We thought you were coming over to visit

@savypat (20216)
United States
July 17, 2011 12:37pm CST
Yesterday, Hubby and I rushed around, cleaned the bathroom, through the trash under the beds, even washed the kitchen floor and made ice tea. Well we waited and waited all day and no one showed. So Hubby finally called and somehow the message had gotten mixed up. What a let down. Finally after the disapointment cooled I told Hubby well at least we got things cleaned up around here for a change. During the Summer we live outside, that is where all our work goes, so the house is a mess, and that's just the way it is, there is only so much two old people can do. In the Fall we will change our efforts to the insides. But expecting guests and then not having them show up was a disapointment to both of us. That's life.
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10 responses
@marguicha (216950)
• Chile
18 Jul 11
I understand your disappointment if your guests did not show up. Fortunatly I can have my house in working order for visitors every day, but I live in the city so it´s a lot different. Now I am knitting houseshoes for visitors as I don´t want them to bring soiled shoes into the house while I´m on chemo. It seems that defenses go dow a lot and I want everything very clean. Now that I´m ill and mostly at home, I have the pleasure of having guests almost every day. They just have to follow some extra sanitary rules and that´s all.
@GardenGerty (158149)
• United States
18 Jul 11
If you are counting on visitors it is disappointing, but I would say that you are being extra accommodating. It also seems that you are taking charge of any thing that you can in your life while you fight this illness.
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@marguicha (216950)
• Chile
18 Jul 11
I just have to keep my fingers crossed that the chemo will work. I can´t do anything about it. So I must keep my mind as busy as I can on what I can do. Fortunatly I have an army of friends fighting with me. I clearly don´t deserv the people that have always surrounded me.
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@chookie1971 (2271)
• Australia
18 Jul 11
I have felt that way too. But the positive side of things is at least your house is cleaned. I've recently had a birthday lunch with friends. Some friends said yes that they were coming. I waited and waited but they never showed and not even a message or phone call. I was so disappointed but I did look on the bright side of things. The few that turned up, I thank so much as I feel that they are my real friends.
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@GardenGerty (158149)
• United States
18 Jul 11
It seems like our attention goes one way or another, depending on the season and on other demands. Even young people cannot keep up at times, or in my case, oldish person does not even want to keep up.
@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
18 Jul 11
I'm so sorry, that had to be disappointing. At least it wasn't in vain. You were able to clean up somewhat so that had to feel good. I know for me when I clean my house completely in one day I feel happy at what I accomplished. Even though in the back of my mind I'm thinking how long is the cleasiness going to last. LOL LOL
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@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
18 Jul 11
Don't be sad if the expected guests didn't show up. At least you get to clean your place well. At least, when they do decide to really come , you don't have to tire yourselves cleaning the house again, that you won't have the stamina to entertain them anymore.
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@QeeGood (1213)
• Sweden
17 Jul 11
It is a balance when to master a disappointment, when people say they'll come but do not do it. It was good you had your home cleaned up. However when you have the anticipation for having people on a visit your imagination for having a happy time is not fulfilled it feels bad. As they say, that's life. New times and new opportunities. Have a wonderful day!
2 people like this
• United States
17 Jul 11
That can be a big let-down, especially if you had prepared your home in anticipation of someone visiting you. At least you can take a bit of comfort in the fact that it was a 'message mix-up' and they didn't just change their mind's about coming over and failed to inform you. And as you mentioned, you at least freshened your home up a bit ... so if anyone else should call, you and your hubby will be ready to rock n roll!
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
20 Jul 11
I hate to expect guests and them not show up. Waiting is no fun. I do appreciate a phone call if the plans change. I think that most everyone likes to straighten up a little more before guests come over. I would have been disappointed too.
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@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
20 Jul 11
It is very rare for us to have guests at our house, but we do have guests stop by from time to time. One thing that I've realized is that I don't need to make special effort to clean up for guests that I am expecting because when I do that they seldom show up. Instead, I just try to do some cleaning on a daily basis and try to maintain the house in that way. If I devote a little bit of time to it every day, then I can keep the house clean.
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• Canada
19 Jul 11
Aww what a bummer!! I hate when this happens but .....at least you did some cleaning lol. But too bad you didnt get to see your guests. I had this happen one New Years day. I had cooked for 30 people and the tables were set, everything was ready and then we had this huge snowstorm and nobody showed up. Needless to say that I had to freeze all the food and a month later, they all came back. Its such a disappointment but maybe they'll be able to visit soon so you wont have to go through the cleaning all over again?
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