Do you know about

@averygirl72 (37860)
August 25, 2011 6:01pm CST
I have only discovered today the sites And this site has many similar sites like Zeerk, Gig Hour, Gig bucks etc., Do you think it is worth a try? Do they really work or you can be scammed with these sites?
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6 responses
• Spain
25 Aug 11
It's not a scam, but I joined it and didn't find it was very good. For one thing you don't earn a fiver, you get about $4, because of their commission. If you look at the list of tasks wanting doing, some of them are ridiculous. I am a writer and I posted various "gigs" on there, I only ever did two and replied to many and mostly never even got a reply. Some people wanting work done expect a whole series of articles for the money or for you to build them a website, that sort of thing! For that money I would only write a 500 word article and then only if it was fairly easy. I did get paid promptly, but I haven't been back, because it's not worth it. There are many look a like sites which have popped up, apparently you can buy the templates etc and start your own! If you were offering a novel service for a fiver, you MIGHT be ok getting responses, but there is a lot of nonsense on there.
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@Beaufly (991)
• United States
26 Aug 11
It is a lot of silliness on the site but I think that is the way it was designed.....not only are a lot of people willing to do some strange things for $5 (less really, as we mentioned), but people are also willing to pay for some strange things and demand. I don't take it seriously, like something that will pay major bills but I have done nicely with it. I have also declined many jobs that were outrageously time or labor-intensive. You have to be willing to say no or that it is beyond the scope of a fiverr gig. Many people will began to make offers for more and in that case. i will tell them how to break a job into many gigs. I keep everything real easy and maybe that is why I have been successful with it.
• Spain
26 Aug 11
It sounds like you have it sussed, I declined jobs like that to, I was getting ratty because people were asking for outrageous amounts of work for the money! I would like to see more sites of this kind but a bit more sensible, with realistic tasks and less nonsense, then more of us could earn a crust.
• Israel
26 Aug 11
Yes, a site very good profit, as everything is $ 5 I received more than 4 offers on-site Work on this site is very easy and comfortable also Doctrinaire anything you know on the Internet for example design logos $ 5
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@cuttyrish (2667)
• United States
18 Dec 11
it's not a scam, i have been there for almost 5 months now, i have earned more 200 dollars in that site.. it's one of my favorite earning sites now..
@jaffna (778)
• India
26 Aug 11
Hi, According to my perspective, I would tell you to please try it. I've been there for almost a year, although I don't earn daily, I can earn $5 as soon as I finish a task assigned to me. Once in s while, I get assignments as it is very difficult to get projects from there as the popularity of the blog keeps increasing. But I do make a guaranteed income whenever I get tasks. So, why to let those dollars slip away. Just expose your talent and earn a few bucks for your pocket as well.
• India
8 Nov 11
What type of task is assigned to you? Is it easy or very tough to do? Would you be kind enough to share your experiences with the site?
• Indonesia
26 Aug 11
If you have any expertise that you believe you can make money from, then I say go for it. Fiverr is a trusted site, so you don't have to worry about being scammed. I know someone who earn a good amount of money from it. She's an artist and she designs shirts, mugs, etc. Give it a try, who know it works for you! Good luck!
• India
8 Nov 11
Yes,I have an expertise in homeopathy. Can I make money by my command over this branch of alternate medicine?
@SydneyJ (902)
• United States
26 Aug 11
I was also lookign into this site and wondering the same thing.
• India
19 Sep 11
I also like to get reviews about 3to30, fiverr. Is it worth spending time on these?