If you were to change your gender now, will you take the chance?

@chiyosan (30184)
November 14, 2011 9:09pm CST
Let's say tere's something created or invented or there are some miracles that could happen and that you would be given a chance to change your gender (if you are a woman- be a man or you are a man to become a woman... ) would you take the chance, and why? I meant here that right now you can be the opposite of your gender, and not when you are born again alright? (i bet many gays would choose to be women). hehe just a silly question, but i think we can still see how our fellow mylotters would react to this possibility?
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13 responses
@katcarneo (1433)
• Philippines
15 Nov 11
My girlfriends and I had a long discussion of things we were going to do if we became men for a day. I guess that's the limit that i want. I do like to try being a man but I don't want the shift to be permanent. There are just certain things I'd like to try out. Things that men do and women don't and most of them are not so good things, like peeing on a wall. But of course that discussion was merely for fun. In case there was an invention that would make ma a man for a day as I said I wanted, I think I'd still be chicken to try it out. I am perfectly happy with who I am.
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@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
15 Nov 11
Yeah, i guess you are right, we could be talking about we would like to know how it feels like to be another person, specifically another gender and see how it feels like to be the opposite, but yeah, most probably i would chicken out myself too... :D
• Indonesia
16 Nov 11
yup that;s what I feel too. maybe I want to shift just for mere a day out of curiosity but no more than that. I feel comfortable for what I am now.
• Marikina, Philippines
1 Feb 12
Oh. Honestly speaking, I am a woman and I would rather change my gender into a man. In that case, if that would happen in real life, I would be happy for the rest of my life. He he I do not know why. I just feel it within my heart. If I would stay being a woman for the rest of my life, then I would feel insecure forever and ever. Now, if I would be a man then, I could do everything I want in my whole life. All the freedom is mine and I would not be a submissive type of woman anymore and I could escape all the forbidden laws that the society dictate to women. If there was a chance, my answer is "yes" -- I would change my gender into a man
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
17 Jan 13
Great to see you in the discussion! I hope to see you around, thanks for your response and see you around the site, have a nice day! =) Godbless you.
@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
23 Dec 11
I think it would be too bothersome to change genders now. I have lived as a female all my life, dressed as a female, ate as a female, took a bath as a female, answered the call of nature as a female, it would be difficult to adjust. And that's not just on my part, people around me will also find it difficult to adjust to me. Although it would be tempting to change into a male because males seem to live an uncomplicated life unlike with females.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
17 Jan 13
Great to see you in the discussion! I hope to see you around, thanks for your response and see you around the site, have a nice day! =) Godbless you.
@marguicha (217138)
• Chile
5 Dec 11
I am not interested at all about changing my gender and I imagine most people are happy with their gender too (including gays and lesbians). The problem of homosexuality is not their gender, but how society looks at them. So, if I wanted miracles, I´d prefer a world with more respect towards human beings. That includes gender, religion and race among other things.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
17 Jan 13
Thank you for your time to reply to the discussion. appreciate your effort in this. have a great day and see you around the site! :) Godbless you.
• Philippines
16 Nov 11
Not anymore. I was created female for some reasons only God knows, hence, I would not question it.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
17 Jan 13
Thank you for your time to reply to the discussion. appreciate your effort in this. have a great day and see you around the site! :) Godbless you.
@kyrararen (601)
• Indonesia
16 Nov 11
LOL I may take that chance but just for a day really. I mean without that, I already look like a boy. I mean my body build and my natural stance. just my voice and heart that still feminine I guess. and I love both. I mean it keeps me sane and human and not too cold. but yeah, I will try it, just to know whether it will different or not.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
17 Jan 13
Great to see you in the discussion! I hope to see you around, thanks for your response and see you around the site, have a nice day! =) Godbless you.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
15 Nov 11
I am happy and proud to be a woman. I think being a woman is a privilege and I thank God He created me a woman. So I will never ever even consider the idea of changing my gender. I am a woman and will always opt to remain a woman for the rest of my life.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
15 Nov 11
hi salonga. thank you for your response and the key, i guess is to be happy with who we are then we won't even think of the slightest idea. :D
@tessa9 (1085)
• Philippines
15 Nov 11
No, no, no. I love being a woman. I don't see myself as being a guy. *shivers* It is just not going to happen. I like being wooed and I can't see myself doing the first move. I love men haha so no I will not.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
15 Nov 11
hehe oh i love that feeling too, that you are being wooed, and that you can wear dress skirts, and you can really be sweet and all because you are a woman. haha i guess i would not want to have that exchanged with any other thing in the world. :D
• Canada
15 Nov 11
Honestly, NO. I would not change a thing in myself. I am very happy and proud to be born as a woman. I believe that women are the best human beings created on this earth, we get to experience child birth, we get to give a birth to another human being and bring a new life to this planet. We are more understanding and compassionate than men (sorry guys) but if the world would all have guys only and if everybody would want to convert into male then imagine all the road rage while driving, guys loosing patience over littlest things, who would attend parents and teachers meetings at school. I know there are very good males in the world but as far as percentage is concerned I believe there are more good females than males. I stick to what I am born and wait for god to give a birth as somebody else in my next life but I would rather be born as a woman again if I were given a choice. I believe god has sent me as a woman and has put faith in me that I will carry out all the tasks assigned to me in efficient manner so I will leave the creation intact.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
17 Jan 13
Great to see you in the discussion! I hope to see you around, thanks for your response and see you around the site, have a nice day! =) Godbless you.
• Bangalore, India
15 Nov 11
No i would not like to take this advantage and speaking truly i am enjoying being male.as i live in India and male dominated culture i will prefer to remain as male.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
15 Nov 11
ah. so there is this response that preference is based on the current culture of the country you live in. thank you very much for your response =)
@WakeUpKitty (8694)
• Netherlands
15 Nov 11
No I would not take that chance / change. I think life as a man is way easier, it would be in my case but changing my gender is not changing me, what I am from the inside. It's just my outside and I think I would feel terrible. I don't think many gays would like to be a woman. Being gay doesn't mean you like to look like a woman. You like the male body and you fall for a male body as well.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
17 Jan 13
Great to see you in the discussion! I hope to see you around, thanks for your response and see you around the site, have a nice day! =) Godbless you.
@kaeirole (668)
• Philippines
15 Nov 11
although i'm a lesbian..i still don't want to change my gender..i love my body..i love my femininity..i love to be woman..although i prefer girls, there was never a time that i pretended or act to be a male, or even just imitate them..i'm contented of being a woman..
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
17 Jan 13
Thank you for your time to reply to the discussion. appreciate your effort in this. have a great day and see you around the site! :) Godbless you.
• United States
15 Nov 11
I would choose to remain a man! I do not want to be a woman because, well, they aren't men! I don't want guys staring me down because that would be soo awkward! And I love my manly features and the roles men play in life, while women do most of the work (sometimes involving house cleaning and various boring chores). I'd rather stay a man who is strong willed and for the most part, not noticeably feminine in any way!
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
15 Nov 11
hehe thanks dellessimon for responding to the discussion. Well we all know how it feels to be us. and none of us would probably be willing to sacrifice what we are comfortable with for something unusual, right?! =)