Green Tea & Weight Loss!!!

Green Tea is good for health - Green tea is considered as good for health.
@apsara60 (6610)
November 23, 2011 3:42am CST
Hi friends, Today markets are full of different kinds of Green Tea products. Can someone please suggest me the real and good quality green tea. Is here someone who has really lost weight by just drinking green tea, no matter how many times a day., if yes.......please tell me more about it. Thanks a lot.
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5 responses
@dpk262006 (58675)
• Delhi, India
23 Nov 11
HI aps! I wonder if green tea could help reduce wait. If you get to know please also let me know.
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@apsara60 (6610)
• Israel
24 Nov 11
Your spelling of weight has changed the meaning.........right now I am not waiting for any I don't want to reduce wait.....
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@apsara60 (6610)
• Israel
25 Nov 11
right mayka123.....good one....I am sure now Dpk will be completely confused.
@mayka123 (16592)
• India
24 Nov 11
Dpt is waiting to loose weight and the wait has been a long one but the weight has not gone that is why he wants to reduce the wait to loose weight!!!!!! lol
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@nezavisima (7408)
• Bulgaria
23 Nov 11
to green tea it is good for health but if it helps with weight loss do not know. already on the market there are so many kinds of tea do not know what is fake and what is not. the best I can offer you is to begin to do some exercise or just diet. success. nice day!
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@apsara60 (6610)
• Israel
24 Nov 11
Thanks a lot nezavisima for giving first reply ........I was tired of looking at the (0) response..........yeah I know exercise and diet is the only way , but was looking for some shortcut.....Have a nice day.
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
25 Nov 11
Every time I sip in the cup of green tea, I feel rejuvenated. I know it's more of the mind but the feel good factor attached to green tea drinking gets me going. I have just started to include green tea in my regime. While working we sip in our cups and needless to say that we are instantly recharged. The antioxidant quality of green tea flushes us of our toxicity keeping us healthier. I think healthy metabolism helps in healthy living. This has a lot to do with weight reduction as well. However, having said that, motivation and moderation helps us give better shape more than aything else. And I am sure you know all of that.
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@apsara60 (6610)
• Israel
26 Nov 11
Dear Mimpi, Thanks for your positive response. I have now made up my mind that like you I will also add green tea to my regime. Can you suggest some names of real good green tea. Which one do you drink. There are so many in the market that I get so confused.
@mayka123 (16592)
• India
24 Nov 11
A lot many people have been trying all sorts of methods to loose weight. i know of a few who have green tea regularly just to loose weight but I have not seen any difference in them. If you do find the right one please do share it with us. I am sure a lot of your friends would benefit.
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@apsara60 (6610)
• Israel
25 Nov 11
I think for people of my age it will be better to take the last meal early say by 6 pm and then go for one hour walk and then not to eat anything till next morning breakfast. I am going to start this from 1st December..... I hope...
• Philippines
31 Jul 12
In the past, I regularly consumed green and oolong tea. But when I started studying law, the nighttime classes forced me to take coffee instead. As a result, my weight shot up from 140 pounds to 190. It's only now that graduation is near that I started to drink teas regularly again. I believe it does keep your weight in check.