Furniture that have grown old with you

@secretbear (19448)
August 27, 2011 9:49am CST
We have a life-sized cabinet-closet where my mother hangs her clothes and places her folded clothes inside. A person can fit inside, two kids can fit inside. We've had it since I was little and it's still there after twenty years! I have definitely grown old with it. I thought about this because my six-year old nephew was playing and he went inside the closet and called me through its glass wall. I remember I used to hide inside that closet, too when I was little. I used to mess with all my mother's stuff inside. From my mother's daughter (me) and now to her grandson, I wonder if my nephew will also grow old with that closet? Do you also have an old furniture in your house that you have grown old with?
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18 responses
@jsumbing (155)
• Philippines
31 Aug 11
The piano. I think it was bought on 1987 so that makes it 3 years younger than me. And it was almost always at the background when we took pictures way back. It survived a number of typhoons (including the 1991 hit when one typhoon took the roof off our house). And also got to places we never thought it could (was borrowed by some schools and they thought it was just easy to transport a 300kg piano). It's still "playable" now except that some of the keys get stuck and I thought I saw some strings are almost gonna snap when I checked it last time I went home (6 months ago). I'm saving my year's bonus for the repair of our piano.
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
31 Aug 11
I didn't know you have a piano in your house Sem! Why didn't I see it when I went to your house???
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
2 Sep 11
I was right in front of the piano? You should have told me! Obviously, I did not notice it. ^^ Seen the picture. It's really old. And who's the kid? You?
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@jsumbing (155)
• Philippines
1 Sep 11
It's not a grand piano, with a flat body. It's more of an "upright" piano with a taller body. You were practically right in front of that piano when you went there. You might have not noticed it because it was covered in cloth (to avoid dust). Funny thing was it only costs around 1500 pesos at that time, just as much as my dad's 1 month salary, at that time at least. I'll tag you later on my pix with the piano on it.
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@glaiz_9 (366)
• Philippines
29 Aug 11
My aunt have a cabinet too that is 5 or ten years older than me. And my cousins and I are really afraid of it so we can't hide in it, :D When I sleep at their place we can't look at it because of fear of seeing something that shouldn't be there in the first place.. But one Christmas eve, we're having a lot of fun and accidentally I bumped into that decades old cabinet and it smashed into pieces... It's a good thing I didn't get hurt in the process. But yeah, I'm scolded so much that up to now I'm still remembered as the person who destroyed that decades old cabinet. :))
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
31 Aug 11
A cabinet that eats children?
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
30 Aug 11
Why were you afraid of it? Maybe you intentionally bumped into it and now you have that reputation in your family.
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@glaiz_9 (366)
• Philippines
30 Aug 11
You know because of scary stories that oldies told kids to stop them from being so naughty, :)) And I didn't bump into it intentionally, :))
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
29 Aug 11
Hmmm...yes. My parents did bring back whatever they could when we moved from Kuwait to India. So, we do have some furniture that I grew up with. Some things have been handed down to me too...a refrigerator, a washing machine, vessels (though these do not come under furniture). The baby cot that my sister used was handed down to me and both my kids used it....along with the baby blanket. I got so much stuff that I grew up with...that I can't even remember all of them.Oh yes, curtains! But now those are in tatters (20+ years is a long time for curtains)and we are going to replace them. Of course, we've got a whole lot of new stuff too.
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
30 Aug 11
I didn't think curtains would last for decades. We actually have a lot of old furniture and even old toys but I have a few cousins who have a habit of taking things from our house and that really annoys my mother. Some things they have taken were really old and mother did not want to give it to anyone.
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@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
8 Sep 11
WOW? It's the old? I never had a furniture that's that old, passed down from generations to generations.. haha The oldest furniture i have at home is only a book shelf, which my mom bought when i'm about 14-15 years old? As such, its lifespan is only about 14 years.. haha :) When it comes to other furnitures, it's always changing and it wont last more than 10 years.. haha U'r so lucky, secret :)
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
8 Sep 11
That's considered lucky? ^^
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@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
16 Sep 11
Yeah, secret ^^ It's better to have some kind of heirloom that lasts, than to keep changing. Guess what, we are gonna change our 3rd sofa in this year.. lol =D
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@neildc (17239)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
27 Aug 11
because i am now living away from my home place, i cannot give you anything to describe right from where i am located now. but in the province, i came to visit last year. so i still remember we had a stereo, the one with a big boxes at both sides with the tuner at the center. i also remember the tailor table of my grandfather, some sewing machines. but all of them were already gone with times, except for one sewing machine though its body already missing. oh, i remember the closet of my mother is still alive but already changed its beauty.
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
28 Aug 11
Hi neil! What's a tailor table?
@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
29 Aug 11
I see. I think I have not seen one. I only know sewing machines. But it's unfortunate that your grandfather's tailor table does not exist anymore. As I imagine it, I think it's a very convenient table with a lot of drawers.
@neildc (17239)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
28 Aug 11
it's my grandfather's working table where he prepares and cut the clothes to be tailored. it's not the usual table that we normally see. its height is almost 4 feet and it's wide enough to lay flat the clothes so it can be perfectly measured and cut. the materials used we thick wood also and it has cabinets below and a drawer. unfortunately, it's not existing anymore as it was also damaged by floods, almost 40 years old it was when cannibalized by my brother in law.
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@lampar (7584)
• United States
28 Aug 11
Hi,Pal ! I don't actually have any furniture that grow old with me, they just don't live through one generation, i am lucky if they can remain stand for three to five years. May be most of my furniture are made in China, they are not make to last up to many decades and 'grow' really 'Old' before they broke into pieces. lol!
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
29 Aug 11
Yeah, stuffs made from China are really known to be short-lived. That's why my mother do not like buying China-made stuffs.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
27 Aug 11
Yes....I have a dresser that my grandmother gave me when I was just a kid. I love it. When my mother passed she took it out of my room and gave it to me....and my kids will have it too someday! It is well over a hundred years old! And still just as beautiful as the day I first got it!
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
28 Aug 11
Wow, a hundred years old! That's really impressive!
@williamjisir (22819)
• China
28 Aug 11
Every piece of furniture in my house is new, but in my parents' house, they still have some old furniture that I have grown with since I was a kid. Old as the furniture is, it is still in good use. That's why my parents still keep it in the house. Have a good day, secretbear.
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
28 Aug 11
Thanks for the response William.
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
28 Aug 11
That is cute! I don't have anything THAT old, lol. But I know what you mean because I have a hard time getting rid of old furniture, being sentimental and all. Fortunately almost all of my furniture is wood and not the kind of furniture that rots or gets dirty or torn like upholstered stuff can get.
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
28 Aug 11
Well, it's part being sentimental and part practical. Because my mother doesn't like throwing away things that can still be used. And her closet is still in very good shape that's why it's not going anywhere.
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@rhane7315 (5649)
• Philippines
28 Aug 11
i don't remember having any furnitures that have grown old with me. maybe because my mom gave some of it to her brothers, parents and in-laws. but in my in-laws house, most of their furniture are really old. like the dining table that they are using was almost 30yrs old. their cabinets, rocking chair, table that we're using in our room, sofa, etc. i asked my hubby how old those furnitures are and he told me that some of them were from the "kapanahunan" of his great grandmother, etc.
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
28 Aug 11
Those must have been made with really high quality materials that endure time. Probably, in the old times, plastics and low quality materials were not popular yet. There weren't any China-made furniture yet probably.
@thatgirl13 (7294)
• South Korea
27 Aug 11
Actually we have this huge metal closet too and apparently it was in our house even before I was born When we moved, there was this hole kinda thingy, not a hole though like it was punched kinda mark on the side of it. Not so big though and not very noticeable hehe!! ANyway even with that mom doesn't wanna throw it away. It has been years but she still says she likes it and is in her room. I think that is going to stay for a long long time
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
28 Aug 11
I think it's really hard to throw away things that has been with you for a long, long time. It's like, it's been a part of your life that you cannot live without or if it is suddenly removed, it will be hard to adjust without its presence.
@pbbbsra (1214)
• Philippines
27 Aug 11
My mom gives so much importance with her things and there are lots of things at home that grew up with me and there are some which are even older than I am. My mom's closet also grew up with me. We already changed some of it's screws to make sure it will continue it's life. Believe me or not, I am 25 and our refrigerator is 2 years older than me and it is working like new. My mom keeps it clean and maybe the quality is just good.
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
28 Aug 11
Hi ppbsra! We used to have a refrigerator that's older than me, too but it gave up already years ago. There are other furniture inside our house that have been there even before I was born but my mother's closet is the most memorable one for me.
@Triple0 (1904)
• Australia
28 Aug 11
Hi! Well I have a stove which isn't exactly a piece of house furniture but it's pretty old. It was in the house before I was even born. It's more than 20 years old now and several other people have used it previously when they once lived in my home. I pretty much grew up with it and it's still cooking my food fine! =)
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
29 Aug 11
Wow. That's new. It's not a furniture but an appliance. Still, it's something we use in the house. And that is really old! Your family must really be taking good care of it.
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• China
28 Aug 11
Hi,friends An old furniture reminds you an interesting and nostalgic memory. That must be a happy experience.
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
28 Aug 11
Yes, it is. Thanks for the response Ryan.
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
27 Aug 11
As I look around my bedroom, my eyes draw in to a chair that I had or always has been in my room, I am now 40 years old and it's still in one piece as virtually as good as when it was first brought into my bedroom. It has been painted lilac and has received a few coats but still the same chair. I don't actually sit on it, I use it to put all my clean clothes from the laundry. It is not antique but it has lasted really well. It's the only piece of furniture that has grown up with me, if only chairs could talk LOL! It has seen a lot of things going on over the years.
@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
28 Aug 11
Yeah! If only furniture could talk! They probably would have shared a lot of things! I wonder what kind of things my mother's closet remember. That would really be cool to know.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
27 Aug 11
It is a mirror that has carvings around the edges with pictures of birds and flowers at the top end of the mirror. It was my mother's wedding gift and that mirror now hang in the living room. It has been there for as long as I can remember and it is still in good condition.
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
28 Aug 11
That sounds really beautiful zandi! I'm not very much into furniture but I like those with meticulous carvings and pretty designs. They all seem to be made with utmost love and care. I also think it's cool to have old furniture stowyk. It's nice to have "antiques" in the house. Even though they are not that high-priced antique, they have a lot of memories embedded in them. ^^
@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
28 Jan 13
I have two pieces of furniture that I remember from my childhood. One is a book case that I remember having in my bedroom way back when I was 3 years old. It was always loaded with books and on top would sit my favorite stuffed toys. Through the years it was painted and repainted, and last year I bit the bullet and stripped it and refinished it in the original wood finish. The second piece is a dough box table, that I remember from when I was five years old. Mom bought it at an auction and it was used for storing Mom's knitting projects. The original purpose of the dough box tables was for raising bread in the 1700's (and even earlier) through until central heat was made popular. Due to the fact that homes were drafty in olden days and yeast bread needed a warm and draft free place, so the table was the answer. Again, last year I stripped and refinished the table and it sits beside my couch in the family room. I still remember the allure of the "box" of the table and my sneaking looks into the table when my Mom wasn't looking. I treasure both pieces of furniture, and am proud to have them doing their job in my home.
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@se7enthbird (8307)
• Philippines
27 Aug 11
we had a lot of furniture that me and my siblings grow old with it. i have a brother who lives in UK, and he was there for almost ten years. four years ago he went here for a 2 month rest and visit and he was happy to see all those furnitures still there and we started talking about the times when we are still young. but unfortunately when the typhoon Ondoy hit marikina it was all damaged by the flash flood. my mothers house is bungalow and the furnitures there were all soaked with muddy and dirty flood water. sad to see it all like that but it is only furnitures whats important is my mom was not hurt and she was fine.
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
28 Aug 11
Hi! What a waste. Ondoy really did destroy a lot. It was a really terrible time for all of us.