"People nowdays seldom stop to help someone who fslls" Me "Not true."

@Hatley (163781)
Garden Grove, California
October 1, 2011 2:44pm CST
I know in a faced pace tech world we are ll super busy but someone was telling me no one will stop to help someone who has taken a bad fall. She said "People now days seldom stop to help someone who had taken a fall. They all are too wrapped up in themselves." I know thats not quite truth as four years ago I had a bad fall outside my favorite restaurant. I simply could not get u p. I had fallen landing on my left shoulder. The moment i put my left hand down alongside my right one to push myself up to my feet, I knew I was badly injured. My left arm just dangled.It would not obey my brain's demand push up please.As it was late breakfast time there were a lot of people about but one older couple with a boy I assumed was their grandson called " do you need help?" I was blubbering like a baby from pain. I nodded and they locked their care and came over to me. I told them I thought I had dislocated my left shoulder. The sweet woman, maybe ten years younger than I, told me she would call the paramedics. the grandson came over and said" Lady dont cry grammie is going to get you help then you will be fine.okay?" I nodded and he asked me if I had any children,. I told him i had an adult son.They stayed with me til the paramedics came and four people, waitresses from inside c ame out,one gave me a glassof water, one called my son for me and by then the paramedics were loading me into the ambulance. so some people will always come to the aid of a stranger in trouble. All people are not selfish or callous either. Your take fellow my lotters.
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27 responses
• United States
1 Oct 11
Hi Mrs. Hatley! I want to believe that there are far more kind and helping people in this world. Sadly I have witness some incidences where I was in complete shock that no one flints and or moves an eyebrow to see what happened right before their eyes. I certainly understand that at times we must be careful in interfering in certain situations, but even with a quick telephone call can save a life. I have seen some very courageous people help at times and those are the ones that re-affirm in my mind that there are still helpful people left in the world. I am glad they cared and helped you during your fall and the boy was being raised properly, whereas he cared enough to ask and comfort you.
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
1 Oct 11
hi HWG that couple were like angels and their little grandson'nmade his duty to talk to me. I like a fool was saying to the paramedics': ohmy shoulder is just dislocated so I will just walk across the street to my doctor.the younger paramedic told me even if that all it was I needed to be x rayed so lets get you in the ambulance and we will take you to ER. well when they took the x ray no it was not dislocated it was totally smashed, not just fractured. So obeying the paramedics was a smart move.the waitresses in the restaurant all knew me as the library lady and came out to see if they could help too.. Oh there were plenty of onlookers but thats not all that unusual some people delight in seeing b lood and guts too. lol
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@GardenGerty (158131)
• United States
1 Oct 11
I am trying to get back to riding a bike some. I was given one, and I went out and rode a little while, then back up my driveway. When I stopped I fell, in my own yard. I was pretty jarred and was taking my time getting up, and a man who works in a business across the street had been outside on a smoke break and came over to make sure I could get up.
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
1 Oct 11
higardengerty that was really sweet of him as of course you coud have been hurt too.see a lot of people really are compassionate and will help; in an emergency too.those waitresses knew me only as the library lady as I often came in for a snack after work. but they all were ready to help me if needed.
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@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
1 Oct 11
I think there are cases and cases. I was in a situation when I needed others help but nobody stopped to give me the helping hand. It happened when I had my first flat tire. I was alone and nobody stopped to help me. I called a friend and he guided me through the phone until I solved the problem.
• United States
1 Oct 11
Hatley, I think you told me this story before, that is wonderful of that man to now only give you a ride, but to pay for the damage that he didn't even cause..(Unless it was his business truck that dropped the nails???) Anyway, he was very kind regardless..:)
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
2 Oct 11
hi carm yes I sometimes wondered was he an angel in disguise but thats pretty fanciful. he was just a very wealthy man who had a very kind heart. My little daughter called him Mr. Good man and he got a big kick out of that. S he was born brain damaged but such a pretty child and so loving too. sometimes I felt she knew more basic truths than lots of normal children,we lost her to pneumonia when she was 8 but we were blessed to have her for eight short years.She was daddy's girl and it almost broke my husbands heart to lose her but some how it did bring us closer together as we supported each other through our grief.No the truck driver that lost the nails was working for a local roofing company. that company went out of business soon after. I often wondered if the nail incident had anything to do with them going out of business?
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• United States
2 Oct 11
That might be why they went out of business Hatley, especially if many people had flat tires due to this incident. I am so sorry about your daughter, I knew you lost a child, but didn't know the details. But now your husband and daughter are together again..:)
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@GardenGerty (158131)
• United States
1 Oct 11
I feel sorry for people who have only experienced callous, selfish people and have been ignored when they need help. I have seen the other side of the story. I know people who will go out of their way to help others. I would say that this woman has had a very sad existence if she believes that there is no one who has compassion any more.
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
1 Oct 11
hi gardengerty I thought so too at the time. She really did not tell me much about her life but just seemed to think badly 'of most people. I have also seen the other side of the story. I saw four men lift the back end of a car up to get' a child who had had his legs run over in this bizarre accident. two cars skidded in the snow and ice, sending the one careening into the cross walk where the child and his mom were crossing with the green light.His poor mom was scared for the child but those men got that big car off that child and slide him out and got him out of the street. While He did have one broken leg otherwise he was okay ,.being bundled up on a below zero day must have protected his legs more from worse damage from the car.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
1 Oct 11
I have noticed this also. People just do not care for one another anymore, it seems.
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
2 Oct 11
hi stephcjh you know sometimes when I see people just staring at a person who is hurt while someone else helps them, I wonder what they would feel like if a loved oneof theirs got hurt and nobody would stop and render assistance? I mean bad things can sometimes happen to anyone. Even if all they could do is call for help or the paramedics or whatever that would be go good. b ut I thank God for the p eople who will go to a stranger's assistance.
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
1 Oct 11
I can only hope people are still like this when I get older. As for myself, the few times I have seen someone fall, there was always another who beat me to the person, so I would stay back unless I thought my help was needed, which it never was, they had it under control. I am glad that this couple was there for you, I would never pass anyone up who had fallen, that just isn't right..
• United States
1 Oct 11
Wow, those teenagers obviously were not raised correctly. I know my own kids, at least my latter three, won't laugh but are like me and help the person if they could. In fact if my one daughter was there and saw those teens laughing, they would have gotten an earful, she don't take crap from anyone..lol Now, fortunately I never had to help someone with blood and cut issues..Not that i won't, but I don't do well with injuries with blood, and maybe that is why I have been spared, because I can't do the poor victim any good if I am puking or heaven forbid, I pass out...
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
2 Oct 11
hi carm I know a lot of people who j ust cannot stand the sight of blood or just to get an injection for whatever reason. My parents sent me to Mayo clinic after I had come home from a bout with hepatitis as they were worried that I was so thin and tired. they were not convinced that this was just to be expected from Hepatitis. so anyway I was in line to get blood drawn for blood work and this handsome young Marine in full uniform was in front of me. oh my G when he saw that syringe and needle he turned almost green and fainted right there by my feet. the poor man was scared of blood and needles. it was fun but sad too. as it turned out I was just about where I should be according to the doctors at the clinic so that allayed my parents concerns.so I guess I w as a natural as a nurses aide as the sight of blood never really bothered me,. what did get me was the odor of burned flesh, and I do not think many doctors or nurses can not get a bit ill with that. I was never sent to work on the burn unit and was always thankful for that.
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
1 Oct 11
hi carm I remember there were several teens who were laighing at me as I sat there in pain, scared and crying. I wondered as I have often wondered, what is it that makes people laugh'to seer someone really fall hard? I know the girls from the restarant were all'ready to call the paramedics if that couple had not done so. they brought me a glass of cold water and some aspirins but sadly the aspirins had little effect. the fall alone was not all the cause of my shoulder bones being pulverized.I had been on a new diabetes medication that before the accident had caused me to retain fluid. then I found in the literature that this same medication could cause fluid retention, and make bones brittle too. so in the hospital they took me off that oral medication and just used insulin . I always well help if i am needed and can help.several times I have aided my nurse friend to help a man who had overturned his semi truck and was tossed out onto the highway. i was then a nurses aide and she was a nurse. when we got to the hospital for the three to eleven shift I was sent to this room to prepare this man we had helped for surgery.I remember picking out bits of gravel from his poor arm with tweezers. He refused to even flinch but I knew it hurt. He kept thanking us for getting the paramedics to him.
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• United States
1 Oct 11
I was taking a walk one day and fell down. I broke my arm (didn't know it at the time). A gentleman driving down the street stopped and offered to drive me home. I can't tell you why I trusted him enough to accept the ride, but I did...and was grateful! I still think there are more good people who will bother to help a stranger than people who are too busy to be bothered.
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• United States
1 Oct 11
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
1 Oct 11
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
1 Oct 11
hi joceshookeryh I think so to. I have been helped several times'by strangers too . Once I had my purse ripped off my 'arm and was scared silly as I was two miles from my apartment and it was snowing. I had tried to follow the thief but soon stopped as he w as gone. A police car stopped me and I told them the incident. The officer called for another car while he took off with his car after my thief .The officer in the other car told me to get in and he would ' drive me to my apartment as it was now blizzarding and hard to see. I got a call the next day that the police had cornered my thief and got my purse back with all my money in it. I know there are good people in this world.
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• Canada
1 Oct 11
My husband is diabetic and passed out one day. People helped him, and he was just fine. He also helped a lady in the same situation, when she passed out from a diabetic problem. Being diabetic himself, he knew what to do till the medics got there.
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
2 Oct 11
hi danishcanadian we diabetics do go to the aid of others as we know what its like to go low and pass out. I did this here at Gold cre st a year ago and I had so much help that when I got back to my room after lunch I was running at 200 so they all outdid themselves.the care giver came over at once and made me drink this sickeningly sweet ice tea plus Jessie brought me a soda orange crush with sugar in it so I was almost killed with kindness there.I am glad people helped your husband as once you are passed out you must have help . I used to worry about my friend Nelda as she often went low and had to drive back and forth to her job. bu t she assured me she always checked her blood sugar before she started out anywhere in her car, and also she keep a supply of hard candy in her car just in case.
@celticeagle (160797)
• Boise, Idaho
2 Oct 11
How terrible! I bet you were in pain too. I have been lucky so far but I am often afraid I might fall because my hip is so stiff and my knee catches and I can't bend it. Scarey stuff! How lucky that nice people actually stopped to help you. It is good to know there are still some nice people in the world.
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
6 Oct 11
hi celticeagle I also felt embarrassed too falling like that as I seemed to have tripped over my own shoe.but the pain and the loss of connected between myh shoulder and my arm told me something was badly broken. so I was glad I let them take' ne to the ER as my left shoulder could not be set even as the bones were smashed completely.so yes there are still a lot of good people in this wild rushing world we live in.[
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@celticeagle (160797)
• Boise, Idaho
8 Oct 11
Well, I am glad to hear that.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
1 Oct 11
it could be your location and maybe you had nice people around you. i know one time i was dating a guy and he left me in a restaurant because i wouldnt put out and i didnt even have enough money for the coffee we had. didnt know my way home and no money for a cab. when i was crying and telling the waitress what could i do, a nice couple next to my table said they would pay. then i was trying to think of someone to call that might still be up to drive me home and the lady next to them offered as she said she knew where it was. sometimes people can be very nice. sometimes not. just might be luck or your gaurdian angels looking out for you.
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
1 Oct 11
hi bunnybon7 of course the fact that I had worked in the local library for years might have made that couple recognize me but still I had never seen them but they neglected their own breakfast to help me and I will always be eternally gratefu for their help too. I tend to think good people do outnumber bad people in most places. I know some community that probably does not quite hold true.could be myguardian angel was there too.
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
2 Oct 11
It is so nice to read that you received much needed assistance when you fell. I believe that there are more good people who are willing to help than bad ones or ones who ignore others as they go about their business I would imagine that there are places such as big cities where everybody is either too busy, too mistrusting or both to stop and help anyone else and that is a shame but, as I said, I may be naive but I think that the good folks definitely outnumber the bad...
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
2 Oct 11
hi paula yes they were true angels for sur. I do believe there are far more good people who would help a stranger in an emergenchy than those who would walk on by or stand and gauk at you. some get a charge out of seeing anyonw fall. they actually laugh and that to me is the height of stupidity.
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
3 Oct 11
I agree!!
@myfb2009 (8296)
• Malaysia
3 Oct 11
Hi Hatley, indeed nowadays it is hard to came across those who are willing to give a lending hand when a stranger fall. When i was still working before, i ever came across an old lady who was in hurry out from the nearby shop carrying her plastic bag full of fruits, tripped and fall. She wanted to rush to the nearby bus-stand to ride a bus. Unfortunately, while she fall, some of her fruits also dropped out from her plastic bag. So many passer-by just look and walk away. I felt pity to her and had helped her stand-up and picked up some of her fruits that had dropped on the floor. She felt grateful and thankful to me for helping her and had offered me some of her fruits. I don't want to take but was forced by her to accept some fruits from her. I brought them home and cut those fruits for me and my family to eat. Not bad to become a helpful person, right...
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
6 Oct 11
myfb2009 yes it is harder as the world is so hectic and fast paced but there are some like the couple who helped me and the para medics too were just wonderful and all were trying to cheer me up and make me feel less afraid. but I knew as an ex nurse's aide I had really broken something vital in my shoulder hence all that pain.that was so kind of you to help that lady and rescue her fruit for her too. some people still have no heart and just by pass a fallen person.
@myfb2009 (8296)
• Malaysia
14 Oct 11
Hatley, they are those one in a million that you are able to came across who still willing to put a helping hands to you. Majority people nowadays are not so helpful anymore. Like recently, there is a little wandering alone all by himself in the shopping malls. I saw him crying and looking for his mommy. So, i call the salesgirl to help bring him to the service counter and announce regarding this little missing his mommy. Later, i heard from them that his mommy came to the counter to pick him up. She was busy checking which clothes that she wanted to buy until she didn't realize he had gone wandering to the toy section by himself.
• China
2 Oct 11
I am very moved by what you said.You have clarified the point of view in which All people are not selfish or callous either by using your own experience as an example.I fall in with your views.Most people are kind-hearted and are generous in giving help.The pace of modern living doesn't warrant our turning a blind eye to people who have taken a bad fall.
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
2 Oct 11
hi chagjiangzhibin yes I really do feel that the good people far out weigh the bad as so many help in all sorts of emergencies and never are particularly rewarded fpr it nor would they want to be.Its like the news allwe hear is all the bad stuff but why not tell about every day people helping out in emergencies and not even making any headlines.to me if I see someone fall i rush to help as its not something to laugh at at all.
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
6 Oct 11
hi changjiangzhibin yes it would be great.there is one channel on tv that airs news about young teens who have made a differecne in someones lives and its really relax ing to hear how young people have learned to help strangers and with love and compassion yet. so good to hear this too.
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• China
3 Oct 11
Yes,so do I.The media must often publicize good people and good deeds so that helping out in emergencies becomes the order of the day.
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@pahak627 (4558)
• Philippines
2 Oct 11
Yes, there are still some people who really helped those who needed help and it was such a great thing for you that there were people nearby who were willing to help you. They are really nice people.
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
2 Oct 11
yes pahak there are more people like that than you realize and they come forth to help not for any reward but because they have seen someone down and needing help. some do run off or stand and just gawk, afraid to get involved.Some are afraid to do harm but if they could just use that cell phone to call para medics so they can get help to the person in need. Yes that family that helped me were so kind and helpful and they showed me there are a lot of good people in this world.
@RitterSport (2451)
• Lippstadt, Germany
2 Oct 11
hi dear Hatley I am really glad all these people were so helpful to you when this happened. I bet here in that smaller quieter city people would also help out but I am not really sure about what would happen in the big loud city where I come from, if anyone would care to help out there.
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
2 Oct 11
hi rittersport yes it might well be a sadder story in a big loud city where people are often afraid to get involved with a stranger. b ut I think there are far more good caring people in this world than bad ones.and also if one does help others no matter if they are strangers the good will come back around to' you when needed.
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
6 Oct 11
hirittersport when I fell this February I had all sorts of help for which i was so grateful. it took two days to get the medical help I needed but I had a lot of people really going out of their ways to be really good to me .I am grateful that I live among some who really do care.
• Lippstadt, Germany
2 Oct 11
really makes me happy to know people around you will be helpful when you are in need. Have a wonderful Sunday
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
2 Oct 11
I do think there are a lot of helpful people out there, but I have to agree some with the other too. For instance, we were driving in the next town. We were on a busy street. I looked over at the sidewalk, and there was this older man, an empty wheelchair and a lady in a wheelchair that was part off of the sidewalk tipping over. The guy looked like he was on his knee. I looked at my husband and told him to stop. It looked like they were in trouble. Both wheelchairs were power. We stopped and jumped out, as did the car behind us. The man had both of his legs amputated and had gotten out of his wheelchair to help try to help her get back on the sidewalk. He couldn't do it and was having trouble getting into his own. We all helped get her back up on the sidewalk, and they thanked us over and over. They had been stuck like this for over 10 minutes.
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
2 Oct 11
hi thoroughrob what a sad story and to think they had been'like that for over ten minutes. some people should be ashamed of them selves for not stopping. When I first came here people did not realize I cannot use my left arm. they see me able to push my walker and all in one piece. this newcomer was scared trying to get up out of her seat I tried to help her by offering my right hand but without my left hand helping I literally could not get her up out of her easy chair, too I did not want to make her fall. so I told her I would go get someone to help her so of course I found one of the residents with two good arms . He had her out of her chair and using the walker in five minutes. I explained to them both that since I had had an artificial shoulder joint to replace the crushed shoulder bones from a bad fall I had lost the use of my right arm almost completely. I had had tons of rehab but I guess my age had a lot to do with it. the muscles just refuse to raise my left arm.but I always do what I can to help anyone with anything or go get help if I cannot do it myself.
@ElicBxn (63252)
• United States
2 Oct 11
I agree. My mother took a tumble outside a grocery store. We had store people, an off duty paramedic, and total strangers making sure she was okay. Happily, she wasn't hurt like you had been, but anyone gets shaken up by a fall. Tho, I took a fall a few Saturdays ago and when I realized I was going down, I just kind of threw what I was holding so I wouldn't land on anything. That has become kind of a habit after I fell while holding a few things that would've hurt to land on - since I tossed them in the air while I was falling all I had to worry about was those heavy things landing on ME!
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
2 Oct 11
hi elicbxn I am so glad she was not badly hurt but its sure no fun. My son kept saying I would have been better off when I fell on my left shoulder to have fallen face down.,well unfortunately the day after Valentine's day I fellface down smack. no it was not a good way to fall.I broke my nose,and twisted my right knee badly so falling in most any position is not funny nor good either.I know its been shown that there are certain ways you can make a fall less disastrous but I do not remember them now.both times when I fell I had a lot of good Samaritans who helped me so I know that there are a lot of good honest people who will help in an emergency./
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@eshaan (6188)
• India
2 Oct 11
Hi friend, you are right there are such people who help others a lot but it happens hardly... I believe more in what your friend said... People are nowadays more self- centered and are more limited to themselves only...I feel sorry for why the behavior of people is changing day by day and why are they not so helpful nowadays... The case which you narrated shows that there are some people who are that helpful but actually many people are not even bothered about anyone else... My city is not that developed, so people here are very nice, they help a lot.. but one of my relatives told me the incident which recently happened with him, he had gone out in some other city (in india itself), for some study purpose.. he was going by with his friends when he saw a girl fell down due to an accident by a two wheeler, the person driving that bike rushed away very quickly from that place not bothering about the girl but my relative and his friends helped the girl and she was so cruel that she didnt even gave them a word of thanks... So in many developed cities in various countries people care only for themselves and leave other people aside.... I want that all should keep on helping each other and understand each other's feelings rather than being limited to themselves... I find people very cruel, mean and selfish nowadays... well good people should always keep on doing their good deeds always... happy posting
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
2 Oct 11
hi eshaan in really large cities I think people get a bit paranoid and are afraid to just rush out and help someone in trouble.Perhaps somehave been taught not to interfere when a person is injured as you may do mor harm than good. okay but that does not stop a person from calling for help for a person injured and unable to help themselves.some will call while others stand and stare or worse yet run off.. I also want all people to be kind and giving and help anyone they see in trouble.If they cannot help by themselves they should be willing to call for paramedics and police or fire fighrters as needed.we must all remember the golden rule.Do unto others as you would have them do into you.It really does pay asyou do good,good comes back to you.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
2 Oct 11
In this country people really help each other all the time. But I found that to be true when I visited my daughter who lived in N.C. for a few years. I found the Southerners to be so very kind. In fact, people are kind in the U.K. too. But maybe I expect that I have just been lucky. But basically I believe that people are good not bad. But of course not talking about the ones who march to the tune of a different drummer
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
2 Oct 11
hi cynthiann thats great that in your country people do help eahc other all the time. I grew up in sou th Dakota a state with cold winters with lots of blizzards and we all helped each other. there was no such thing as by passing a car stalled as towns are far apart and we all took care of each other that way. we knew we all needed each other so nobody was left to worry, they got help at onc e. here in California some people cannot be bothered but still I have found most people do help one another and seldom just walk a way from an emergency .Even if only to call the police or t he paramedics or whatever help is needed. I agree basically most all people are good. Oh there are a few who will not help but they are much rarer than one thinks.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
1 Oct 11
I think there are more people out there in the world who help people like the ones who helped you. I think there probaly is but we don't hear about as much as we should. There is so much bad stuff going on in the world we forget what is important and need to be reminded! We need to hear about more acts of random kindness! It could chance some people minds and get more people to do random acts of kindness!
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
2 Oct 11
hi blue65p acker thats so true aswe hear all the terrible things' people do but seldom the random acts of kindness by ordinary people.Here in the US a year or so ago there used to be one channel that had an hour in which the newspeople reported on that days winner in the young peoples random acts of kindness. One that stuck in my mind was a father who was a diabetic and had his 12 year old son in the car with him when he went r eally too low and passed out. the boy knew just enough about drivining to speedup and find the hospital they used and turn ionto it then park at the emergency entrance and honk the horm until someone came out to see his unconscious dad the the boy practically sitting in dads lap so he could steer the car and get to their hospital. quick thinking obn that young mans part too.I wish we would hear more about the good things ordinary people do all the time and never receive much credit for it. I belong to the Pass it on society but have not been in contact since I came here.someone does you a good deed, instead of giving them money they tell you to pass on the good deed to the next person you see who is in trouble. It is really a great idea but my health has prevented me from attending or even helping others right now.I am still g etting over a fall that really did a number on my right knee.
@shibham (16977)
• India
2 Oct 11
You are right hatley that all people are not selfish and i can say that i am ready to extend my helping hands if someone needs. If i do that then one day i will get the same as everything can happen with anyone and anywhere. Have a nice time.
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
2 Oct 11
hi shibham its that old golden rule again I think do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I have often helped others so was not too surprised when I was helped when needed. I have always said there are many more good people than bad in this world and they are the unsung heroes, the ordinary person who holds a door o pen when I am pushing my walker laden with things I have bought. Same when someone holds the elevator so you can get on. When you pick up something a crippled person drops you are doing good.it is also true what we sow is what we will reap one day. if you really try always to help others then one day if you slip and fall, they will more than willing to rush to help you too.