Why are people afraid of animals smaller than themselves?

September 20, 2011 2:36pm CST
I think this is the stupidest thing ever!!!The other day i had an average spider on my shoulder and my friends(male and female) started freaking out!!!I was like:WTF are you yelling for man???!!!... What are your thoughts about this matter? Why do you think people react this way?
3 responses
• United States
20 Sep 11
I use to care for a little boy who had been stung by a wasp and was deathly afraid of them. I tried to encourage him that if he left the wasp alone, the wasp would leave him alone, but the sting was enough to convince him otherwise. I think people are conditioned, either by experiences or by overly cautious adults in their lives, to be afraid. I'm thankful my parents taught me to respect, but not fear.
• Portugal
20 Sep 11
If people that live in small village and they feared bugs they would praticly be doomed to live in fear!!!There's nothing worst than living in fear in my opinion!
• Bosnia And Herzegovina
20 Sep 11
I don't but I am scared of them too :) One of the reason is that people watch a lot of horor films (e.g. they watched some spiders horor and of course they will be afraid of them) The second reason is the same but instead of films people heard that spider bite can be fatal for them. Just like some people run from bees - they know if it bites him/her, it's gona' hurt! I hope you understood and remember - we are all diferent ;) Hope I helped !! :D
• Portugal
20 Sep 11
I Believe that you might be right!!! And sure i know we are all different!!
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
20 Sep 11
Bug are just yucky.....that's why people freak out when they see one....and also some of the smaller animals are yucky too like rats and mice....I don't like them and freak out when I see one....