
January 8, 2012 6:37am CST
Hello Mylotters I discovered Bukisa and published 3 articles there. 2 of them got accepted and one rejected. My articles are already there since 2 months and so far not a single visit. The same articles would got 20 to 25 visits per month when I published them on hubpages. However, I removed them from hubpages when they stopped the adsense program and started a new payment system which is really very low: $0.03 in 2 months. Has anyone had the same experience? Does Bukisa have really many visitors? How to get traffic to my Bukisa articles? I also have a few blogger blogs.
3 responses
@ekoytyas (4679)
• Indonesia
8 Jan 12
i really difficult to get money there. until today i still not active to at that site.
• Philippines
8 Jan 12
I average $0.40 in Bukisa. Make sure to add even a single article per day and promote your article. Share it on facebook, stumbleupon, digg and other social networking sites. You also need to use proper keywords when submitting how-to articles in Bukisa to get views from search engines.
• Mauritius
8 Jan 12
ok, will try. thanks a lot
@ekoytyas (4679)
• Indonesia
10 Jan 12
thanks for your information. i will try to back again there, is that site really paying?
@lifes97 (884)
• United Arab Emirates
9 Jan 12
bukisa many heard its a good site to join but i dindt join yet, are they pay you good or no, does it take long time to pay for you and how much they pay for your aricle there, many questions but i heared it sgood site but want to join after know its
@tenrajj (911)
• Bhutan
8 Jan 12
I heard about Bukisa but I did not sign up there. I instead joined triond.com. The only reason why I joined triond was that its minimum payout is as low as .50 dollars. But it was not at all easy to make out first payout though it is just .50 dollars. I now have more than 150 articles submitted there but it hardly earns 2 dollars a month without promotion, and around 10 dollars a month with promotion. So the earnings are really shameful on triond. I knew hubpages and squidoo before joining and writing for triond but I did choose triond due to its low minimum payout. I now how ever regret for not having joined hubpages or squidoo instead of triond. There is also another site called infobarrel.com. This site seems to be even better than hubpages.com. You may check it out and do some research before starting to write for any. And to be frank, that 3 aritcles will earn you nothing. If you really want to earn by writing, better give more time and write more than 500 articles.. then you will be earning huge income monthly.
• Mauritius
8 Jan 12
yes tenrajj you are right. but that will take a lot of time. to earn, we need to work hard and be patient. thanks for sharing.