Cellphone's OFF Please!

August 16, 2011 6:47am CST
I'm really am wondering why when we enter a bank, the security guard always check us for cellphones..... Then they will tell us to turn it off. Some bank facilities ask us to deposit the phone before entering the bank premises. Is that really necessary? What's with the cellphone why it must be turned off or deposited before entering as bank?
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45 responses
@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
17 Aug 11
That's strange. As many have already said, it's not like this in my country. I would guess that it is so that people can't attempt to record any sensitive data. I have worked in call centers where you couldn't have a phone, paper, or any technological device, for this reason. Do banks have drive-thrus in your country?
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@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
18 Aug 11
Okay, you must not have them there. Yes, basically like at fast food chains, but there's a canister-type thing that you put your check or whatever in and it goes through a tube and they can send you back your money or receipt, etc.
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• Philippines
18 Aug 11
What do you mean of drive - thru banks? Like with those of big fast food chains - McDonalds and others? If that's what you mean, i have no idea if that kind of facility exist in our place. And if ever we do, i have not tried one yet.
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• Philippines
19 Aug 11
Wait, is the drive - thru your referring is the automated teller machine? If it's what you mean is the drive - thru bank, we definitely have such kind of facility in our place.
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• Philippines
17 Aug 11
Maybe, it's a way of respecting others. It's very annoying to hear those ring tones inside a quiet bank and hear all their stuff while someone is talking to the phone. I think in London where my cousin is, you are not allowed to answer the phone while you are in a public transportation.
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• Philippines
17 Aug 11
If the ringing and message tone is the problem and causing the commotion, why can they just ask the owner of the phone to put it in the silent mode? Why ask to turn it off or deposit it before entering the phone? Really, why? What's the reason of not allowing the usage of phone in a public transportation?
• Philippines
21 Aug 11
Whatever the reason is, it's for our own good and safety. Anyway, it can't harm us to turn off our cellphones for a while. Rules are rules and we should follow it for the good of others and ours too.
• Philippines
21 Aug 11
Yeah, there's no harm in turning off our cellphones for awhile. It is better safe than having regrets at the end for not following riles, right??? At least by following rules, everyone is safe and everyone is happy...
@ladygator (3465)
• United States
17 Aug 11
I have not seen this around here. I think it depends on where you are and if the crime rates and bank robberies are high. There must be a way that they can get information or even something installed on their phones that would bring a security breach to the banks. They may be able to gather information wirelessly or tap into the computers some how. I am sure someone that is a computer wiz can do this. I know that all court houses and police stations they are not allowed. They have little locker for you to put them in. You leave it there and bring the key with you.
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• Philippines
18 Aug 11
I do believe that the security level of a place depends on the crime rates and bank robberies in a place. And since our country is a third world, perhaps it might be applied. But how about in your place, it's a first world, right? Aren't you more vulnerable of high tech robberies because of the more advance technology you have?
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• Philippines
19 Aug 11
Good for you because you banks have this kind of efficiency dealing such kind of situation. And i must say, though criminals in your place are fast, authorities are much quickies and wittier. Still, being vigilant would be the number one way of protecting oneself from any untoward situations.
@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
18 Aug 11
Hi bianca! Most of the banks I've been to usually ask clients to turn their mobile phones off. I've been asked to do this before when a security guard saw me with a cellphone. I don't understand it also but I think it's for security measures. They won't really know if someone intends to rob the bank and signal their accomplices outside thru the cellphone. Nowadays however, I don't see security guards of banks asking clients to turn off their cellphones. I even see a lot of clients texting or talking over their cellphones inside the bank. I guess they are not very strict nowadays. Happy myLotting!
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
19 Aug 11
I don't think there's a cellphone jamming device because cellphones still have network signals inside banks.
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• Philippines
19 Aug 11
Hello secretbear! If that so is the case, then probably crime rate related to bank robberies had been controlled to its minimum in that place. Or perhaps, the management did not implement such kind of policy. Good day!
• Philippines
18 Aug 11
Maybe they are not that very strict right nowadays because there are a lot of feedback regarding it. Or perhaps they have already installed some sort of cellphone jamming device. Happy mylotting to secretbear!!!:)
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@nytrisco (567)
• Philippines
20 Aug 11
I might be late on answering this since I saw a lot of mylotter already post their response, but I might as well still post my answer. By the way, I worked at one of the local banks here in our country before. Here in the Philippines, since burglars and robbers are very usual scenarios especially at banks and malls. Banks need to protect themselves from those bad elements, since based on the robbery history, they use cellphones to signal other robbers to complete their plans. Cellphones with camera can be a tool for spy to map the area and find the vault by taking pictures. And they also use it as a triggering device for explosives too. So it is really necessary to turn it off, for some banks putting it on a silent mode will do but turning it off would be great. And since it is a bank, I think it might be rude if you take your call inside the bank where the place is quiet and the only thing you hear is the teller's voice or the machine that counts on money. You might as well go outside and take the call from there. It might be ridiculous but it is the bank's protocol.
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@nytrisco (567)
• Philippines
21 Aug 11
Actually they do have it but the protocol isn't not followed regularly by their clients and so security personnel maybe exhausted of reminding it to their clients everyday since some wouldn't bother to follow or listen even if there is already a sign inside the bank (that's what I had observe inside the bank). Or in some cases, I know this is somewhat discriminating but if you are a 'preferred client', has a huge amount of deposit and is well known by the branch or yet just suit an office attire, security personnel might not prevent you on using your mobile phone. Because branches are afraid of losing their clients especially the preferred one who have millions of deposit in that branch. You know how SOME rich people act right? It's like they are the VIP and we don't have any rights to remind them or prevent them on using their phone or else they might get irritated and leave the banks together with their million peso or dollar account. Very arrogant people and yes I encountered them every single day when I was still working at the bank.
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• Philippines
21 Aug 11
It's nice to know that one of the responder had worked in a local bank. Having this knowledge, we can now say that the protocol given by the bank's management is real a big deal for our protection. By that info, why do you think some banks don't have this kind of protocol?
• Philippines
22 Aug 11
We can't blame the bank about the thing of the "RICH ONE'S CASE". It is because if that rich depositor is not pleased with the bank, maybe they'll back out their deposits. And it can really affect the status of the bank, i think??? I can't say that all of the "RICH ONES" are bossy and arrogant, we can't generalized them all. Some of them has kind heart too, you know.... GOOD DAY and HAPPY MyLotting to you nytrisco!:)
@surekharathi (14146)
• India
15 Oct 12
The cell phone holder should understand this to switch of the mobile when enter into bank. Not necessary to switch off but at least put in silent mode. No deposit is not necessary because some time phone may be misplace.
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@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
11 Nov 12
yeah surekahthi.. as the holder of cellphone, it doesn`t mean we are free.. there are many rules in special place like a bank it seems we should follow the bank rule..
@ShepherdSpy (8544)
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
17 Aug 11
I haven't encountered this as yet,but Most of the reasons I could think of for a ban on cellphones within a Bank premises would be security related..You'd be unable to contact anyone outside,thus preventing co-ordination of a plan involving people elsewhere..Denying someone the photography and video options would prevent some of the ability to visualise the bank interior,the staff,or the actions of customers inside-I could see entering PIN codes as being something an ID thief might want to capture..
• Philippines
18 Aug 11
The idea of taking pictures of the interior of the bank and the movement inside did not cross my mind. It now gives me the insight that having the interior of the bank visualize, one can perfectly plan an easy entrance and quick escape. And by the knowledge of the routine inside the bank, one will know the timing when to stage the robbery.
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@goldeneagle (6745)
• United States
28 Nov 11
The purpose for this could actually be two-fold. For one thing, being distracted by cell phones makes it even harder for customers to conduct the business that they have come into the bank to do. I worked in a bank for over two years, and I have also worked in restaurants and other businesses where I had to perform some form of customer service, so from experience, I can tell you that most of the customers you deal with from day to day have a hard enough time performing bank transactions or ordering lunch without a cell phone distracting them. I don’t mean to sound rude or conceded or anything, but a lot of the regular customers I have dealt with over the years at one business or another have been so dumb or ignorant to what is going on around them that it is by the pure grace of GOD that they survive from day to day. You may find this hard to believe, but the easiest way to confuse most people is to ask them what they want to eat for lunch, or what they want on their sandwich. Most of the time, they look at you like a monkey trying to solve an algebra equation, after which they develop a “deer in the headlight look” or a “thousand-yard stare” of some sort as their brains slowly cease to function. I can also tell you, from my banking experience, I can tell you that most people have NO idea where their money actually goes, and as far as they are concerned, they are NEVER to blame if there is a problem of some sort with their accounts, and it is ALWAYS the bank teller’s fault when their account is overdrawn. With this in mind, it is likely that the bank personnel want you to turn off your cell phone because it is much faster and easier to assist people when they are not yapping away on their phones while they are trying to do their transactions. Second, the reason they do not want people on phones while in the bank is a matter of security. With all the camera features and other gadgets included on phones these days, it is easier than ever for prospective bank robbers to take pictures or store other information that would make robbing the place easier for them. I personally wish that other places, such as restaurants, would start to forbid people from using cell phones while they are there as well.
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@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
18 Aug 11
Turn-off Cellphone Please - Mobile phone
Banks in our country do not allow clients to use cellphone inside their premises for security reasons.They say cellphone could be used as communication device for hold-up. There have been previous holdups in which hold-uppers were on the phone with lookouts outside while committing bank robberies. Well if only for their and our own security I think we should just follow this policy. In our country they don't really allow clients to deposit the cellphones to the guard or any security personnel before entering. Some banks are not even that strict. In fact when very urgently needed I can use my cellphone inside but I do it discreetly.
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• Philippines
18 Aug 11
After what I'd happened before, i never used cellphone again when I'll go to a bank. But if necessary, I'll go out the premises and have a call or text that o needed. After all, it's not something that would happen if I'll follow policies which is intended for my security.
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
1 Oct 12
in my country, there are no rule like that but i assume it`s about security issues..
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@anil02 (24688)
• India
21 Aug 11
It may be concern with security of bank. Every person is not wrong one, but it is not written on the face of a persons that they are good one. At present we must be complie with security provisions.
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• Philippines
21 Aug 11
Nytrisco, one of our responder said that it's really for security purposes. Yes, we must comply with it because for us after all. Nothing gonna be wrong if we follow protocol, right? It just only take minutes of our time having our phone in an off mode. It will not hurt that much. Hahaha...
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• Philippines
17 Aug 11
The reason for that is that sometime in the not so recent past. Cellphones were used by hold up group to tip them on what's happening inside the bank so to avoid this incident from ever happening ever again cellphones were banned. Here in the Philippines cellphones are turned off when you enter a bank but some banks are more lenient than others and they understand that sometimes their client needs to talk with another person for a valid reason other than robbing the bank.
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• Philippines
17 Aug 11
Probably those people that are allowed to use their phones are high ranked officials of a company. Or perhaps, those people are the ones in-charge inside the bank.
@minimoyz (277)
• Philippines
17 Aug 11
OH! Have you watched Oceans 12? Like when the best security system ever could be ruined with just an electronic device. That's likely to happen in banks too, cellphones can trigger the alarms or can interrupt the security system of the bank. Cellphones can also be used in taking photos of the bank for a heist later too. There are many possibilities though. We can't blame the banks for doing this it is their job to secure our money and assets. So why be so anxious of our phones being turned off or being deposited at the guards counter?
• Philippines
18 Aug 11
Sorry minimoyz, i did not have the chance to watch Oceans 12 but I've watched lots of movies - the psy ones and movies that involves super high tech gadgets. But i do want to watch Oceans 12. I'm not being anxious of the idea of texting and depositing of cellphones, I'm just wondering why some banks implement it why others don't.
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• Philippines
20 Aug 11
In the Philippines, I think there is a law or an act or some ordinance or something that prohibits the use of cellphone in banks. It isn't necessary to deposit the cellphone or turn it off, but using it to send messages or call or receive a call is prohibited. This is for security purposes as criminals have been using cellular phones to communicate and execute their plans well. I'll try to check on that one and try to feedback on you on what it is.
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• Philippines
21 Aug 11
Thank you in advance AgentGulaman. I'll be very happy if you'll give me a feedback about what you have checked regarding our discussion. Good day and happy MyLotting!!! :)
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@2wicelot (2945)
17 Aug 11
In some countries you are not allowed to use your phone in the bank. Obviously, you are not allowed to use your phone when you drive. In some cases you are not allowed to use your phone at the petrol station. You are not allowed to use your phone in the plane when you fly. And in some embassies, you are not allowed to use your phone inside as well. It seems there are lots of places where the mobile phone is banned.
@2wicelot (2945)
18 Aug 11
You must be addicted to texting. But many places really don't allow mobile phone usage. I guess it is for security reasons.
• Philippines
18 Aug 11
Yes, there are embassies that don't allow usage of phone in their premises. Their was a time when i was applying for my passport to the Department of Foreign Affairs, since it was my first time there, i have no idea of what are the things that aren't allowed in that place. Upon arriving at the place, i then texted some of my friends while waiting for my number to be called. The guard then approached me and said cellphone usage is not allowed in the premises. I put my phone in a silent mode and it finds it way inside my bag. Despite all the boredom, i survived not texting the whole day... HURRAY!
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• Philippines
19 Aug 11
I'm not addicted with texting, I'm more on to calling. Ha ha ha... It just happened that my free calls that time was used up already and what's available was my unlimited text. Yeah, indeed, this kind of policy is really for security reasons.
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@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
3 Sep 11
I don't know why they would make you turn it off or leave it at the door. I live in Canada and we don't have that happen here. I have never heard of such a thing before, to be honest. I know when you go on a plane or if your in a hospital you have to turn if off but in a store or a bank, doesn't make sense to me. But they must have theire reasons for it where you live or they wouldn't enforce such a thing. I agree with some of the responses you have to this discussion, that I wouldn't answer it when I am talking to a teller, but if I was in a line-up and it was something important, or someone important, I can see who it is, I will answer it. If it's not someone important I will let it go to my voice mail. I am sure most people would be polite about it so I don't think a distraction is enough reason to enforce it so it must have something to do with technology or something to do with security. Cheers and have a good day my friend, Chris
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
2 Oct 11
I hadn't noticed that so much with banks as with doctor's offices. I can see them not wanting people using the phone when they get up to the counter since it would cause various problems like when people talk on the phone when they are supposed to be taking care of their banking or whatever. I know one time when I got off a plane there were signs all over the place telling people not to use cell phones until they got through customs. Some people chose to make calls anyway and security got all over them. What is this world coming to?
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@cream97 (29087)
• United States
8 Sep 11
Hi, biancacorreos. I am not sure if the banks here in South Carolina does this. If they do, I would think that it may be for security purposes only. Or they don't want a customer to talk loudly while the bank is supposed to be a quiet facility. It is many reasons why the bank does not want a customer to talk on their cell phone. They also don't want to hear it ring or play songs either. It is more about having respect for others, and the bank branch itself. The bank is a professional facility and they wish for all customers to show respect by turning off all cell phones. I know that at the grocery store in my town, there is a sign at each cash register that notifies every customer to end all cell phone conversations once they are in the process of ringing up their food items or merchandise upfront. That is just a rule that they feel that is needed, I guess.
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@garson (884)
• United States
12 Sep 11
Like some responses, I am not aware of such think in the US. Did you talk on your cellphone when you enter a bank? Were you talking on your cellphone when you go to a teller? What was/were the reason(s) for the security guard to check your cellphone or to ask you to turn it off?
@toniganzon (72279)
• Philippines
17 Aug 11
It started with those terrorists attacking establishments. Bomb can be triggered off by cellphones. But if you are an important known client in the bank they can allow you to use the cellphone in the bank. I think this is necessary for the safety of all. Oh and one more thing, cellphone is a means of communication right, which means it can be used to aid as a tool in robbing the bank. Long time ago when there was no cellphone what was prohibited was the use of the two-way radio.
@toniganzon (72279)
• Philippines
18 Aug 11
Yes and again i believe they are necessary. I don't want my bank robbed as the insurance has a limit on how much it can give to a depositor under the Banking Act of the Philippines.
• Philippines
19 Aug 11
Superbly I agree with you... I think the highest insurance is P500,000.00. Correct me if I'm wrong with the insurance thing. I really have no idea of how much the insurance under the Banking Act of the Philippines.
• Philippines
18 Aug 11
I see! So even before, tools use for communications are prohibited in such kind of places. Wicked!