Is it bad habit? Sleeping in the afternoon

August 8, 2011 4:11am CST
I have seen most of the people sleep in the afternoon and even one day they cant sleep then their headache problems is arise. Yesterday my Mother in law cant sleep in the afternoon because guest was in our home. In the evening when they gone my mother in law was telling me ohhh no give me balm my head is paining. I tell her ohhh no you cant sleep today so this problem is arise then she said yes may be this reason. I have seen those people who are wake up early in the morning like 5 or 6 O'clock it is necessary to sleeping in the afternoon. But those who are not wake up till 7 O'clock like me not necessary sleeping in the morning. Me and my husband never sleep in the afternoon because we have lots of work. Classes are also running so it is impossible. I heard from my friend this is bad habit to sleeping in the afternoon but I think this is not bad habit. What you think share your views and your habit.
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55 responses
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
8 Aug 11
Hi Surkharathiji A light sleep in the afternoon is always healhty. When we are at jobs, we find it difficult to get our small naps during the day and due to this several lifestyle disorders happen with our health. For me, ever since I am at home, I almost always take a lighter sleep during the day - sometimes it is the medicines and sometimes it is me who has almost nothing to do
• India
8 Aug 11
Great nice light sleep is good really friend when we are busy in jobs or business it is very hard to sleep in the afternoon. Thanks for your nice response
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@voracious (624)
• Philippines
8 Aug 11
I don't see anything wrong in afternoon nap besides my parents are forcing me to have an afternoon nap when I was a kid and like other mylotter said it also reduces the risks of some diseases.
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• India
8 Aug 11
Ohhh nice parents are forcing you so you can sleep otherwise by your choice you dont want to sleep becuase you want to playing games hahaa... just joking. Yes I read the article from first response really it is helpful for reducing heart disease. But friend addicted is not good.
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• Philippines
8 Aug 11
Yes there are some consequences like they won't allow me to go outside or play with other kids.
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
9 Aug 11
hi surekharathi oh I do not think a short nap in the afternoon will be harmful but if one were to sleep all afternoon it might interfere with getting a good nights sleep that coming night. I am no doctor but I have read that some doctors say a long nap can interfere with sleep at night For one thing you are forgetting you and your husband are young while your mother in law is much older. maybe its good for older people to take a short nap in the afternoon., again I am sure no doctor.My habit is if I have not slept well at night I will take a short nap as when I take too long a nap then I will not sleep well that coming night.But thats just me.
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• India
10 Aug 11
Yes Madam you are right my MIL and FIL is older. So they should sleep because rest is necessary for them. My mother in laws not feeling well maximum time so I tell her please you should sleep for sometime. She is doing more and more fast so weakness if affected on her body. I love my MIL and FIL because without their no house.
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
8 Aug 11
No it is not a bad habit, to sleep in the afternoon. Actually, it is said that it elongates ones' life span. We have two sleep patterns, one in the evening and one in the afternoon, at 1:00-2:00 p.m. So that's why, we always would feel drowsy during that time, specially when you lack the number of hours slept in the evening. I catch up on lack of sleep on Saturday afternoon, when we have only a half day reporting to work.
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@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
9 Aug 11
My friend, you should have a good sleep at night too. If you have work at daytime, then make the most of your sleep at night. But if not, then make good of the two.
• India
8 Aug 11
Ohhh thanks friend to say this not bad habit. But we cant sleep but now I should change my habit thanks for response. Evening sleeping is not good but afternoon is good.
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@pbbbsra (1214)
• Philippines
8 Aug 11
I think for those who get up early, sleeping an hour or two in the afternoon is good to regain energy. But I don't like having siestas because it makes me stay up late at night.
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• India
10 Aug 11
Yes friend this is true who get up early they needs to sleep in the afternoon and after rest they regain more energy. Thanks for response.
@huilichan8 (1378)
• Singapore
9 Aug 11
No, according to news articles I have read online, studies have shown that taking a nap in the afternoon during lunch time is good, because it helps in productivity, etc.
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@shskumbla (3338)
• India
9 Aug 11
ohh., Thanks for the information. I thought its really bad to sleep in the afternoon. But healthy person should not sleep more than 8 hrs per day, right ? One must sleep less hrs in the night in order to sleep in the after noon...?
@arlerambabu (1079)
• India
9 Aug 11
A cat nap of short duration is said to be good for you. It keeps you alert and you will be rejuvenated. Any sleep more than 1 hour may disturb your night sleep.[b][/b]
• India
10 Aug 11
Thanks friend for response yes you are right A cat nap for short duration is good but if someone is addicted then problem may arise.
• United Arab Emirates
9 Aug 11
Hi Arle you are absolutely correct so perfect analysis with small words and it is practically prooved
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
11 Aug 11
Sometimes we need a nap. But, because there is something that keeps us from a nap, make us have to sleep in the afternoon. Something reasonable, when we need rest. According to ancient parents, sleeping in the afternoon, do not exceed five o'clock, not better, sleep more than five in the afternoon, except because of illness. Sleeping in the afternoon, not bad habits, if not exceed five o'clock, and for the purpose of rest, not for idleness.
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@jaiho2009 (39142)
• Philippines
8 Aug 11
dear sis, There is no harm having a nap in the afternoon. Most of the elders really like to have a nap in the afternoon. This is also good for small kids. Sometimes if I have spare time and I don't have much things to do,I take a nap in the afternoon too. One hour is enough,sometimes even half an hour is fine for me. have a good day sis jaiho®
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• India
8 Aug 11
Yes dear sis you are right 1 hour some time 1/2 an hour is also sufficient but some time if we cant sleep then if headache problem is arise then that is not good. I will change my habit. Thanks to share your view. Tell me please HWG friend is came back.
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
9 Aug 11
For me it is not bad if you sleep in afternoon about 30minutes then your whole afternoon is good energy and it can add to your life not bad.
@umabharti (3972)
• India
8 Aug 11
If it is a habit then it becomes a problem ,not everyone gets headache ,however if a tired peron when needs rest and sleeps for a while and is disturbed he or she will definetly get such problems. People who sleep early will get up early ,they do not need a sleep in the afternoons ,if they sleep in the afternoon then they will not be able to sleep early.
@umabharti (3972)
• India
8 Aug 11
yes as children in classes before first standard are given a afternoon nap in schools, it is because the age does matters .As they enter into new and higher classes they will have a routine as other standards. People who work whole day will not have time to take rest in the afternoon ,only the night sleep will be refreshing for them.However those who have different working time will sleep in odd times as the BPO or multinational companies do .The people should sleep in the day time so that they can work in the night shifts.
• India
8 Aug 11
Friend those are get up early they needs afternoon sleeping because after sleeping they feel energy is grows. Yes if person addicted then may be problem thanks for response.
@stanley777 (9402)
• Philippines
8 Aug 11
Having a quick nap especially after lunch is not a bad idea I guess.A nap or just closing your eyes even if you don't sleep keep us refresh during lunch break.It had an energizing effects on our body and for our tired eyes.
• Philippines
24 Aug 11
Taking a nap in regular basis is also good but don't overslept because you'll have a hard time going to sleep during night time.Half an hour a day I guess is just fine.
• India
8 Aug 11
Yes friend you are right if we sleep only for short time that is not bad. If only our eyes is closed then no problem but addicted for it not good. Thanks to short response.
@shskumbla (3338)
• India
9 Aug 11
According to me its Bad Habit. Every article about health says that 'Healthy person sleeps 8 hrs per day' I think sleeping in the afternoon will make you sleep less hrs. in the night. In stead of sleeping 5 or 6 hrs in the night and, to complete 8 hrs of sleeping duration, sleeping in the afternoon is not good I think.
@shskumbla (3338)
• India
10 Aug 11
ya..,You are right. I had some wrong information. I thought one must sleep 8hrs in the night for Good health. Thanks..
• United Arab Emirates
9 Aug 11
dear the minimum sleeping hours during the night is 6 and the maximum is 8 for good health and if possible take some rest after lunch is also good for health
@zerd87 (301)
• Philippines
9 Aug 11
Sleeping in the afternoon is not a bad habit. Especially to the people that wake up early in the morning. It is like resting in the afternoon to revitalize the energy needed. In order to cope up with the activities that needed to be done. I woke up around 8am and I never sleep in the afternoon. It is because I never felt tired or something. My problem is difficulty in falling asleep I cannot maintain may sleeping schedule due to my work.
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
16 Aug 11
Hi! Maybe your mother-in-law is used to sleeping in the afternoon and when she wasn't able to do that during that particular day, her body reacted to the change. It did not receive its usual afternoon rest so it reacted that way. I think afternoon naps are good for kids. It help them grow quickly. But for adults, I'm not sure if afternoon naps are good. But for those who lack sleep, afternoon naps are good. Those who do not lack sleep though, those who get complete sleep at night and still take a nap in the afternoon, I think it's bad. A friend of mine told me afternoon naps can hasten formation of fats in the body. So a person who takes afternoon naps gets fat easily. In my case, I don't sleep in the afternoon unless I did not get a complete sleep at night. I think it also has something to do with time. If I sleep later in the afternoon, like at 4 or 5PM, I don't feel so good. But if I sleep earlier like at 2PM and wake up at 3 or 4, then I feel good and rested.
• India
24 Aug 11
Friend means our habit is same I also not sleep in the afternoon. You are right if at night not sleep properly or completely then we need to sleep in afternoon otherwise not required. My mother in law wake up early in the morning 5am so she sleep in the afternoon. Thanks for response.
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• Australia
9 Aug 11
I can understand how it would mess with your body clock. I also choose to sleep the extra time in the morning instead of have a nap during the day. Each to their own tho, i think it could give you headaches if you are tired and messing with your routine sleeping habits!
• India
10 Aug 11
Means you are with me you are same person like me. Really we can sleep everyday in the afternoon so sleep extra time in the morning is good. Thanks for response.
8 Aug 11
I think a short nap in the afternoon is perfectly fine. I always take power naps in the afternoon as it helps to keep me refreshed throughout my day. Cheers.
• India
8 Aug 11
Ohhh really I read article which is provide in first response really I should change my habit. Thanks to say it is perfect sleeping in the afternoon.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
16 Aug 11
Power naps are great theonlyone123 especially when driving long distances. Sometimes I can shut my eyes for just 10 minutes and I wake up quite refreshed. I'm lucky I can fall asleep pretty much
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@sjvg1976 (41132)
• Delhi, India
9 Aug 11
Hello Surekha, Though i don't sleep in day but i feel its good for health to sleep in day because you get a rest from the tiredness and get fresh & relaxed when you wake up.You said it rightly as in all total sleep in a day for a normal person should be 8 hours and if a person don't take it in night then obviously he will feel sleepy in the day and if he sleeps in a day then nothing wrong with it because he is completing quota of the day.
• India
10 Aug 11
Yes friend lots of mylotter opinion are same it is good for health and after sleeping or rest some time we can feel fresh so it is good. Thanks for response
@thetis74 (1525)
9 Aug 11
What I know is that taking naps in the afternoon is good. An average adult only needs 6 hours of sleep a day and that over sleeping can cause headaches. I am not used to sleeping in the afternoon because I am a normally busy person. But although I try when I get sleepy I still can't sleep during noon time. Only so seldom and don't like the feeling hen I wake up.
• India
10 Aug 11
Yes friend mostly the person cant sleep because some are busy in their business some are busy in their office work. Only house wife can sleep in the afternoon. Thanks for response
@mark_413 (19)
• China
10 Aug 11
I wake up at 6 am, sleep at 11 pm. I hardly sleep in the afternoon. When I go shopping with my girlfriend I'll feel tired. I think it's a habit. A lot of girls sleep at midnight, even more later, and they wake up at 12 pm. even more. They said they cant fall sleep at 11 or 10. I don't think so. They must say they don't like to fall sleep at 11 or 10.
• India
11 Aug 11
Ohh friend you can go everyday for shopping with your girlfriend. But you are good because your sleeping time and wake up time both are good thanks for response.