Are actors and professional Athletes paid too much for their work?

@lou_is (665)
May 25, 2011 11:19am CST
I say yes for this because i know that they have their tallent because of that they are in such position. But it is not mean that they are everything and we should pay more to them. They just entertain us and they work to get the pay and they lead their life. I am not blaming them, i am not hating those actors and athletes but i am opposing about the pay that hasbeen paying for their work. What they have done to the nation or to their states or to their villages? which made us to pay more to them? I didn't understand this concept. So if you know then explain me briefly.
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6 responses
@jambi462 (4576)
• United States
25 May 11
OH YEAH!!! actors and athletes get paid wayyyyyyyyyyyy too much. When a single person can make more money then you in one day then you can make in 5-10 years they are definitely making too much money. Some athletes salaries you could cut in half and they would still be making more then 10,000,000 dollars each year. Of course they do entertain us but seriously I don't see how any one person could need that much money. Athletes and actors aren't the only ones that are taking way too much money. There is so much stupid stuff that human kind as a whole pays for and we need to stop and really just analyze proper ways to bring back a stable economy. In stead of cutting the ridiculous spending like making cars, making the rich richer, building more roads, drilling for more oil, we cut all of the funding from things that we truly NEED like hospitals, schools, and farming. I think that if we could maybe cut down on our reliance of material possessions we could make another drastic step forward into making this ridiculous system of economics actually work the way it was intended too.
@lou_is (665)
• India
25 May 11
I don't know why the government is not taking care of this kind of situations. At least athletes and actors can do fewer by donating that money to the hospitals or to the orphanages, to the poor families so that at least one family will come out of the poverty line. But they won't do such things because they look for money and won't help to any one. May one or two will do help that is also once or twice in their life time!!!!
@ravisivan (14079)
• India
25 May 11
It is only their luck that gets them higher pay than what normal people get. If u look at the way things go on in our society -- a man who puts in hard labour is paid low wages where a man who puts less hard labour but treated as creative is paid more. that is why cricketers are getting paid more. we are not paying more to them directly and through fans like us who pay large amounts they get more money from club and production companies. This will continue. In the earlier years the difference was not much. But nowadays these people are paid in crores whereas we get in thousands. Earlier we were paid in tens and they were getting in lakhs. That is the difference. No definite answer except luck and luck which helps. we are seeing only the successful ones who make a lot of money. Anticipating for this thousands of people have tried and are not getting even one thousandth of what these people get --I mean cinema extras, players in games other than cricket and that too playing for clubs etc. have a good day.
@lou_is (665)
• India
25 May 11
Hi ravisivan, nowadays it became common situation for us to see paying to the actors and to the professional athletes crores of huge money. Simply we are waisting the money for nothing. Of course for us entertainment is required but it should not exceed the limit.
@stealthy (8181)
• United States
25 May 11
Yes, they are. Why shouldn't scientists or astronauts or inventors get paid as well. Sure there are a few that do but they are the exceptions and it is usually because they become the head of some company or something. The ones that toil away in the lab need to recognized with high pay, too.
@tlb0822 (1410)
• United States
25 May 11
I agree. That a lot of actors/actresses/athletes are paid high amounts. It is a lot of money. I think that yes it is great to have a talent and to share it with people, but getting paid like that is a little bit outrageous. Then when they do have all that money, and later get mad that they aren't making more and more...they just come off greedy. Its like your already rich, and famous.. what more do you really want? Then there are a lot of them who just have money, money, money, and don't even help those around them. Its sad really.
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
25 May 11
I think they are over paid when you think about how hard other people work for much less. They do have the disadvantage of not having a private life though and I guess that is why they get paid the big bucks. Plus they are more well known then regular people, but I think that they do get paid way to much for the amount of work that they do.
@leonsan (49)
25 May 11
YES it's alright having a talent, let's even say in some cases a unique talent, but have a shred of decency to go with it. All that money, and so much junk to spend it on, sounds, well, it sounds naff actually :( All things in moderation. I love the hypocritical ones who say "Let's raise money for the starving millions in wherever or whatever, let's do a concert/whatever and get everybody else to buy tickets to come and see us perform, let's call it EGO-AID!" Why not go and write out a PERSONAL cheque? Contribute your OWN money for once you cheapskates? and give us the added bonus of not having to watch you! Or better still, look at the poverty in your own countries and try and help them, without a concert/whatever !
@lou_is (665)
• India
25 May 11
Friend you are correct. I also agree that they have that talent so that is not mean that they are everything to me or to us. They are also human beings and they also came from the same situations that what we faced before or now may be. Rather than waisting the money to those guys we can use it to poor and misery people who will come out of the poverty line even from that a family will lead their life easily.