Are there any legit MLM programs that do not cost an arm and a leg?

United States
April 28, 2011 3:57pm CST
Me and my wife have tried a lot of different MLM businesses between the two of us and nothing seems to be "The One" yet. We have sold everything from Travel to insurance and make-up. Nothing has had that lasting BIG payments that they promised and it is NOT due to lack of trying either!! We have hosted parties, been to conventions that we could not afford, passed on doing things with the family or friend weddings in pursuite of the "American Dream" and nothing seems to be panning out for us. There has to be a business that has low to no cost start up that I can make enough money to be able to support my family without having to work 80 hours a week. I am Vet from the first Gulf War so I need the time to go to my VA Dr appts and still be able to make money to run the household. Can anyone help me or at least point me in the right direction?
4 responses
@ritika02 (214)
• India
23 Aug 11
HI, If you are searching any free to join mlm company it is available, I have recently joined and the reason of joining this company is great quality product which i tried on myself because of product quality and great marketing plan. i have joined this target you will have to achieve in two months not in one month. second after getting first level of assistant supervisor you get products on approximately on half rate so it will easy to spread and get benefit on retail profit. no joining fees and not renewal fees. form rupess is 25 half of one dollar and you can join online, only one product is must to purchase of rupees only 750. which you can sell and will get back money. any other question you can ask me any time. ritika
• United States
30 Apr 11
Hi homemarketer, Thanks for posting your discussion, and thank you for your service in the Gulf War. I cannot imagine what that must have been like and we the people owe you and your family a huge debt, my friend. If I can show you a way to make more money, lower your taxes, and enjoy more time and freedom without interfering with what you are currently doing, how soon would you want to get started? Sincerely, Mike
@trinale (1479)
• United States
29 Apr 11
Hi Homemaker! Being a retired, partially disabled vet myself (Retired after 24 years in Air Force - 2002), I know where you're coming from and I know where you want to be. The myLotters you will meet here are a bunch of GREAT people and the vast majority of them will be plugging their favorite opportunities but I'm pretty sure very few of them, if any will be what you are looking for. I got a big grin when you listed some of the programs you tried out before. The ones where you get to participate in motivational speeches from your upline(s) who are expert salespersons who can sale igloos to eskimoes, right? They try to keep you inspired to keep buying into what they're selling and asking you to hit your relatives, friends, co-workers and in your case, probably even past out a few business cards while you're waiting in the VA clinic. Reminds me of my first attempt at MLM back in the 80's with AMWAY! Whoooo! I get the heebee-geebees just thinking about that! What you want to look into is finding one or two (for starters) residual affiliate income programs to promote. These programs allow you to sell other people's products or services that require a monthly fee. As you get customers to sign up, the companies (or persons) will pay you a percentage of the monthly fee every month the customer continues to use their product or service. Since the majority of these programs require you to be a paying member also, what I always suggest to everyone is to find a product you can use yourself, that way you aren't loosing anything. I recommend this method because you are not going to be earning any profits realistically for months unless you're really good at promoting. An excellent example of a service you could use that literally millions of others are interested in is web hosting. There are thousands and thousands of new people coming online every month looking to earn an income. The serious people who want to earn online will learn quickly they will need their own domain name because the free hosting services are a flag for the savvy internet surfers. When I see web sites promising me that I can earn $100, $500 or $1,000 dollars a month with their program hosted by a free hosting company, the first question that comes to my mind is "if they are earning that much, why don't they have their own domain?" SCAMMER? Fly-by-Nigther? I keep moving. Right now, I am creating a simple, methodical system for growing an income online based on what I've learned over the past 10 years or so of off-and-on online marketing as a part-time affiliate marketer. I work a full-time job right now but want to retire earlier than most and have an income slightly larger than my military retirement. I sent you a friend request and will shoot you a private email explaining it to you if you accept. Don't worry, I won't be trying to sell you anything! I'll just be starting you on your internet marketing journey. :) Cheers, Stan
@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
30 Apr 11
Well it seems you have tried a lot of things. No big checks though, that could be a problem. Have you ever heard of Mentoring For Free? They teach you skills you can apply into any MLM. Might be worth a shot, work on yourself a little bit, of course it could be stuff you already know, hard for me to say. It is free though, and the skills you learn are worth the time you invest. How much exactly does an arm and a leg cost? Sincerely and With Appreciation.