My Sleeping Habits

October 19, 2011 7:05am CST
My sleeping habits have never been good at all. Thus, I do not expect anyone to duplicate them. I have always been suffering from insomnia. It is normal that I never feel any sleepiness throughout the whole night. In order to be able to secure some sleep for myself, I will forcibly send myself to bed when i see that it is already nearing midnight or quite past that. I will have to find the most comfortable position and the most comfortable pillow and blanket, too. Just imagine how my sons will react when they will feel that i have chosen to sleep beside anyone of them. lol. Now though, they have gotten used to it and wll embrace and plant some kisses on my cheeks. Sweet! But, if I keep on turning around the bed, my, that is quite a bother to whomever is at my side. You might just as well imagine how the boy beside me will be reacting. How about you, do you have good and excellent sleeping habits?
3 responses
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
20 Oct 11
I am also suffering from insomnia. When everyone is already in their dreamlands I am still gazing through the night till the wee hours of the morning like an owl without the slightest feel of sleepiness. Initially I thought it was the prolonged exposure to the computer screen during the day that may have affected the pupils of the eyes to dilate resulting in my inability to sleep at night but I've tried to refrain surfing the net for a few days still my insomniac nights keep rolling in. What I do now is to occupy myself in mylot until my eyes are strained and my brain exhausted which would then induce me to sleep but not until the sound of the first co@k crow signalling a new day.
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• Philippines
20 Oct 11
Hi Zandi. Would that be something like 4 o'clock in the morning already? I believe that is the time when the rooster crows in the early morning. I used to have some roosters though which crows by midnight. But, most of them crows at 4 in the morning. That's when they are most noisy. I hope that your problem will ease out. No one loves to become an insomniac. While I was still very young, my mom used to tag me along to her doctor friends to be advised on how to deal with my illnesses. I used to be a sickly child.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
19 Oct 11
I hardly ever get enough sleep either. I always have too much to do or too much on my mind. I hardly ever get enough rest. I do get sleepy but alot of times, it takes me forever to fall asleep.
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@koneho12 (165)
• Philippines
23 Oct 11
I am very lucky for not having that condition. Anywhere and and whenever I want to sleep I could easily make it without any difficulty. I just need to close my eyes and thats it I can sleep already. I hope that someday you could also sleep easily as the same thing as mine here.