Getting addicted to playing games online.

@greenline (14838)
December 16, 2011 2:09pm CST
Hello. I have been playing games online as a way of relaxation. But, more than that, I am getting the feeling that I am getting addicted to it. When I open the internet in the evening after I get back home from work, the first thing I like to do is open the game site and play one of my favorite games. I even have to promise myself that I won't play more than just one time, before proceeding on to other important activities, e.g. checking emails. Oh, I am getting addicted to it. Does it happen to you too ? Are you getting addicted to playing online games ?
2 people like this
12 responses
• United States
17 Dec 11
Online games can be very addictive. I have been so hooked to a game I will get lost in time and before I realize it hours have past by. This is when I know I have a problem. I have to not play that game for a few days so I can stop myself.
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
18 Dec 11
Yes, indeed, online games are very addictive. Once one finds the game one likes, then one gets hooked to that. No easy way to get away from that. I have been trying to control myself not to get too addicted. Still trying !
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
19 Dec 11
Thank you. Okay, I will fight it. And, I will let you know who won in the fight ! Ha ha ! Have a nice day !
• United States
18 Dec 11
I know how you feel! Don't get too absorbed or it will take over. Fight it! Lol
• United States
17 Dec 11
Don't knock videogames. It was videogames that got me into computers and my first lap top. I would play my sister's so my nephew gave me a used laptop. From there I got into email and the MY Lot! I started with Collapse and Noah's Ark. Then came Hearts , Cubix 2 and Mahjong! These days I am busy with Email and My Lot . I on;y play games on holidays.
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
18 Dec 11
Hello Sarah. How are you ? So, it was the affinity for videogames which finally brought you onto myLot ! That's interesting. Collapse is one of my favorite games too. The other one is Tetris.
1 person likes this
• United States
18 Dec 11
Have you ever tried Super Collapse Puzzle Gallery?A picture made of the Collapse squares comes up and you have to make the picture disappear. It is at it is fun.
@myfb2009 (8296)
• Malaysia
18 Dec 11
Hi Green, so far i never get interest to play any games through online. Because i feel it is bad for our eyes to spend so much time facing computer. Even my head do feels giddy if i was to face the computer for many hours. So, i prefer to spend my time to online only for useful purposes. Hope you will start to spend only a portion of your time for playing online games. Because facing too long in front of computer is really not goo for our health and even eyes as well.
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
19 Dec 11
Thank you very much. That is a very good advice to me. Yes, spending too much time in front of the computer is not good at all for the eyes. I should reduce the time as much as possible. Have a nice day !
@mohkanari (1957)
• India
17 Dec 11
Recently computer chess game is making me some similar problem. I am playing a lot of games on a day spending big share of time for it. I have taken a decision to play only one game per day from new year.
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
18 Dec 11
That sounds wonderful. So, you have made the new year resolution then. Congratulations. I should also put some restriction on the amount of time I spend on playing online games. Thank you.
@ardoy0731 (7308)
• Philippines
18 Dec 11
Oh yeah online games are really addicting and I am one of them who got addicted before.When I'm not doing something important in the net I usually paly online games but now,thanks to mylot that lessen my playing hours in online games.I think moderation on all aspects in life are really needed.
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
19 Dec 11
Yes, that's true for me too. I am diverting more and more towards myLot. And, I am finding myLot more enjoyable and relaxing. Certainly a good way to good use of the time.
17 Dec 11
I'm not addicted to any games coz I don't want to. If you allow yourself to be addict it will happen. Change your hobbies that can damage your studies. At first it will be hard for you to adjust but if you keep on disciplining yourself you will soon loose your addiction. Think of the things that are more important to do than playing games like spending more time talking with your family, reading books and many more. It's your choice.
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
18 Dec 11
Thank you very much for your comment and advice. I should try to devote my time to other ways, more meaningful and beneficial. I am now trying to set limit to the time I spend on online games. Reading books is one good way.
• Indonesia
17 Dec 11
Now, I am member on a pay game online. I am not addicted yet, but I really wanted to get paid online. Unfortunately, I play game without payment. It's a free game. I was ready to play game competition for cash and it asked me to give deposit as upgrading my membership, but it was very disappointing, because my country is among countries where the game is still not allowed to play. I felt it was not fair why this game site is not belong to one of the countries where I can get paid when playing the games online.
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
18 Dec 11
Yes, payment is necessary to take part in competition games where one can make some money. One needs to have the skills, of course, to be able to do well in the competition games. I have been trying hard too to win in those games.
@Triple0 (1904)
• Australia
17 Dec 11
I use to be but not anymore! I love games and when I first got my super fast internet, I couldn't stop playing. I moved from browser based games to multi player games and I had so much fun. I downloaded so many and I started to ask my friends to play the games with me too. I played a vast range of games and I kept overloading my computer with downloaded games to the point it got so slow and laggy. But I have stopped now because my computer is just too old to play games and now I' addicted to mylot and earning online cash. I'm also addicted to ebay too now. Getting addicted isn't good, especially when you go a little too overboard and forget to do other important things like work. I you set yourself limits and restrictions it would help but then again, when do we follow our limits? Maybe try to or just give yourself a challenge and not pay any games for a whole day. Take it to a week, month and you'll stop playing hopefully! It's worth a shot.
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
18 Dec 11
Thank you for the suggestion. Yes, I realize it is a huge waste of time when getting addicted to online games. I know I should try to control myself not to go overboard. Must restrict the time spent on the games, atleast.
17 Dec 11
Oh YEAH! i was once addicted to play MU online and Warrock...too bad for me..allthough i gain lots of items and even went to the top of the characters..THE best GM player .i then started to realize that the only one who gains money here is the creator and the guy who owns the internet cafe which i spent most of the time playing esp weekends.. i never sleep..good thing the internet cafe wont close at 12..well i guess, i can say i was experiencing what you've been experiencing today...oh it's been 5 years of ol game addiction as for myself...but I QUIT! just like JBL from WWE said.
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
18 Dec 11
I see many of the internet cafes get so crowded with people addicted to playing online games. Some of them spend hours and hours playing those games. Must be very addicted to the games. And, the owners of the cafes must be making a lot of money too.
@squallming (1775)
• Malaysia
17 Dec 11
Online games such as massively multiplayer online games can be quite addictive. This may be due to the friendly environment they mostly induce. You can make friends, lover, adventure together, married in game and all sorts of things which are really interactive and fun. It leads you to another where you are able to do lots of stuff that you couldn't have done in real world. It is too addictive if one knows how to play one. I personally played a few MMORPG before and I'm playing Fly for fun at the moment. This is another online game which is quite addictive and fun. Maybe you guys can try it out?
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
18 Dec 11
Those games are new to me. I enjoy playing online games, but so far I stay with the simple games only, e.g. tetris and collapse. Thank you for the information. I will take a look at the games you mentioned.
• Bangladesh
6 Oct 12
Getting addicted to games, be it online or offline, means you too concentrated to them and you have not any sin into you. But beaware if your being addicted makes you skip doing your necessary duties, be it personal or of family. We have to look back and forth in order we have to move ahead.
@Magz1989 (271)
• Philippines
29 Oct 12
Hello. Same with you I am also addicted to an online games. I always spent an hour of it everyday no matter how busy I am....its like daily dose of vitamins to have a break from my very heavy work..