Website to promote your writing?

United States
June 14, 2011 9:37pm CST
Although I assume that there are many people who do this, I was just wondering if there is anyone out there who has set up a website to promote their writing? If so, then what kind of things do you include on your website to try to promote your writing?
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5 responses
• United States
15 Jun 11
Hi there, Yes I do have a widget in my blog and each time there is a new article for Triond my widget gets automatically updated. I also promote a great many to sites, like stumbleupon, delicious. Twitter, facebook, etc... The main articles I routinely write I do not promote as they are specifically assinged to me for brand new websites, in which I get a fee per article.
• United States
17 Jun 11
That is pretty cool. I had never even thought about using stumbleupon before. Perhaps I will give this a try with some of my own work. It couldn't hurt anything to put some work on there. Thanks for the comment.
• Philippines
15 Jun 11
my posts also get automatically sent to facebook so that more people can read and also on mylot :D
• United States
17 Jun 11
Marketing yourself on facebook is a good idea. I do this every now and then with some of my writing. I just try not to do it too often. I am afraid that I would start to annoy some people if I put too many status updates up about my writing alone.
@ravisivan (14079)
• India
16 Jun 11
I have my blogsite. It is for the benefit of people appearing for examinations. People come, spread words and more people visit. another option is to visit others blogs, comment so that they also visit yours
@Arkine (216)
• United States
15 Jun 11
I just purchased my domain name and activated it this morning, but I haven't added any content to the site, yet. When I do add content, it will be excerts from the books (and links to purchase them), short stories (in full or partial) and a little information about me. I might also put some current projects and/or up coming releases. I'll probably have some kind of feedback or comment forum as well. Don't know if that's what you were looking for, but I hope it helps. :)
15 Jun 11
I used to write a lot of poetry on a site called 'Writers Network' where you can share and view others work as well. It's mainly for poetry BUT.. I have seen a few stories, lyrics and articles around on there. It also has many users and is brilliant for feedback :)