What Music Do You Use to Gaga-Proof Your Children?

@mythociate (21437)
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
May 28, 2011 6:35pm CST
I think, Agapeland-music (I don't remember a lot of the songs, only "Have Patience. Have Patience. Don't be in such a hurry. When you get ... Impatient, ... you only start to worry. Remember. Remember ... That God is patient to---- and---- think ... of all the times when others have to wait for you." (That, and (maybe) "I've got that Joy Joy Joy Joy down in my heart. Where? Down in my heart. Where? Down in my heart.") Get lots of Agapeland (that's 'uh-GAW-pay'-land) music, and prefer it to any other kind of music. And your kids will be Gaga-proof ... oh, they'll still be amazed by Lady Gaga's undeniable Awesomeness; but they won't worship anything different because of it. Agree? Why or Why not? And what is YOUR suggestion for Gaga-proofing your kids?
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6 responses
• United States
29 May 11
i don't care for GaGa myself thankfully my kids are grown. It's funny how she says she accepts herself for who she is while she parades around in costumes trying to pretend to be someone else...trying to find herself... lots of pain behind her eyes... I remember agapeland though. There was another song on that "record" (lol!) "Once I had a knot in my shoe and it would not come loose, I tried and tried and pried and pried but it would not come loose I got so mad I kicked the door and stubbed my little toe - oh I wish I could learn a little bit of self control... self control is just controlling myself..." loved those as well as antshilvania.
@mythociate (21437)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
4 Jun 11
Yeah, the human mind is a vicious virus to the human body, violently trying to manipulate it into everything the mind imagines; and Lady Gaga is a very imaginative mind! True, she IS only human; it's a shame we compare her to other humans, but whatev The pain is probably leftover from the fact that she can't he everything-she-imagines ALL AT ONCE.
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@dawnald (85135)
• Shingle Springs, California
31 May 11
I don't bother to try. They have their own minds.
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@hari1111 (238)
• New Zealand
29 May 11
I am not a parent, but I suggest instead of you trying to proof your child, let them learn for themselves what is wrong with gaga. Basic thing I learned the other day, people learn by experience not only by theory that this is bad or unacceptable. It may be a bit painful, but if your child can make the right decisions with a bit of guidance from you, then she should be doing the same for everything in her life. :) This may have not been helpful, but I hope it serves as a bit of food for thought.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
30 May 11
I am not so sure that there is a music that can GaGa proof the kids..lol..I don't mind them listening to the music..it's the videos that would bother me if my girls were younger.
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• United States
28 May 11
Mine are old enough to listen to Lady Gaga, but neither care for her much so no issues here. lol My boyfriends daughter comes to visit for a month from England and being 11 we prefer she not listen to Lady Gaga so we keep her busy the whole month with activities so she is not expose to her at all. Now when she is home, well that is another story and although I believe she is not allowed she definitely does. Reason why I know is that every now and again upon her arrival she is humming to Lady Gaga songs. lol We limit her while she is here on what she can view and it is usually just Nickelodeon but very limited too. Yeah she will continue to adore and worship, I am sure of that simply because of her humming tunes. lol
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• India
29 May 11
she is a good singer but her acts acts are not good she says we're born naked but read ur holy books it doesnt say live that way
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