Haunted by my Past

@Masihi (4413)
July 7, 2011 9:33pm CST
It's really depressing me, I'm constantly being haunted by a past online affair I had years ago, but never truly got over the person. Long story short, he said all the right words to me, had me doing things for him online, and I fell for him hard. He knew I was married, but pursued me relentlessly with sweet words, which sucked me into a 2-year online affair that ended in total distrust and heartbreak. He then wanted to be friends, but continued with mind games and verbal abuse, and after a couple of years of "ignore" games I blocked him completely. I know I said that I was finally free type thing, but my mental state is still vulnerable. I know in reality I'll never even let him be friends with me, the past is too painful. Every day I think about him, not sexually, those feelings are gone, but other stuff, like memories, and his name, that sort of thing. I've tried every mental gymnastic trick I can think of, prayed to G-d, sought support from friends and Hubby, but nothing worked. I feel like I'm stuck in a mental cage of guilt and regret and mental torture. I've repented, came clean with Hubby, prayed, what else can I do? There's no picture, video, connection, nothing, everything has been blocked and deleted. Even on this laptop, it's a newer laptop, and I never communicated with him using this one here. Physical memories have been wiped clean. I feel like I'm between a rock and a hard spot. Perhaps G-d is punishing me anyway, for getting involved with the idiot. Perhaps Nature has its own way of healing. I dunno. I've even read an article about other women going through the same thing, calling the thought process an addiction. I've focused my energy on my family, my online earning, cut off chat rooms, even an old messenger service. I'm much more careful nowadays in dealing with men online, as in my mind, they're mainly all the same anyway. Ya, I know, I"m cynical. But I seriously need to protect myself. Maybe it's because I've never loved Hubby and vice versa, since the situation of our marriage is unusual for the Western society. We have starting working out issues, especially since I've confessed to Hubby, I suppose he's realised the potential of what could've happened, to some degree. Please don't judge me, guys, I need to hear from others who's been in a similar situation. I can't live my life like this anymore. I need a life, a REAL life, I'm stuck. *sigh* Why does life have to be a b!tch at times?
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6 responses
@maean_19 (4655)
• Philippines
8 Jul 11
I fee sad that you have gone through that. More or less, you are doing the right thing now. Continue focusing yourself on other things. That haunting will be gone if you faithfully asking guidance from God. Family has to be your priority and not that past. Just let it all out or perhaps find someone whom to share that issue if you can't share it to your husband. Releasing it may help you get out of the nightmare.
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@maean_19 (4655)
• Philippines
8 Jul 11
That is good my dear. At least, you earned your hubby's trust, which is sometimes difficult. His trust for you would be your best shield and motivation to free yourself from that bad memories. Keep your focus!
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
8 Jul 11
Thank you, that's what I'm truly trying to do now :-)
@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
8 Jul 11
Oh, I've confessed to Hubby, that's one reason why he's willing to try to make things work. And ya, it's certainly comforting having a Higher Power to talk to, it's like you don't have to bear this burden all alone type thing. Our family is my #1 priority already, in my other discussions I talk about all kinds of good stuff that we do together as a family.
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@dfollin (24306)
• United States
8 Jul 11
I have never been in that situation.I never had an affair on or off line.I can only say is to keep praying to God for an answer to your situation. Also,you say that you and your husband do not love each other and never have.You said that you want a real life.Then maybe you should consider divorcing your husband.Maybe that's why you fell for this other person.I don't think you fell in love with him persay,you fell in love with the idea of really being in love. Good luck
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
8 Jul 11
We did talk about divorce but chose to instead work out our issues, and we've come a long ways in our relationship because of our decision to stay together. He's a dedicated husband and father and doesn't want to give up so easily, and now, a couple of years later, after our "coming clean" to each other I feel the same way. Yes, you're right, I was exactly in love with the idea of being in love.
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@dfollin (24306)
• United States
8 Jul 11
Yes,divorce is not always the answer,but I just thought it might work for you because of you all not being in love.I hope that you all can work things out.Him willing to work on it sure helps. I supposed just seriously keep trying to work on your marriage and keep praying to God also. And keep those hobbies going.
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
8 Jul 11
There's something about the idea of having a Higher Power to look to, that's really comforting, it's like I don't have to bear the burden myself type thing. :-)
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
10 Jul 11
You want to be rid of thoughts of this guy? Write him a letter, tell him what you told us here, what you think of him, how he hurt you, how much you want to be rid of him. Write down all the toxic thoughts you have, everything, and tell him good bye and good riddance. Then have a ritualistic burning of the letter..
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
10 Jul 11
Ya, sounds good, I know he knows how I feel, especially last going off of our so-called friendship. I guess time will heal....slowly........very, verrrry sloooowwwwwlyyyyyy....
@gelay07 (588)
• Philippines
8 Jul 11
you know what, you have to deal first personal issues before you can move on. consider yourself lucky because you have a husband and kids. sometimes people tend to forget what they have and you should be thankful for what you have. never allow that online relationship ruin what you have. you just dont know how important they are until theyre not there anymore. count your blessings.
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
8 Jul 11
What makes you think that' I'm not thankful? I'm endeavouring to put the past behind, and I think this is all pyschological and partly my personality. But I do know I'm not going to go down this route again. I've learned my lesson big time.
• Philippines
8 Jul 11
just think that if one thing that really bothered you all you need to do is to talk with our heavenly father that is the best cure to your problem im sure he will comfort you
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
8 Jul 11
Aye, I have prayed to G-d a good many times, well....take life one day at a time, I suppose...
@Aryna120 (30)
• Malaysia
8 Jul 11
At least I am glad to know that you come clean with it. Like mine, I can't come clean with my bf about my
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
8 Jul 11
Ya, it's a very tricky situation, and it can happen too easily. That's why now I'm super-careful around men because I don't want to fall for anyone else anymore, it's too emotionally draining, and I have depression/anxiety disorder, so the feelings just naturally intensifies for those of us struggling with mental illness. I need to protect myself.