Every one is free right?

December 21, 2011 5:54pm CST
You are free to do whatever you want.You have freedom of everything you do in this earth,even something it is destroyed your life or not you are free to do. But you know what is right and wrong,and every bad or good action we done there is good and bad consequences on that.Because we are the one who ruined our life to what we done in this earth either bad or good..So all things you think you have freedom ..But remember,the good things always remind you to follow,and the bad things always remind you to not do,well we are sinners and sometimes we don't expect,but we are given another chance to think about it and to what is right to be a beneficial for us or not.. God knows it,and we re given the mind about what to is great to follow or not..So you are free.. And i am free too,but being free, i know what i do,and i know how to learn from what i did experience that ruined me.Everything there is a lesson to repent from and to turn to the right direction of your life...
7 responses
@jkct02 (2874)
• Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
22 Dec 11
Basically, yes, everyone is free in ways that is private and personal. You can do anything you like even if it is silly and weird as it is just you yourself to bear the consequences. But for anything that involves another person, there can never be absolute freedom because if you have that freedom to do things that can affect others, it would mean that the others do not have such freedom to not be affected by you. So, as far as a society is concerned, no, there is no real freedom to do anything you like. That is the reason why we have laws to make sure everything is in order and penalties to enforce it. As for the freedom of the mind, it is a complicated matter. To some people, it could be a life-long learning process to free the mind. We all have crosses to carry. We all have burdens. We all have sad and bitter memories. To be freed from all these negative influences, sometimes we need a hint from nowhere to enlightened us. Some who seek it actively thru meditation, religion, or self-training. The endeavor to be freed is usually the quest for your peace of mind. When you are in peace with the world, you are a free man in its truest sense.
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• Philippines
22 Dec 11
I agree with most of the points presented by jkct. There are things that we are given liberties but sometime, like in the law, we are forbidden to do things because it ruptures the social order and justice is demanded if there is a hurt party. You can do anything you like as long as you follow the rules imposed by society. There are a lot of freedoms in existence but there is also the otehr side of the coin- which is responsibility. If you keep up with your duties and role as a member of society, you're pretty much free to do and express yourself.
• India
22 Dec 11
Yea I agree with above comments too. If we have freedom to do anything, then others also share the same freedom. If our act hinder others freedom, then only the law come in act. The government, the law is made only to look after this aspect. As long as your actions are not affecting anybody, you are free. But as soon as you start affecting others, you have to follow laws.
• Philippines
22 Dec 11
In government there is stricted rules and is different from what freedom to do in our own. Like if the goverment says you re not free to kill,well,and you do it because you have own will to do but you will face the consequences on that to punish you according to the laws. Own will of freedom,you can do whatever your own personal and etc.. but others should not to affect it so they will not in danger,if people know good should not follow to what others evil doing..We have freedom to choose.
@areskya (398)
• Indonesia
22 Dec 11
You are not absolutely right cos there are some persons who are not free to do anythings they want, such as they are on the conflict/war area, they are on the very restricted and full rule living, and others. So, we have to enjoy our freedom and use it as wise and useful as we can, so we'll not regret it in the next time.
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• Philippines
22 Dec 11
Okay ,yes i think so,in other country i think.In our country ,a lot of people do what they want even it is evil.Like killing,robbing,and others ,well, i know that we think and understand differently here.........
• India
22 Dec 11
See even in conflict zones too, people are free to do whatever they want in its own way. Although in such zones, consequences for even normal actions will be more. First of all its the consequences of our own past wrongdoings that we are made to live in such conditions. In one way 'Nobody is free' and in another way 'Everybody is free', the main part is how you take it. One can feel joy in dying and other can feel sad while living. Its all how you view things.
@MandaLee (3758)
• United States
22 Dec 11
I am so thankful that as Christians, we have true freedom in Christ. But that freedom also comes with responsibilities.
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• Philippines
22 Dec 11
Yes freedom in Gods will to do,to obey and to share His Word... True believer should not shame God wherever they go..They should set as a good example to the lost people..
• India
22 Dec 11
Individually, everybody is free to do anything he want whether it is wrong or right. But if we are living in a society or with other living beings, we need to take care of others feelings and freedom too. That's where government and laws comes in. They are formulated to protect the freedom of everyone and maintain a balance.
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• Philippines
22 Dec 11
We know that we each have freedom to do right.Yes there are laws declared for the good of our country,society but you know some people break it why because they are human and do what they want but there is circumstances to face..... Every body is free,but what the laws declared something to be good,we have freedom to follow or not..so it is a choice of you and also for the help of the country and others........
@fantabulus (4000)
• India
22 Dec 11
Friendy you are right everyone has right to talking walking and laughing. The people has own right or freedom for everything on the earth but they should understand what is bad and what is good.
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• Philippines
22 Dec 11
yes true,we can laugh about whatever things we do but we are to avoid those sin that is not acceptable we do to honor God........
@davaome (1826)
• Philippines
22 Dec 11
Yes everyone is free, and the one that keeps us from doing bad things is our moral values and the law that is implied in the government. These two is our basis so that we have responsibilities to fulfill in the society and prevent us from doing bad things. More over so we don't miss understand "freedom" as "Free and Dumb"
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• Philippines
22 Dec 11
yes every one is free.. Yes there are good laws that published but some people do what they want ,they ahve choices and freedom.. but well, we know what is right and good...
@Xansus (946)
• Bulgaria
22 Dec 11
Well first add the religion tag because with this tags someone might mistake the topic , because its about god .... again ... Anyway to the main point , to do good or bad is not the point here i think . The thing you should say about freedom is that : You have your freedom and you are free as long as you dont try to ruin the freedom of someone else .
• Philippines
22 Dec 11
Well,it depends on them how to understand they have freedom to voice out what is in their mind,so i understand it.. yes to make sure that you set a good example to others ,so others will not be doing same as you did.......... we know it how to think what is to ruined others and us too...