Need Help!

United States
September 21, 2011 3:13pm CST
I have been trying to figure a way to make some money at home. I have Fibromyalgia and it is affecting my life very badly. I am writing for various places on the net, but am not making enough money to cover the bills. I love making various crafts and jewelry and have set up a site on Etsy. I don't have a lot of items added at the moment but am adding them as quickly a I can. I set up a Facebook page dedicated to the Etsy site and would like my Mylot friends to check it out and if you like it, let your friends know about the site. I am trying to generate some customers and if I can get the word out there on Facebook, I'm sure I can accomplish this. Thank you very much for your help and I want you to know that Mylot is a wonderful place to find friends and discuss problems that we have with each other and get others advice on what to do.
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2 responses
@Chevee (5905)
• United States
23 Sep 11
Hi sharkbiter, I wish there was some way I could help you out. But I am not doing too good myself with online earnings. I have had a few sites that I made a small decent amount on but they eventually closed. Now I am doing MyLot and a few surveys and that is all for now. However, if I come across anything that is reasonable I would let you know. Be blessed.
@psphacker (1053)
• United States
22 Sep 11
First go to sign up and start doing micro jobs this website pays I have been paid through alertpay.
• United States
22 Sep 11
Thank you for your response. I signed up for microworkers about a month ago, but haven't paid out yet.