Do u like a six pack boyfriend ?

May 7, 2011 5:08am CST
Do u like ur boyfriend to have a six pack nice body? I personally like it very much i think is a plus points for guys to have a nice body.Its a turn on for me.Imagine a handsome face without a nice body..... Such a waste. What do u think?
7 responses
• Philippines
9 May 11
Yeah, that's nice for the eyes to see but that's not my type. I love always look on the character not the physical side. Lucky that I have one with both.
• Singapore
9 May 11
u r a lucky gal
@lyamsitiy (104)
• Philippines
7 May 11
I don't like well build muscles for my boyfriend. Six pack don't really have an effect on me. I actually want my boyfriend to be not that well toned and definitely not skinny nor fat. For me the plus points would be smelling good. I really like men who smells so good because they look like they're clean and you would not think twice to hug them. :)
• Singapore
7 May 11
yeah looking clean cut is also a plus point for guys. Awww how i wish i have a bf who has the both quality
@la_chique (1498)
7 May 11
I agree. Guys should always take care of themselves. I try to do my bit too. I keep an eye on my calorie intake and get to the gym whenever I can.
• Singapore
7 May 11
yaeh i try to keep the tummy away from me too
• United States
7 May 11
It would be nice but I don't care if my boyfriend has one or not. He doesn't right now but it doesn't matter to me =)
@jpaxxx21 (170)
• Singapore
7 May 11
personally, i don't like a guy to look that way. it makes me think he is vain. and he would probably end up being too busy trying to look good & have no more time for me:( i don't like vain guys.
• Singapore
7 May 11
For me i also dont like vain guys, i like guys to be have six pack cos maybe he look more macho,sporty.mabe he will be more health conscious than me.
• Philippines
7 May 11
Girls can always say "I like six pack boyfriend with a handsome face" but that is only a physical appearance what attracts the most is their inner self where they will not only sweep off your feet with their appearance but with how they make you fall for love and captivated with the way they make their words true... For me, it doesn't matter how you look like or whatsoever its what how you make me feel like a woman...
• Indonesia
7 May 11
I like it but it's not important point of man or boyfriend