Wishing to continue schooling.

July 14, 2011 8:28pm CST
Every class opening I get to envy those who get busy preparing for school. I really wanted to go back becoming a student again, waking up early for school, take down notes, participating in class, doing assignments and many more. 6 years ago, I used to study in one of the best school in Davao City. I was an average student who was very active in the class. I would participate, excelling in some areas and just doing good when it comes to numbers (hehehehe). I was more into debate but not really the best. I had numbers of friends in college mostly those famous student in the school. I experienced a lot of "first" in my college: going to clubs,becoming tipsy and wasted, sleeping to other houses,not paying in the canteen(pssssst), having rumble outside,being in a relationship, etc. I find college very amazing and challenging but when my parents got separated, everything went down. I became moody, lifeless and empty. Eventually, I stopped and never went back to school. If I only didn't allow myself to be affected that much, I would have been a degree holder this time. I could have been SOMEBODY. However I think I've learned and got over already. And next year if not this next semester, I really plan to study again and reach my dreams.
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5 responses
• Philippines
4 Apr 12
It's good that at least you realize you mistakes. You can study again. It is neve to late to study again. I admire you for liking the things we do in school like taking down notes and waking up early and participating in class. I hate it but you like it so I admire you for it.
• United States
1 Apr 12
The important thing is that you decided to go back. I started college 7 years ago. I was a straight A student, and then had a family situation that made me leave. I regretted it everyday. A year ago I decided to go back. Now I attend my classes everyday, achieve high grades, and even became involved with the Honor Society. I love being back in school. To be honest, I am glad that I waited to go back now. I realize that I am more mature. My party days are over and I focus more on my classes. I think that you will find that you will fall right back into place. It is a great experience and I wish you the best of luck.
@rameshchow (4426)
• India
16 Jul 11
Time is so valuable. Time in the college life is so much valuable. Time with the friends in the classroom is so funny. But the career is ultimate. To make our career bright we have to use the college time, read well, get good position in the society..
• China
22 Aug 11
i couldnt agree with u more....the schooling time is so memorable and it will give u more than u can imagine,im lucky because im gonna start my life in school again,its my dream,for which i have given up a lot..but i never regret, its worth it...anyway..if u really wish to study again,and u cant get rid of the idea from ur mind,, u should go for it.....
• China
16 Oct 11
Try to just get over it,forget&forgive.u canoot become really successful if ur vulnerable and fragile.Others r not important to u.Yet,they r your parents,why not persuade yourself just let your family gather together again?And be yourself again.