What is the noblest profession for you?

@totor_53 (223)
November 14, 2011 6:13pm CST
I've just happened to come across this question because of a text message that i've received months ago wherein a teacher had asked her student what they want to be when they grow up. Most of her pupils answered a professional job but one pupil courageously answered that he wants to become a farmer because he is afraid that since most his classmates would like to become professionals therefore no one will produce rice resulting to hunger to all of the people. This text message had really opened my mind that poverty can never be abolished in every nation.
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6 responses
@averygirl72 (37860)
• Philippines
15 Nov 11
I believe being a teacher is really one of the noblest profession. You should be a multi-tasker when you are a teacher. You need to make your pupils literate as well as talented. You need to do paper jobs and learn to use the computer for your paper works. You have to be a psychologist and a guidance counselor as you deal with pupil's behavior. You also need to be like a nurse because you need to take care of them when they get sick inside the classroom. Also you need to learn to be a referee because when there is a fight going on between your pupils.
@JosephP (1116)
• Jamaica
16 Nov 11
Yes I agree teaching is a very noble profession. Teachers are the ones who take up the responsibility of providing the next generation with knowledge.
• India
19 May 12
now a day teachers are very much irresponsible and also they are coming to schools for just earning their salary......
• United States
15 Nov 11
I would have to say a teacher. Teachers have to put up with a lot nowadays. Besides children misbehaving they have to deal with the parents of these children which is almost as bad. That being said they CHOOSE to become teachers anyway. If not for them no one would ever learn anything & as a result there would be no future teachers, policemen, firemen, farmers, Doctors, Lawyers....etc. etc.
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@wulania (1524)
• Indonesia
15 Nov 11
i ma a techer i dont think so
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@urbandekay (18278)
15 Nov 11
Toilet cleaner all the best urban
@wulania (1524)
• Indonesia
15 Nov 11
i am techer. i thin all profession is good and noble when it gives contributions to others people, to huanity. but if we make people get loss, we are not noble. remember that teaching is not noble when we dont make the world be much better
15 Nov 11
Myself I think being involved in housing for the needy is the most noble, if you had ever lived without a home yourself and seen others struggle too with this you may understand this better too. I believe we need more programs and budgets to help people have some kind of lower income housing too. Thanks,A.B.
@Queen_11 (307)
• Philippines
16 Nov 11
A profession that calls for service to others without expecting anything in return is a noble one. I for one wants to be a public servant and help improve the lives of others. If that is not possible, being a volunteer is also OK with me :)