Would you go to a concert if you didn't like the group?

United States
December 10, 2011 1:17pm CST
My friend is a big fan of the group KORN. She is such a big fan that KORN is the only group she will listen to. Honestly, I'm not a big fan, but I put up with listening to them just to please my friend. They just put out a new cd, and she really wants to go see them when they announce their 2012 tour. My friend would love for me to go, but I'm not sure I could handle a KORN concert. They are just too hardcore for me. Would you go to a concert if you weren't a fan of the goup?
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13 responses
@skydancer (2101)
• United States
11 Dec 11
For me, I suppose it would depend on how unbearable I found the sound of that group/artist's music to be. I could never sit through an artist or group whose music was full of profanity, for instance, or sounded like one of those "screamo" acts. If it were one of those, I would probably have to think up some excuse as to why I couldn't go and tell them that I already had plans for that day and time that couldn't be changed. If it was the type of music that I didn't like insofar as being able to handle a "steady diet" of it (so to speak), but maybe found it listenable in small doses, then I might be able to make a compromise but only if my friend was buying the ticket. If I had to buy my own I'd probably tell her I couldn't afford it this time around (or something to that effect) unless the tickets weren't too expensive. I would break it to my friend as nicely as I could, however, if this were the case. Granted, I have gone places I wasn't crazy about just to please my friends before, but a concert is such an expensive event that if you must pay your own way, it's probably not worth it to go unless you really, really want to and are sure you'll enjoy it. If your friend just wants to spend time with you, perhaps you could get together to do something else in the near future. I know what it's like to feel obligated to say "yes" to your friends, but the reality is that we simply cannot fulfill their every wish and request *all* the time. I will say, however, that you should agree accompany your friend to this concert until you're absolutely positive that it's a commitment you'd be willing to make because backing out of a promise at the last minute could cause trust issues between you and your friend and further complicate matters.
@skydancer (2101)
• United States
11 Dec 11
That should read, "you should NOT agree to accompany..." (in the last paragraph). Sorry for my lack of proof-reading, and good luck!
@davaome (1826)
• Philippines
10 Dec 11
I would still go to a concert of a band i don't know if someone else paid the ticket for me but if I was the one to pay for the ticket, i rather not, because, I don't even know what to expect. but in your situation, Korn is like a heavy metal band and not really sure if i would want to go myself, but if you really want to accompany your friend(which i'm sure you don't want to disappoint), I suggest you get familiar to the music of Korn and try as much to sing along and enjoy listening to it. but if you can't then just tell your friend you don't want to come
• Philippines
11 Dec 11
I have the same answer as davaome. If somebody pays for the ticket, I'll go. It would not hurt to try new things, would it? But then again, Korn. Oh well, they are really hard metal rock band. I hear some bad things that happen during these kind of concerts like people are being brutal with each other and the crowd end up being on a stampede. Just be careful to place yourself near an exit door just in case But why not, it might end up a fun night especially since you are with your friend
• Philippines
14 Dec 11
I definitely will go to a concert even if I don't like the group only if it's free. As long as I don't spend money then it's fine with me. At least I can see that band playing live. Actually, I'm a Korn fan too. However, not all korn songs are good, I still find some of them are bad.
@garson (884)
• United States
19 Dec 11
No one should make you do something that you do not like to do. The decision is yours to make. Why don't you tell your friend that you are not a fan? For me, it's just simple. If she does not want to be friends with you just because you don't like KORN, then she is not your friend, simple as that. There are lots of friends out there. Although this is unrelated to music, I went to a baseball game with a former coworker last year. I'm not a fan of baseball, but it was the first time to be at a big stadium. I personally did not care much about the game, but I took the experience. My friend/co-worker knew that I was not a fan of baseball. Whether you go or not, the decision is yours. If you go, you will find out whether you like the experience or not. It does not hurt.
@alifive (64)
• Philippines
11 Dec 11
No. I normally wouldn't BUT, ofcourse depending on who's inviting, and how much I do not like the group. If its a group that is okay but I don't like, I'd probably go. But if its a group/artist I hate, then a capital NO. I'd rather stay at home. But, if there's like no choice (like if my girlfriend wanted me to go, if not all hell will break lose or something) or I want to be with someone, I.. may go and bring an iPod or something.
@ritanoot (123)
• Israel
12 Dec 11
I will not go to a concert when the band is not my favorite. I think that your friend will understand that you don't go with him. If he not understand than he is not a friend
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
10 Dec 11
I would never go to a concert if I didn't like the group, it would be painful to have to sit through a whole concert that wasn't your cup of tea.
• United States
11 Dec 11
No way! Music , unlike Anything else in this world, you Must have a passion for to really like it! And a live concert is where that passion is strongly expressed. If you are not into the group,you won't truly enjoy the concert. It will be money pi$$ed away. Now is the time to tell your friend how you Really feel about Korn.
@ShepherdSpy (8544)
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
10 Dec 11
It would depend on whether I had any interest in their music or not..If I could recall lyrics or name some of their tracks,then maybe I'd go...If I'd actively avoid listening to them or not recognise anything they'd produced,then maybe not..but at the same time,if the whole deal was about being along with your friend,then you might have some reason to consider it...
• United States
10 Dec 11
It would depend on how much I didn't like the group and how much I did like my friend begging me to go I guess. There are some bands that I don't really listen to, but wouldn't mind seeing if a good friend of mine really wanted to go see them. If I absolutely hated the band, I'm not sure any of my close friends could get me to go anyway. But that's never really happened, if a friend of mine has wanted to go see a band I hate... they usually have another friend who'd love to go.
• United States
10 Dec 11
No. I wouldn't believe to listen to that for even one hour. My brother used to like that group(still does as far as I know)& after hearing one or two of their songs I know that I would never be able to handle going to see them in concert. Aside from the fact that I would be bored I would probably be deaf as well. No thank you.
@ShyBear88 (59306)
• Sterling, Virginia
10 Dec 11
I've went to a concert with my husband of a band I don't like but it's because I love him that I go with him. I get to spend time alone with him.
@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
10 Dec 11
To be honest, I think I have never heard KORN and I am not familiar with their music. However, I would go to a concert even if I am not a fan because usually live performances give a different energy than listening the cd and i love going to concerts anyway. I am going to concerts with singers that I've never heard of, sometimes I really enjoy it. Secondly, I believe that it's also the company that matters, if she is a good friend of yours you should probably go and do her favour. I just hope that she would do the same for you if you asked for it one day!