba and some Sharp are selling at 100bucks..but with some quality. But bluray just a bluray player..what it does is play ur bluray disc.. what makes the big diference is the HDMI cable
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@apples99 (6556)
• United States
22 Apr 11
Oh your responds is very helpful so far. and yes I'm also looking for a multi region player thanks a lot your post will help me choose the best one to purchase.
• United States
22 Apr 11
I don't have a bluray player so to speak but I have downloaded inception in bluray format and played it using my new laptop with HDMI port that I hooked up with my 1080p HDTV. It was awesome. really awesome picture quality. I don't even use the old dvd player because it looks better if I play them on the big screen tv via my laptop. As long as you have an hdtv to go with your bluray player then you are good. I looked up one for you and I found a samsung bluray player. it has good reviews so I would recommend this to you. It is under a hundred excluding tax. here is the link:
• Malaysia
22 Apr 11 player is good too.. The inception u downloaded are bluray rips.. it almost retain the same quality picture as the actual disc.. and HDMI to excellent .best way to watch it.
• United States
22 Apr 11
Yes it is bluray but it is a huge file to download. it took a few hours to get it downloaded completely. It was like 10 GB.
• Malaysia
22 Apr 11
yes..mostly i see in uTorrentz.. 10gb.. because they have to retain at least at 720p quality..
@o0jopak0o (6394)
• Philippines
22 Apr 11
Well i am a little bit of a samsung fan so why don't you try samsung? They offer some of the cheapest stuff i have seen with good features too.
22 Apr 11
I would say the top three makes of Blu Ray Players are probably Panasonic, Samsung and Sony with Philips and Toshiba just behind. The price of Blu Ray players has really come down and you can get some great players for under £100/$100.