John Has More Potent Supplies To Treat His Leg

@Janey1966 (24170)
Carlisle, England
July 1, 2011 6:58am CST
Just to clear something up if I may; John DOES have eczema on his leg so any sufferers out there can identify (probably) with what I'm about to say. Now, John went back to see the Nurse Practitioner this morning as the leg has been bothering him again, despite treatment. Apparently, washing the area in normal soap is NO GOOD which is the reason why he's been having problems. So, here are the items John has to treat his eczema second time round. First up, a dedicated Aqueous Cream (he has 5 x 100g tubes of this) to use as soap. As far as the instructions go he can only use it on the affected area. This wasn't prescribed to him the last time so I'm hoping it will help. Can anyone suggest something he can use for the rest of his body as Dove is obviously no good for him? He has the usual emollient cream (big 500g tub) that he's had before but the major difference this time is the steroid cream. It is more potent than the last lot so no drugs are needed. It is called Fucibet cream that has fusidic acid and betamethasone in it. He has to apply this twice a day. I have mentioned getting a repeat prescription and I reckon he will be able to once all this stuff runs out. Fortunately, he doesn't have to pay for any of it, due to other medication he is on. Isn't it ironic (after all the problems I have trying to get John to wash himself) that SOAP is responsible for his latest flare-up! Are you familiar with any of the treatments I've mentioned? Where do you get eczema on your body? How do you cope with it?
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6 responses
• United States
1 Jul 11
Wow amazing that we use soap daily and some do not feel any side effect while others do as some can be allergic. I can imagine, of course hence after the fact that the soap was the culprit because most bath soaps have fragrances and can irritate wounds and sores at times. Just amazing on how this is discovered. Yes I am familiar with the treatments you mentioned and have heard of several people using some of them for different types of reason. Now I wonder if John will say, and you wanted me to wash. Kidding, but I am very glad he is getting the necessary treatments and that he does not have to pay for them. Hopefully this now will be cleared up soon.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
2 Jul 11
He would wash his leg but nothing else such is his annoying "lack of hygiene" habit.
@jameygc (452)
• United States
1 Jul 11
I read that the shea butter is really great to treat eczema. But not a cream of she butter but the raw she butter. You can find it online. Is pure with no colorants or fragrances. I want to buy some for my father. He has psoriasis and I think the shea butter will help him. I also want to buy some for me, for stretch marks. I recently wrote an article about all the benefits of she butter. I really think you should try it.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
2 Jul 11
Smells gorgeous too from what I can gather.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
1 Jul 11
My one son in law also has was horrible when I first met him but he is on some medication that has cleared his up! Part of the problem they said was an yellow cheese....but he got on new meds and it's so great to see him not suffering with all the scaley skin etc!
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
2 Jul 11
From what I can gather John has never been tested for allergies he may or may not have, so it's interesting what you say there. I guess, if the creams, etc, don't work in the long-term this may be an option at the docs. Mum once had the same condition on her neck. Whenever she used certain perfumes her neck would flare up. She had to use similar creams to clear it up but she can only use one perfume on it..O De Lancome by Lancome, that's been going for many years. Anything else is a no-no.
@picjim (3002)
• India
1 Jul 11
I like my predecessor would suggest you try some natural methods of treatment.My elder son right from the first few days of his birth had this problem.We were told to apply betamethasone cream diluted in moisturising solution.My son had dry skin and continues to have it to this day but it has reduced to an extent that is negligible.We would apply petroleum jelly in winters when the problem was more severe and as the climate in Hyderabad,India is dry.What I've noticed is that with age it comes down.The soap we applied was glycerin based and here in India, it is called Pears. It is manufactured by Hindusthan Unilever.We advise our son to rub moisturising solution everyday and his problem now is only dry skin in winters with no trace of Eczema.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
2 Jul 11
Pears has been going for years here in the UK (originated there) so I shall take a look..although soap is a no-no for John. If it's suitable we shall get some though.
@sulsisels (1685)
• United States
3 Jul 11
Hi Janey Go to your messages.You may or may not have seen this article on treating eczema. I can't just send you the url because my computer has dropped that whole command line and I have not yet figured out how to get it back. I am using IBM Lynx and it isso different Love ya..Joyce... Hope it helps
• Canada
1 Jul 11
Well what do you know!! Now he's gonna tell you that its your fault because you made him wash There is eczema in my family and we all wash nonetheless and yes we use soap. I was find using DOVE for a while but Ive noticed that when I eat tomatoes or too much sweets, it flares up. So I use Canus Goat Milk Soap and it does clear. Im sending you a link. My brother had it very bad when he was younger. He has asthma and apparently those two come together at times. My mom was using Mazon Medicated Cream on him and it cleared. Sending you a link for this also. When I bought some products on sales last week, on their site, they mention that they have a cream for eczema and its recommended by the Canadian Eczema something lol. Im going to send you a link for this also. Hope he manages to get rid of it. Try to see what he might be drinking or eating that might be responsible for the flare up. CANUS GOAT MILK SOAP: MAZON CREAM: ECZEMA CREAM: Hope it helps!
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
2 Jul 11
Ta very much for those helpful links. As from (Saturday now) we're gunning for healthier food options so it will be interesting to see if the lack of processed food helps him out!