package tour or independent travel?

@dandan07 (1906)
September 6, 2011 5:42am CST
I prefer independent travel, for I can make a plan for myself, choosing the favorite routes, trying to find out delicious food and making full using of my time on the attractions. But it really takes time. I have to spend more than three days for a travel. I usually use the internet to find out the famous attractions and foods first and look up the maps to get the traffic plans and buy tickets before the travel. While to the package tour, it saves time to plan for the travel, but in most cases, your time fin the travel may wasted in the shops and the costs of meals are usually more than independent travel. But you do not need to worry about traffic and accommodation. And you can buy it any time of the year. Which one do you prefer?
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12 responses
@allknowing (130518)
• India
6 Sep 11
I have always taken package tours as the tour conductors take care of all the arrangements and put us up in good hotels. May be we are rushed a bit but they do select places that are worth seeing. We also make new friends and it is really enjoyable when we have others around us.
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@dandan07 (1906)
• China
6 Sep 11
In the package tours, we can get a good place to have a rest with discount, while the independent travel may not have that price. But the time in sightseeing is usually not long enough for you enjoy. But you can spend your time as you like in an independent travel. But to the point of making new friends, the package tours really provide a good chance.
@araboi (41)
• Philippines
7 Sep 11
I also prefer independent travel, because package tour has a very limited time for each places you'll go, just like when we traveled to hongkong last january 2009, i wasn't able to enjoy much Ocean Park and Disney land because we are only given 4 hours or 5 hours allotted time for each park. But the hotels that we've stayed in where good. I just want more time to enjoy our travel. So the next time we will be travelling again i would prefer the independent travel. :)
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@picjim (3002)
• India
7 Sep 11
I travel and sight see at a leisurely pace.Hence, I prefer independent travel.I normally make trips with my family.Once we have landed up at the place of destination.All of us sit together and chalk out our plan.Some of us would like to sight see and others shop.We would like to explore and visit good restaurants too.So we plan in such a way that all our requirements are fulfilled.
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@Simon1223 (903)
• China
7 Sep 11
Personally speaking, If it is possible, I usually prefer to travel by myself or with some friends without the arrangement of travel agency. But sometimes package tour is inevitable. For instance, if I wanna travel to a remote place where I've never been before and have no friend there, I'm more likely to take part in a tourist group for convenience and safety. The price of such package tour is usually much lower than that of individual travel.
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@ddaguno (3107)
• Philippines
7 Sep 11
i'd be scared to go on an independent travel except if im with a number of friends. but i know it is definitely cheaper. for now I'll choose package tour. the trip i am planning is only for 3 days and i want to see as much as I can. i'm afraid i'd be wasting time asking for directions if I tour independently.
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• Philippines
7 Sep 11
i would go for independent travel, it is more challenging than a tours. I can go to anywhere I want to, shop whenever I want to. And it's very challenging when you get lost, so cool. You don't know the place and you don't know the language. hahahaha
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@brew2x (3094)
• Philippines
7 Sep 11
I prefer independent travel since it could save me more in terms of money. It takes time though since you have to do a lot of research, communication and planning. Also I have experienced in most of my packaged travels being in a hurry. I wanted to stay longer in a certain place for photos and just to absorb or remember the experience.
@maximax8 (31053)
• United Kingdom
6 Sep 11
I love independent travel and am an independent traveler these days. In my younger days I was a backpacker. I don't like to be a package tourist. Typically I go on a flight and then travel around that particular region. I tend to stay in locally owned guest houses and in unusual accommodation when I get the chance. I adore seeing the native wildlife, meeting the local people, looking around historical sites and viewing attractive architecture. Earlier this year I traveled to Colombia to the Caribbean coastline. Last year I visited some of Canada after flying into Vancouver. The year before last I explored cape Town and the Garden Route.
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@bubbletush (1332)
• Philippines
27 Oct 11
Although it is more expensive to plan for my own travel compared to the packaged tour, I always opt for the independent travel. For me, the fun of the travel starts with the planning. I can choose where I want to stay, what airlines to book, where to go and manage the allotted time for my activities. I don't think I will enjoy packaged tours because you don't really get to enjoy the visits to the tourists spots. Everything is in a hurry. I save up money for my vacations and travel so that I can enjoy it. I think it's the best way to travel.
@huilichan8 (1378)
• Singapore
6 Sep 11
It depends on various factors. For instance, if I have the means to engage a personal tour guide, I wouldn't want to go on a package tour. At least with a personal tour guide, I wouldn't have to spend time surfing the net for information. The tour guide would be doing all the planning. Alternatively, if I have the time to spare, I wouldn't mind going on a free-and-easy tour. If I am on a tight budget, then I might want to go on such a tour.
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@hafiz008 (450)
• India
6 Sep 11
In my case I will select both according to circumstances. I love to travel independent, but it needs time which is precious to me and need more friends in order to be secured. It also cost lots of money. As in the case of packaged travel which is best for those honeymoon trips and family trips and it saves time and we get a guide to get information and help to see most of them. We also get good food and accommodation and time is also less needed for it. I think there is no problem in two, but it taste may be different to people.
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@kry893 (222)
• Canada
6 Sep 11
Sometimes, I have taken tour packages to places that I've not been to for the first time. But before the journey, I usually surf on the internet for more information on the places where I would be heading to. After that, I'd probably go back a second time but on my own. Sometimes, I would not take any tour packages but instead researched a trip on my own or with a friend. My last travel trip to Asia was based just on the information from the internet. Everything from plane bookings to tourist attractions to foods to hotel accommodations and other things in between, I took those information from the internet. I was happy with the entire tour.