Are you a music lover?

August 22, 2011 11:15am CST
I'm a music lover, I like classical music, opera, blues, trance, classic rock, and dubstep,alternative rock, jazz, pop, rnb. I like most all genres, when I listened to music I feel relax and easy,when I'm bored I only put my headset on my ear and turn the music on, then boredom is already gone. how about you my friends, do you also love music? and when do you usually listen to music?
14 responses
@nonew3 (1941)
• United States
22 Aug 11
I listen to music all day and all night. I especially love techno music and dance music. The only time I don't listen to music is when I am sleeping.
@nonew3 (1941)
• United States
22 Aug 11
Certain video games also refresh my mind when I am bored or don't feel like doing much else. I sometimes like to get lost playing online bowling games.
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23 Aug 11
hi:) oh you're surely is a music lover too. I listen to techno and dance music too when I'm doing something that I need to move much like exercising and doing house chores. thank you for your comment friend:)
• Bangladesh
22 Aug 11
I think when someone fell bore then to mind re-freshness music is one kind of pleasure. whats your advice???????????
@Mitch0611 (105)
• Philippines
23 Aug 11
I love almost all the music genres but I don't like too loud or music that has no sense! ahhaha so I usually pick some music and download it to my laptop or music player so I could listen to it any time I want especially when I'm tired and want to relax. =) Happy mylotting
• Philippines
24 Aug 11
You're welcome friend =)
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23 Aug 11
hi:) yes I'm also like you, I don't actually appreciate music with non-sense lyrics... but when I heard new ones and I like it I makes time too download it on my playlist too. thank you for your comment friend, happy mylotting too:)
@polaris77 (2040)
• Bacau, Romania
23 Aug 11
I love music,it's the real food of the soul for me and it also inspires me and gives me energy and makes me forget about daily problems.I usually listen to classical rock or blues in week days after coming home from work and I switch to my favorite type of music, heavy metal, in weekends.
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23 Aug 11
hi:) yes listening to music really inspire us, and you can listen to any genre that you prefer depending on your moods and activities. thank you for your comment friend:)
• Philippines
24 Aug 11
You're welcome! =)
23 Aug 11
i'd be lost without music and i love all different types of music like you :)
1 person likes this
23 Aug 11
hi:) yes there's so many kinds to choose from, and it's all great. thank you for your comment friend:)
• Bangladesh
22 Aug 11
people become bore every day about their same work. it is necessary to become refresh and do the work. if people work a long time he must feel bore. to make himself renewed vigor he finds different kind of sources . one of them is music. music is the most common thing that people use to better freshmen t. in different times people hear different types of music. It depends on himself. what type of music you like my friends??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? please tell me now
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• Bangladesh
22 Aug 11
I love music. I think everybody love music as like me. When I have leisure time then I listen music. I love slow music frequently high. I think when someone fell bore then music is one kind of pleasure. to become mind re-freshness I like music (leisure time)........tell me whats your opinion????
1 person likes this
23 Aug 11
hi himel and emon:) yes I agree, perhaps I'll get bored doing many things if I don't listen to music. I'm a music addict actually, even if I'm reading or thinking I'm listening to music.
• United States
22 Aug 11
I love music, but I'm more interested in designing and making it than listening to it.
1 person likes this
23 Aug 11
hi:) oh I see,maybe if I'm also talented enough like you to design and make it, perhaps I'll do the that too. but sadly I'm only good onto listening to it. thanks for your comment friend:)
@skydancer (2101)
• United States
18 Sep 11
I feel the same way about dancing. For the most part, I don't mind watching it, but I'd much rather be the one actually doing it. It just feels more fulfilling that way - I guess because it gives you a feeling of accomplishment.
@tash01 (2030)
• Jamaica
22 Aug 11
I am a music lover, I love all kind of music.Like Reggae,Gospel,R&B Soul and Pop and even classical music. I listen music when am responding to discussion are doing work,so that it help me to relax.When am listening Music,and working the time pass by without me even know sometimes. Music is Life,listen to it every day.
1 person likes this
23 Aug 11
hi:) yeah you're a music lover indeed.were the same, music can make me relax and think better, I also forget time when I'm listening to it. thank you for your comment friend:)
@saraines (154)
• United States
24 Aug 11
I totally agree with you, music is the best therapy,i also love and enjoy all types of music, what i listen to depends on the place and time, my favorite music however is Jazz. I would have to say, the one place i cannot be without music is while i am driving, don't listen to a certain station, just change channels and listen to the song i might like.
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@toniganzon (72279)
• Philippines
2 Sep 11
I love music, they inspire me in everything i do. I like almost all kinds of music except heavy metal. Heavy metal puts me in a not so good mood. But when i was young i also enjoyed going to rock concerts and get drunk.
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@sswallace21 (1824)
• United States
23 Aug 11
I love music. Top 40s is what I listen to while I'm at work. When I want to relax, sometimes I will listen to piano music. I always wanted to learn to play a piano. However, my family couldn't afford to send to piano classes. I guess I could try now. But you know what they say. You can't teach an old dog new tricks. Best Wishes!
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23 Aug 11
hi:) Yes music can really make us relax... I love listening to instrumental too, like piano, sax and all that stuff especially before going to sleep. why not learn piano? I think nothing is too late as long as your still capable on doing it and you still have that passion to pursue it. thanks for your comment friend, best wishes too!
@thatgirl13 (7294)
• South Korea
23 Aug 11
I love music It's like a friend to me which has been always with me and making my mood up when I was down and making me feel alright :) Music, I guess life would've been so different without it. Music helps me stay calm, makes the day fun when I'm bored and so on. I listen to all kind of music. I mean the genre doesn't matter, if I like the sound of it, then I listen to it I listen to music literally all the time
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23 Aug 11
hi:) oh you're absolutely right, music is not only for entertainment it can also make us feel good. many benefits in listening to music actually. thank you for your comment friend:)
• China
23 Aug 11
i like nusic as well. so I'm also fond of singing. when I feel bored or lonely, I will turn the music on. I think music is a good thing that can cultivate your taste. we can try all sorts of music and feel different tastes, for every type of music exists a fascination of its own.
23 Aug 11
hi:) yes you're right like you I also listen to different genre depending on my moods. thank you for your comment friend:)
23 Aug 11
I really love music. Its one of my hobby! Every time I heard new songs I'm really dying to have a copy of it. Yes it really lift up my boredom also. And I really love to listen when I am alone and depressed.
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23 Aug 11
hi:) yes listening to it really ease boredom. same as you when I heard new ones and I like it I'll surely add it on my playlist. thank you for your comment friend:)
• Philippines
29 Aug 11
I listen to whatever music is out. I'm not particular with genres and stuff, I like those songs that I can actually sing and dance with, doesn't matter who sang it. I don't know about you, but lyrics is also important to me. I have about a hundred + of my favorite songs downloaded to my cellphone, so, whenever I feel down and bored, I just put my headset on and let the music take over me.
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