what is your opinion about our current government??

@adhyz82 (36249)
December 19, 2011 9:12pm CST
just want to know about your simple opinion about our government?? are you satisfied with their performances?? are you happy with what they had done for this country?? if the President ask you, about the suggestion for his cabinet, what is your suggestion??
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11 responses
@manforum (135)
• Malaysia
20 Dec 11
need improvement.
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@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
20 Dec 11
need improvement?? why??
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
15 Sep 12
hi, my opinion about my current government here in my country is good enough,because i can see that there are some improvements and development in every agency of government,meaning those corrupt people was lessen.
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
15 Sep 12
where do you live asliah??
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
13 Nov 12
and what about the city??
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
13 Nov 12
i live here in the Philippines adhyz...
• Pamplona, Spain
20 Dec 11
Hiya adhyz, I don´t know about your Government but I imagine they all go along the same line more or less. My best idea is for them to prove that they only think of People´s safety by giving People a chance the first time by not fining them the first time. Second time around yes and much steeper but not just fine and fine to get more Money into their Pockets not a good way to behave don´t you think but that is what they do and I imagine that this is all over the Place now.xxx
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
20 Dec 11
why do you can count all the government can go along in the same line?? do you had ever make research??
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@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
21 Dec 11
i see..thanks for your comments.. but i think every year the government must improve their performance
• Pamplona, Spain
21 Dec 11
Hiya adz, This is a mere opinion and nothing else an observation of what I am seeing going on here our newly compiled Government does not come into actual being until today.xxx Actually seeing as I like your posts about Footballers and Sport although I know them but only on the Television I don´t know very much about any of them so I don´t post very much about them as I would have to research a bit and I don´t have that much time at all.xxx So no worries we only get to hear about this Government here they don´t bother with the rest of the World at all very much.xxx
@humairaku (2038)
• Indonesia
20 Dec 11
though I graduated from social and politics department but I don't like at all talking about politics or to be involved in it. Politics is about lie and fall others. today is friend but tomorrow could be a foe. it against the humanity I think. Maybe I am too naive but politics is something I want to avoid, not only talking about it but also getting involve in it. About our government today, I think naively again to it. I'm sure that President and all his minsters have tried hard to make Indonesia in a better condition. It's not an easy job at all. we have very very large territory and millions people to be taken care so whoever the president today, he/she must work hard to fulfill people's hopes. and it is almost impossible to make everyone happy. SBY has worked very well in decreasing the level of corruption, increasing the wealth of teachers and other civil servants, it must be seen as good achievements from him..
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
20 Dec 11
it`s weird when a politic graduate but don`t like to talk politic.. it`s weird you know.. yes, politic is unsure..today we can be friend but tomorrow, iam not your friends anymore.. but M Hatta (Bung Hatta) show that there are anomaly politicians.. he is always said the truth i think... if he doesn`t like what Soekarno decision, he remember Soekarno about it even the consequences about it can broke their relationship
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
21 Dec 11
really?? does your teacher ask you, why you take this department?? sometimes history is related closer with politics.. if we are investigating about history, it always related with politic
@humairaku (2038)
• Indonesia
21 Dec 11
maybe I took wrong department then..LOL.. I don't like politics but I do like history. I studied many things during in college. and I read a lot too. But I didn't like politics. I read some politics books but what I enjoyed was not the politics but the history. But I'm not sure whether I still remember them or not..you may test me I think..LOL.. the unsure factors make me dislike politics. I will let other people to do it or talk about it. you know what, I joined a politics organization for students when I was in college. but I left that organization soon after I knew that how they worked was not suitable with my conscience. maybe I hate politics since that time. politics can bring change of course, but politics is also able to destroy humanity as well..
@veganbliss (3895)
• Adelaide, Australia
21 Nov 12
My simple opinion about your government is that it must be doing a lot of good for us to see Indonesia progress so quickly in such a short time. Most of us here are not really aware of the progress Indonesia has made in, say, the past decade. I think it has taken us quite by surprise! I am in no position to comment on the internal workings of your government, but from what we can see here, it must be doing something right & good. I doubt if your president would ask me for cabinet suggestions, but I think both of our countries should be working much more closely together & we should both make the necessary changes to make sure this happens sooner, rather than later.
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
22 Nov 12
good suggestion my friend..i do hope after 2014 general election, my country get a good leader.. the good leader can manage well too governmental administation
• Adelaide, Australia
22 Nov 12
Is your current leader a good administrator?
@wulania (1524)
• Indonesia
20 Dec 11
i dont like our government, esp the president. he is always complaining and commplaining. he is less wronking but too often singing. very bad habits. i think he never erads any newsy on tv, newspaper, or internet. if he knos indonesian people real condiiton, he will be shocked and get heart attack i think
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
20 Dec 11
i think we forgot that president is human being too.. is it wrong if he complain something? is it wrong if he maybe forgot something? is it wrong if he tell the truth about his loading work??
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
23 Dec 11
he only say what he want to say..i always think that what he is complaining is normally...
@wulania (1524)
• Indonesia
23 Dec 11
is it good to complain to public? (he is a president, public figure) he has the largest cabinte in indonesian histroy, with many vice minister, and boards he made. but what they make? nin sense. you know, he spends much money for nothing for indonesia
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
20 Dec 11
I am not satisfied with our government in America at all. They have not done anything good for us at all really. It is worse now than it has ever been.
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
20 Dec 11
why you are not satisfied with your government?? many of the government decision is not supporting the people interest??
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
4 Jan 12
I do not know, how the government works. Many people said the government works very slow. Actually, I am also not satisfied with the way government works. Because, there are still many shortcomings that occurred. I can not give any advice. Because, I do not have the capability in terms of governance.
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
4 Jan 12
why you dont know how the government.. you can check from your daily life maybe.. how they are responsible for many affairs which related to us or not?
• Mexico
24 Dec 11
Hi adhyz: I don't know to much about your political situation but in my country, I feel that our president has improve our international relationships which is really good and he has a good team on his government but at the same time, some local problems like security has gone worst. ALVARO
• Indonesia
20 Dec 11
Indonesia under the presidency is lot better than before, but still he does to improve our governance system as well. People mostly complained about his presidency, and there is nothing wrong with them. In my opinion, people who likes complaining about something was they are the one who don't ever feel satisfied with himself. I think our president failure is also our failure. It is time to take action but not to just talk and talk. Talking does not reduce problem but it adds the problem.
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
20 Dec 11
@sijat: yes, i believe our government still improve their cabinet..it`s not easy i think, because many homework for them..from corruption, poverty and so on..do you think it`s easy?? @micro : yes, sometimes in some field or items, some of politic decision is dissapointed us..but we must see many things before blaming them
• Indonesia
20 Dec 11
No action? How we should act, if the factory which a lot of people worked at must shut down because there is no natural gas supply? We only want to work, but the political decision made us can not work. The government prefer to sell the gas out and letthe company inside die. In thatcase how we should act? I am only ordinary worker man. I only can add my salary through onlinething like this. But have no influence
• Indonesia
20 Dec 11
Until today, I saw the performance of the government of SBY-Budiono is "Low rate". And it should be noted that low achievement SBY's leadership is not something new. Because of its performance since 2004 was never high. So the combination of SBY-Kalla, who has been disappointing to be more severe in combination with the SBY-Boediono. Although in the SBY-JK under performing, at least JK is known as an impatient person and often encourage SBY to act and take decision. But JK eventually become tired, frustrated, and ultimately silent. So far, SBY is the one who always want to be beautiful in front of the camera, like Wulania said.
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
20 Dec 11
actually i don`t agree that wulania opinion..why do you think that our president always make beautiful in front of camera? the camera of course search the president and not the president search the camera..?? SBY Boediono get many problems and sometimes we never think that their duty is not easy.. we only complaint and complaint..