when did the terms "move on" and "ibigay ang best ko" became Filipino terms

Calgary, Alberta
October 29, 2011 1:02pm CST
Around the 90's in our country when we have a friend who is broken hearted or trying to cope with the lost of a loved one, The advise people give is "Kaya mo yan, Bumangon ka" (in english, Its either Its not yet over, you can do it or ) but now from television to real life we keep on hearing people using this term "mag-move on kana" which is a mash up of tagalog and English. Then on every Filipino singing contest and reality television, an annoying taglish term In my Opinion our language is beautiful and yes we are proficient in English but we dont need to mix the 2 languages in every single sentence, We can be good in our language and be good in English without mixing the languages up. Taglish, jejemon and Filipino gay lingo will kill our language, I blame the butcher of our language to TV, I'm in fear our language will die in few decades,
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7 responses
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
31 Oct 11
This is the reason why the subject Pilipino should really be given focus. Nowadays, specially those teenagers , because of texting , some Tagalog and English words are being used and abbreviated . Thus, with its constant use, some think of it as the usual way of saying it. In this regard, teachers should really work hard in teaching their pupils the proper way of speaking our language. And i am saddened too, that rich Pinoy kids are now speaaking English instead of Pilipino in speaking with their parents as well as their yayas. Take the case of Kris' commercial with Bimby on Nido. Bimby asked what's sulit ? Huh? A Filipino, not knowing the Pilipino term? But of course, commercials are exaggeration .
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@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
2 Nov 11
Actually, i find that commercial nice. What i don't want is Kris being asked what's the meaning of those two Pilino words. Oh Albert, i am sorry but i do not know who the 2 celebrities you are talking about? But let me guess, Martin Nievera is one ?
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• Calgary, Alberta
2 Nov 11
Martin Nievera and Gary V, younger stars who originally cant speak tagalog already surpassed them.
• Calgary, Alberta
1 Nov 11
Oh gosh that commercial is so annoying, I want to punch someone's face whenever I see that super annoying and super irritating commercial. Another problem, we have celebrities in our country who had been 3 decades in our country and yet still unable to speak the language. what a shame. I think you know who are the 2 peopleI'm talking about,they were two of the most respected male singers.
@svjomboy (873)
• Philippines
30 Oct 11
Filipino people are now liberated, they are adopting some language infact some school are offering to learn, different kind of languages...and i am one those,hehehe!!!
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• Philippines
30 Oct 11
True! we should embrace our culture its same in japan they have unique since of fashion while we have unique since of language? hehehehe....
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• Philippines
30 Oct 11
oops I mean sense haha... *carried away*
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• Calgary, Alberta
30 Oct 11
I think there is nothing wrong with learning new languages, its cool but killing and raping your own language is not cool.
@boboypete (209)
• Manila, Philippines
29 Oct 11
These things are commonly happening elsewhere in the world now. I had worked less than five years in the United Arab Emirates, I had a lot of exposures in my profession since I met many nationalities within my company. I witnessed how Arabic guy using the same methodology on expressing himself while communicating with his Arabic friend, I also saw an Indian guy saying Urdo or hindi language mixed up with English to his Indian buddy and another British guy who had spoken with Arab language and English mixture to his fellow. I assumed then, that the individual approach of my officemates where just a cummulative way of races joining as a team and working closely together to each other in certain way to be able to deliver themselves. We could not expect British to speak most of English language to his Arabic teammate whereas the common goal of a team is to have a better understanding at all. There is also a saying that goes this way, WHEN YOU ARE IN ROME DO WHAT ROMANS DO. This is really truly a thing that might disucss in relationship with what you are saying here, so we as Filipino should respect our National Language as I know it is the only one medium in the world, the Filipino language that we could understand clearly both oral and written as well. I love our natural way of communication in the Philippines but we could not control nowadays the rapidly changing culture and mixture of beliefs and lifestyle with different nationalities. If I noticed in the noontime program of one of the biggest shows on TV, there are some Brazilians who used to be very versatile in speaking of our own language, I could not help but admire them to much. That celebrities seemed so very natural how they project articulately conversing in Filipino. Now, I suppose if we have this changes in our environment we could see in our country, let us also recognize how the foreigners are trying to do something good to tell that Filipino is worthy language and how they exerted their efforts just to learn it and so it is so really fantastic contribution they shown to us. You and me are trying to figure out here that if we should learn the international language which is the English, then we should also do our best to love and speak FILIPINO language inside the country and even abroad, be natural, let every men and woman in the Philippines be the models as we could be unjust to the young generations if we are not good enough in speaking of our very own language, so shameful would that be. Should you give justice to filipino language, please do not hesitate to say you are Filipino and I would appreciate you in Filipino way too. We are learning English, hence we should learn the basic Filipino language on the otherhand.
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• Calgary, Alberta
30 Oct 11
I know Tagalog and Filipino are 2 different language,cos tagalog is the purest form and Filipino had some influence of spanish and now english but the exaggerated taglish though is kind of disturbing to me. I heard in an African country more people speaks English than Africaans , I dont want that to happen in our country, but we were so easily influenced, Television is like the biggest suspect for me, I mean in just 1/2 decade I noticed a huge change in the way people uses the language. I dont know if the dialects of our country were in good condition, I have a feeling tagalog is not the only Phillippine language in trouble.
• Philippines
31 Oct 11
ohh dont worry the cebuanos refuse to use the taglish hehe... and possibly the other regions wont use taglish. of all the dialects i wanna learn chavacano =)
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@keihimekawa (2009)
• Philippines
2 Nov 11
"Ano baaahhh? Sureness ka ba sa topic na itech?" Kidding aside, you might actually kill me if I respond to your discussion in that manner but I do agree on your point. In all honesty, I'm guilty of Taglish speaking but I only use it when I fool around people. I think most use Taglish and/or Gay Lingo since they find it amusing in some way. I use it to tease my friends who can't stand Gay Lingo though . I need people need control when using these. I remember seeing this RH Bill senate hearing where Lito Lapid is defending his side in Tagalog and the other party is replying in Taglish. I was like, "Taglish in senate?!" but then, that's that. I do agree with you that people should value their mother language more. Japan is a prosperous country and they have this "if you want to talk to us, learn our language. Why do we need to learn yours if you need something from us"-type of trait :D I really admire them for this. I'm worried that kids nowadays can speak English REAL WELL but can't even create one straight sentence in Tagalog. Heck, I'm surprised that my niece born and raised in Australia can actually speak Tagalog more fluently than my nieces and nephews who are born and raised in Philippines. I think parents should remove this "English is ALWAYS a cool language" mantra and should teach their kids to appreciate their mother language more.
• Calgary, Alberta
2 Nov 11
This should be the mindset kids should learn Being able to fluently speak Tagalog and English without raping them and butchering is much more cooler and much more pleasant. I'm not really into some special slangs that becoming a trend like GayLingo, I have nothing againts LGBT community, I just hate the gay lingo that is becoming a norm because I see it as an etnocide, That will destroy the formality of our language in few years,Just imagine how our language will be in the next century. I felt hopeless though,There is nothing I can do with it. I cant stop it because its beyond my control.
@ralphs (209)
• Philippines
1 Nov 11
yes its a cliche to all the Filipino who's giving advise to a brokenhearted person or their friends, they think its easy to say that to yourself who has brokenhearted or in the tragic moment, but its not. They say that always "ok lang yan","maraming isda sa dagat" that's BS,FU. in terms of our language i think jejemon's, taglish, jeproks, English carabao, will not kill our Filipino language, its like a game it will be over and vanish, but the end of the day nothing change where Filipino whatever the situations, agree ?
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• Calgary, Alberta
1 Nov 11
10 years ago it doesnt exist, I dont know when did it became a trend, I think even uneducated people uses taglish and those bad slangs and lingos the most. I really blame 2 big Tv networks for slowly killing the language. I do hope our language can be preserve. learning new languages is good but we should not be ashamed of our own language.
• Philippines
30 Oct 11
Its sad that Tagalog language is transforming in an unexpected way, Tagalog is not the only language that is used though,we have 116 dialects around the archipelago people use their own native tongue or dialect to communicate. Some of the major dialects spoken are Tagalog, Cebuano, bisaya, hiligaynon, Ilonggo, Ilocano, Kapampangan, Chavacano, Karay-a.All this dialects are still being used by its locals until now, and this preserves our culture as a Filipino. I think the main reason why we use code switching like Taglish is that some of the spoken Tagalog words are forgotten or just "corny" for our taste. As for the jejemons that uses jejebet they purposely over exaggerate the words to the point that you cant understand them I think the reason for this is social difference and lacking in education.While the bekimons that uses the gay language is actually has a more deeper reason than just to annoy people with flowering, wonderful, alien like language.gay language is much more older than the jejebet that is being used by the jejemons.The gay language it self is some what a cloak to protect the gay peoples from peoples judgmental minds and to protect the "virgin ears" of those who doesn't know the language, since they use it to express their emotions, desire, and what they really want.I myself use this language when talking to gay lingo users to prevent other non speakers from understand what I am talking, we all know that gossip spreads like wild fire right?.Professional people actually use the gay lingo like anitch(ano?),wersong(saan?),Itech(ito?),haler(hello),Bongga!(Beautiful) etc...
• Calgary, Alberta
30 Oct 11
at least those dialects are still on their purest form, Unlike tagalog which is badly butchered now because of taglish and many lingos, I really blame Tv forthis happening cos those lingos dont exist 15 years ago, If you watch some 90's movies the tagalog is still decent. My girlfriend ,my aunt and my supervisor are all using gay lingo and yes I dont understand what the heck they say. I dont know what would be a good way to save the language from mash ups and weird slangs,
@jaiho2009 (39142)
• Philippines
29 Oct 11
hello Capt, I agree...and yes, what the ****. I am so annoyed when teenagers using terms like carry mo yan (you can do it) and this word that really made my head turn "masyado ka namang exaggzz (pronounce as ex-sadshh) meaning- exaggerated ...oh my goodness! what is happening to our vocabulary. Dr.Jose Rizal we need you badly
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• Calgary, Alberta
29 Oct 11
My typo for got this: Every singing contest and competition on tv have this annoying term :"ibibigay ko ang best ko" I mean indians are good in English and they don't raaaaape! their language. They respect it. I think a lotof Filipino teenagers, starts their sentenses with "so"