Bathing a Cat

November 7, 2011 5:22am CST
In my place bathing a cat is not customary. The elders say that getting a cat wet can cause bad weather. Of course, when I was still a kid, I used to believe it. Nowadays, I just shrugged the idea off then bath my cat. I have a year old Siamese cat and I bathe him once a week. I wonder, Siamese cats can be bathed as a part of their grooming. But is it also OK to bathe other breeds of cats?
4 responses
@Mashnn (4501)
7 Nov 11
I wouldn't hesitate to bath my cat no matter the brand. I am not superstitious in any way.
@Mashnn (4501)
7 Nov 11
That true. That is why I could bath it anytime.
• Philippines
7 Nov 11
Well, I'm reluctant at other breeds of cats. They might claw their way out of it. Siamese you know are the sweetest.
@Mashnn (4501)
7 Nov 11
Ok. I understand your worries now. Take care of him or her.
@ljbinkop (744)
• United States
7 Nov 11
I have been a cat owner all my life and have been toal that there is NO NEED to bathe a cat. They bathe themselves! My cats have claws, too. I wouldn't even dream of giving them a bath. They are always indoors anyway, but they never smell. Good luck to you!
• Philippines
8 Nov 11
I am thinking to consider that. I know they can lick themselves clean and sometimes I am lazy to give my cat Logan a bath but it makes me feel guilty lol... But now, that you've mention it, I think, I have my excuse not to do so :D
• Philippines
7 Nov 11
well i think its not that bad to bathe a cat... just make sure that you will dry it well so it won't get sick... and make sure its not angry, you don't like have its nails leave a mark on your face.
• Philippines
8 Nov 11
Absolutely, it's very fortunate that my cat is nice :)
@dlfhr04 (75)
• Indonesia
7 Nov 11
I think it's okay to bathe cat since cat could be harmless and friendly animal. but I never did it when I used to take care of cat.