How many children do you want to have???

June 12, 2011 1:04am CST
Even if i am Pro RH Bill in the Philippines ( a law that is under deliberation in the house in the Philippines regarding population management in the Phils.) I still appreciate a couple having more than 2 children (but not more than 5). Maybe if i just got married now and i still young to have kids, i prefer to have 3 more to make all my children 4 in all. I love kids, and its lovely to stay with them around in the house. As they grow bigger and bigger, you can feel more the love you have given to them when they are little. What about you? What is your ideal number of children?
14 responses
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
12 Jun 11
whether pro-RH-Bill or anti-RH-Bill... majority of the people here in the Philippine City at least 2 childrens... majority of the people here in the Philippine Provinces at least 7 childrens...
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
13 Jun 11
i want 4 kids, not minimum and not maximum its an average
• Philippines
13 Jun 11
Yes, in the Philippines people, it is merrier to have a big family. But we all know that there are advantaqge and disavantages of that. But as long as we can give them the needs and sometimes wants they want to have, it would be okey. You did not say how many do you want? What about you?
12 Jun 11
children are God`s gift. I am happy with as much as God give, number of children dos`t matter.
• Philippines
13 Jun 11
Oh yeah good answer, I think you are right with that. A life is a God's gift, for us parents it will be our responsibility to nurture if a new life is coming to the family!
@lady1993 (27225)
• Philippines
12 Jun 11
I just want 2 or 3 children...I agree, having more than 5 children is not really ideal, unless you have so much money. And when you have a few children, you can give more of your love t them and you can take care of them better.
• Philippines
12 Jun 11
Hey, the more the merrier! hahaah
@jhudy101 (373)
• Philippines
12 Jun 11
My ideal number is 2. lucky enough if its a girl and a boy...but 3 as my maximum. having a kid is not a simply as giving birth itself if the word giving birth is real simple hehe coz all moms would object. Well responsibilities doesnt end on just giving birth. so it is better to have a number of kids planned. parenthood is not just a simple word. it goes with a lot of responsibilities or the so called responsible parenthood. Have i been rich and able i might go for four or five for i am sure i can have them and their future secured but since i am not that..i would go for what i can :) and that is going for a limit :)
@seobuzz (1120)
• India
12 Jun 11
I would like to maximum of three and minimum of three children. With perfect mix of sons and daughters. But you must agree how children brought up cost has risen during last few years. Proper education, food, and other facilities needs lots these days.
@julyeth (60)
• Philippines
12 Jun 11
Me, 4 is enough , if more than that maybe i can't sustain their needs. especially now if your living here in the Philippines, life is so hard..
• Philippines
12 Jun 11
Yah, i know life is so hard and we want to give our children the things they needed. The older they get the bigger their needs then.:)
• United States
12 Jun 11
I could go for three, as long as I get twins. It's kind of funny actually, I never wanted kids until recently. I guess several things come with maturity. I'd totally never want more than three, unless they were really spaced out. But I hear being pregnant sucks, so I don't know how many times I could go through that.
• Philippines
12 Jun 11
Yes, nice number. I think you are getting matured now and you changed a little of your life perspective wherein you like to love. In some Psychology books, it says there that your needs differ as your age mature, from infancy to adulthood.
@kkanaka (886)
• Singapore
13 Jun 11
I already have 2, dont want anymore, cannot think of the horrible nightmare of giving birth anymore.... after they cut me open to get my son out.... so for me two is enough....
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
14 Jun 11
I have no ideal number. I'd have as many as my wife wanted. I'm guessing we would have many kids. But then, I don't have a wife, or any plans for one. So who knows?
• Philippines
12 Jun 11
3...or 4, I would want to have that much children...but that's just me though because I agree with you and I came from a big family so I guess having it small would be new to me and I know the happiness bro's and sis's brings....they also help us to know how to adjust our selves in relating to people outside the family...
@tink91879 (742)
• United States
12 Jun 11
I would love to have 5. I have two now my daughter is 8 and my son is 5. We tried having a third three years ago and even after fertility help have not concived. Its heart breaking since I feel like ppl are missing from my life. I love my children even when they argue. They bring a lot of joy. I feel if your able to care for them than there is no problem in having more children. Its just not fair though when ppl have kids they can not afford and expect others to help them out on everything. Kids are a wonderful blessing from God. Hopefully you will be able to grow your family someday.
• Philippines
13 Jun 11
My ideal number of children is 2. I believe in RH Bill. A parent should be responsible for every child that he has welcomed into this world. The moment a child is born, the commitment in bringing him up is all yours. You need to provide him not only materially but morally. You also have to secure his future, what about his studies? If you have lots of children, and even though you are earning so much, with the very high tuition fees of the best schools, you might not afford it. You can love your children more if they are not many, and they will bring back that love to you.
• Philippines
12 Jun 11
i have a 2 month old baby girl right now and i'm a single mom. residing in the philippines too.:) AND pro Rhbill too. lol anyway, for me i don't think i'm gonna have more kids in the future but if i am in a better position, i am willing to have 3. and i want at least one boy. haha i grew up with four sisters and no brothers so yea, i'd like to experience taking care of a baby boy. :)
@leigabs (40)
• Philippines
12 Jun 11
I can live with two and three at the most. I came from a big family. We're six. I have four sister and a brother and while I truly love my siblings very much, I want to keep my own just enough so that I can really focus on each one of them and give everything they need. I guess we're lucky that even though we're a big bunch, our parents did a great job in taking care of us. It's a constant issue though that since we're six, most of the time, our parents can't give everything we fancies. In current situation, in my opinion, unless you're really making a whole lot sum of money, one cannot afford to have a decent big family. With the prices of basic commodities, education, etc. going up, with even both parents working it can't be enough.
• Philippines
13 Jun 11
I only have 1 child...a girl. I would like to have 1 more. A boy preferably, but I wouldn't mind having another girl if that is God's will. But my husband and I have decided to hold off on our wish for another child until we are more settled financially. It is such a big responsibility. Anyway, we have a year more to decide on whether we will go for another kid or not since I will be turning 39 this year. For now, we are fine with just 1. :)