
@bavneet (127)
October 29, 2011 11:37am CST
somehow we all are getting tired a lot and very few of us know how to relax and most of the people which i see is they just express their angerness on someone and get relax but i jut want to know how all of you get relaxed.
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4 responses
@sjvg1976 (41132)
• Delhi, India
29 Oct 11
Hello bavneet, I seldom get irritated or frustrated but when i do i try to engage myself in the things which i like to do like playing with kids,talk to freind,go for a brisk walk or sometimes sleep. Getting angry is not in my nature but when i get i keep quite for sometime and find it disappears in few minutes and yes i don't think of it again.There are some big issues in life too which are hard to forget but then its life and one has to go with it sometimes and with times it goes away from us.
@sjvg1976 (41132)
• Delhi, India
29 Oct 11
Yes you can be like me but you need a training from me. The main reason for my being cool is because i am good at ignoring things.In office or at home i have a habit to listen and ignore things which i don't like and that way i feel i can avoid clashes.
@Seisho7 (171)
• Indonesia
30 Oct 11
Sleep lol -_- , go on vacation and hang out with my friends that I usually do and I think that's make me relax
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
29 Oct 11
I feel pretty tired and exhausted after a long day at work. My favorite way of relaxation after I get back home is listening to music. I keep a collection of CDs of classical music, Mozart, Chopin, Johan Strauss, and more. Listening to classical music is very relaxing and refreshing for me.
@ceasar09 (442)
• Philippines
29 Oct 11
sometimes because of tiredness and stress after our works or anything we do and we tend to convert it to anger and finding small things that could trigger the anger towards another person and recognizing your mistake on that part makes you calm down and somewhat relax. After my work i tend to relax by laying down on a couch and watch tv or i play online games with my friends and surfs the web in that way i tend to relax myself. Every persons have their own way of relaxing thereselves lets just recognize the things that makes us happy and for sure it will make you relax. ?