Single Llife

October 5, 2011 8:44am CST
Are you single? Do you really enjoy the single life or is their disadvantages to it? I am single and I wonder how the majority of others feel. glowin100
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8 responses
@thatgirl13 (7294)
• South Korea
5 Oct 11
I am single and love it but since I have been single for couple of years, i just sometimes wish I had a boyfriend hehe! I have no complaints of being single but sometiems it just feels lonely, that's all. But the good thing is, most of my girlfriends are single so i don't feel out of the circle
• United States
5 Oct 11
Its always good to have friend that are in the same predicament that you are in. But then again you should have at least one friend that is in a real committed relationship so you can learn from them too.
• South Korea
6 Oct 11
Yeah actually I do have a friend who is married and one who is engaged. They are a bit senior but we do hang out as friends :)
• Philippines
5 Oct 11
Yes I am! I do enjoy at times being it. There are times that I also wish to have someone in life that could be my bestfriend and boyfriend as well. I don't know why I can't find the right person to be that kind. Hmm.. I also admit that I usually ignore people. That's why I get to be contented of living my life alone. However, if Mr. Right would come, I will never miss the chance to get to know him very well. For the meantime, I still have a lot of priorities. So, I think it will be best if I'll work on it first. Anyway, true love waits, as has been said.
• Philippines
5 Oct 11
I think what's good of being single is that you would be able to succeed in your career that you have chosen. You will also enjoy your life without any hesitation. You could mingle to anybody and you could have a lot of crushes. haha..
• Portugal
11 Oct 11
im single too but im not happy with it. i think that we all need to feel loved and special for someone. i feel sad that i dont have that person. i wish i could have. i believe that someday i will but im afraid sometimes that i cant find him. im afraid to end up alone. im very young yet but i think is the age already to have a boyfriend that loves me for who i am. anyway wish you can find the right person soon^^ we all find it but sometimes it takes awhile.
5 Oct 11
I AM SO HAPPY BEING SINGLE! (MAJOR CAPSLOCK) hahaha! Honestly, I broke up with my Bf last July and now, that I am single I never felt so light and let's say HappiER.. I am happy with my bf when we're together but I am happier when I am single. =) There is a disadvantage to it though.. Fact is, you get to miss that special person too but to those who have an in-depth knowledge on what single truly is and that they have grasped that being single is a CHOICE the disadvantages would not really matter. It really depends on how people perceive and adapt through life.
• Philippines
7 Oct 11
I am single. I just got out of a relationship, and I find myself much more happier right now that i am single. well, there are a lot of things that i miss about being in a relationship. but i think that when you're single, you can do everything that you want without worrying if you might hurt someone. or you don't need to consult someone with your plans. you can also hang out with your friends like forever.hahah i believe that if you're single, it doesn't mean that you don't receive love.It means that you're much loved by the people around you that you don't need someone to complete you.
@tpisces (66)
• United States
5 Oct 11
I'm not single currently in an relationship but don't get me wrong sometimes I wish I was single. There are less worries & not another person to think about, when your single the only person you have to worry about is yourself. I would rather be alone @ times plus have no freedom than me being in a relationship. Besides the man upstairs thats my true relationship I have. As long as you love yourself & feel secure about you you'll be fine remember you don't always need a man to keep you satisfied most times you can do bad yourself
• United States
5 Oct 11
For me the advantage of being single is that I don't have to rush home to someone after work. If I want to shop or whatever, I can. I don't have to account for where I am. When I was married I had to tell my husband every move I made. I didn't like it much. I can buy the foods I want, run around the house any way I like and no one has anything to say about it. The disadvantage to it is that there is no one to talk to about your day. If you had a bad day, you'd just better tell the wall about it or call up one of your girl friends to complain. So you lack that companionship ship, but at least you can watch whatever you want on tv.
• United States
5 Oct 11
i am not single but I do know that there are pros and cons of being single. Being singles gives you plenty of time to yourself and you get to do things whenever you want to do it without anyone stopping you. But when you are in a relationship you have to abide by other rules that you may or may not agree totally with. However, being single gets lonely sometimes. And being in a relationship is usually helpful financially wise.