Halloween Madness

@Masihi (4413)
November 5, 2011 9:14am CST
So we did end up trick-or-treating as a family, my husband really got greedy. (Keep in mind that he has been diagnosed with a learning disability so not everything he does is "adult-like") Anyway, his father had already bought costumes for the kids, and his mother already planned on taking the kids out, so Hubby wanted her to come along and take them to the city's wealthier streets where they gave out more candy. The kids had treat bags, and Hubby made me bring 3 other big bags (bigger than grocery bags) with me. We left at 6pm and by the time 7:30 rolled in, I started making noises about heading back home because we've then already had one and a half back-up bags full. Hubby was determined to stay out as long as possible and by the time 9pm rolled around, we had all 3 back-up bags filled plus the kids still had a little candy/chips in their treat bags. The kids went to bed, I was really pissed off, and I dumped the candy and chips on the floor and asked him the obvious question: "Did we take this too far?" Of course he said no. It took me til midnight to sort through the candy. So I had an idea. I decided to keep some candies for decorating our Christmas gingerbread house, and other candies to make cookies (m&m and resses peices) and then I took a bag without the chips and put it into Hubby's car so he can grab something to go with his coffee when he's at his crossing guard job. Now we have a somewhat of a reasonable bag of candy for the kids in our flat but 2 huge bags of chips. I wish Hubby wasn't so in love with junk food, though. He didn't even learn when he is losing all his teeth and that they're all yellow because his grandmother (she's dead now) used to give him all kinds of candy when he was a boy, right up until she passed away and he was in his early 40's. Anyway that's my rant.
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5 responses
@GardenGerty (158296)
• United States
6 Nov 11
There are many people out there who do the same. As you said, he has a learning disability and it makes it hard for him to make some right judgement. I have heard that whatever you are exposed to in your formative years gets kind of "hard wired" into your mind. I think you did a good job of sorting things though.
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
6 Nov 11
You're probably right about the hard-wired part, because when I was a kid, I wasn't allowed to go trick or treating much, and when we did, it was only a little bit of candy, and my foster mother didn't even let me eat much of it. Hubby, on the other hand, used to get big bags of candy along with his brother.
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
6 Nov 11
Too many people are addicted to sugar and don't even realise it. I hope doctors will wake up and recognise it and call sugar addiction for what it is.
• United States
5 Nov 11
It's that time of year where everyone gets to eat junk and pay for it later. :) Three big bags full is a bit much for me. We got our candy at the dollar store. It's good but I think we're saving our calories for Thanksgiving and Christmas. We did need to buy the extra candy, however, as people around here, for the most part, gave out hard candy this year, and the little kids can't eat it. Chips aren't that bad compared to candy, though.
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@GardenGerty (158296)
• United States
6 Nov 11
Actually they are better than Shake n Bake, because unless they have changed how it is made it is full of sugar. Chips make a nice topping for casseroles as well. I usually buy tortilla chips as I feel they have more food value, and the crumbs in the bottom of the bag go well on top of southwestern types of casseroles with peppers and beans, and corn, etc.
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
5 Nov 11
Chips have their uses as well, for example, we sometimes crush them really fine (with a rolling pin) then mix them with spices and they make a lovely home version of Shake n Bake for chicken. We're going biking today, so I think we'll grab a couple of bags of chips :-)
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
6 Nov 11
LOL girl now u makin' me DROOL!!!
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
5 Nov 11
That is one of a few reasons I don't observe this day, I also have a horrible sweet tooth, so I can understand your husband's desire. I force myself to be careful, because diabetes runs in my family and I have seen the dark side of this disease, it isn't anything I'd want to go through..
@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
5 Nov 11
Ya, I think diabetes is everywhere nowadays, especially here in North America. But diabetes is defintielly on my biological family's side, according to my social workers, and is on Hubby's sides as well. I wish they'd ban the holiday, cuz there's nothing good about it anyway, or beneficial.
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• United States
5 Nov 11
Unfortunately I think all holidays, even biblical ones, have unhealthy food. Look at lakes for Hanukkah, deep fried potatoes is artery clogging. But I think if we enjoy these foods in moderation, then that's okay, but some people, (like me and sugar) are weak when it comes to eating junk food..
• United States
5 Nov 11
Hahaha, when I said (me and sugar) I meant that I am weak where sugary foods are concerned, not that sugar is weak or a people..
@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
5 Nov 11
oh how i wish we do have trick or treat here because i have a sweet tooth lol.. but still on the other hand, i am glad we do not have because my sugar level is high lol plus the candies they might give here are not the quality ones that i love like m&ms, hersheys..and the likes..they might just give the cheap ones that might really be harmful..
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
6 Nov 11
Na, you're better off not having h'ween, Jazel, there's other issues that we deal with like serious pranks done on that night. Stuff like arson and vandelism, even bridges set on fire in some extreme cases. (Hubby has a buddy up in New Brunswick, and he witnessed the bridge-burning incident a few years back.)
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
6 Nov 11
Wow, that's a lot of candy. But, it's a good thing you've found a way to not give it all to your children. Saving some for Christmas is actually a good thing I hear that you could do to excess Halloween candy. And, yes, I love, love, cookies with those M&Ms on them, so that's a neat idea, too. See that what happened to your hubby's teeth don't happen to your kids. I, too, had that problem of being spoiled by my grandmother (me and my brothers) and so, I have ugly teeth. Ugh.
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@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
6 Nov 11
I always joking called h'ween the "Dentist's Favourite Day" - why? Because of all the business they would get!!!