Call me A dinosaur but I prefer A Real singer! ( a rant)

United States
January 8, 2012 11:26am CST
I just found out there a computer toys that help singers with their pitch and now a group is using it to take the spoken word turn into a singing voice. Call me a dinosaur but I see this a form of cheating and sadly A Real singer will soon be obsolete! What really saddens me is that soon no will get to hear and be touched by a real singer.It is the imperfectness that is great . Each singer has that something. So they Can go flat, it shows they are human! Nd sometimes they hit a great note that makes a chill down my spine. So Let the kids have all the computer generated music, give me Elvis, Patsy Cline, Barbra Streisand, Celine Dion!
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14 responses
@ram_cv (16513)
• India
9 Jan 12
I think you got it right you are a dinosaur :). Real singers are endangered species since the 90s and most of the singers get some help with the pitch these days. I myself am a dinosaur and enjoy the old melodies that we had in Bollywood. BTW, if you have not heard the latest Bollywood rage, then check out this link: Apparently the song is the most downloaded song in youtube and the singer made it to the Times Magazine cover!! Enjoy the music. Cheers! Ram
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• United States
9 Jan 12
Getting help with pitch So you can improve is on thing, using thes toys so a non singer Can sing is another! Thanks for the song. ps. What does kolaveri mean?
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@ram_cv (16513)
• India
10 Jan 12
In Tamil language, Kola means "Kill" and Veri means "Frustration". So the term Kolaveri stands for "Killing Frustration" or "Extreme Frustration".
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• United States
11 Jan 12
So he is singing about how his woman burned him? Thanks. I really liked the song!
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@ShyBear88 (59306)
• Sterling, Virginia
9 Jan 12
Well when your a real music person you don't want to hear off notice all the real singers have been filter and some people sound better on record then in person. Even those great singers ibknow many great singers they spun way better on record then in person. All CDs are filter today even radio versions.
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• United States
9 Jan 12
To use a filter to improve your natural voice is one thing but to use a filter to make a non singer sound as though they Can sing is another! I do not approve of technology taking the place of true singing talent.
• Canada
8 Jan 12
I saw an add for one on tv recently. Pathetic! I agree with you. If you want to cheer up with some real singing, go to YouTube, and look for Vice Vukov. He's as real as they come, and has a super-sexy voice!!!
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• United States
8 Jan 12
As I write this I am listening to Elvis! ( sigh) It is his birthday! Thanks I will check him out.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
8 Jan 12
it is just a game, I don't think real singers will go obsolete, they go on world tours and people love going to live concerts. They said that movies would go obsolete with TV came in and then places like blockbuster and netflix but they haven;t either. What did go backrupt is blockbuster.
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• United States
8 Jan 12
I sure hope so. Hopefully there will be more True music lovers or should I say lovers of True music!
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
8 Jan 12
I've been thinking for years now we've come to a point where musical talent isn't necessary to become a super-star" and it's sad. Now we have these auto-tune gadgets but we've had rap for years now where they don't even have to PRETEND to be able to sing, they just talk! Guess what? I can talk! Every time I'm with one or both of my grandkids and "their" music is playing we have the same conversation; I tell them how so many of the singers and groups who were popular way back when I was young are STILL popular and making music today and how so many of their songs are timeless classics and that they'll likely never be able to say that about any of the current crop of singers. Sure, there are a few exceptions but VERY few. I also prefer a REAL singer and I'm afraid to find one we have to look past today's Top 40! Annie
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• United States
8 Jan 12
Your grandkids will never know how a Real singing voice sounds like. Am I glad I am not in the music business! I have been able to sing since age 3 but I Never thought about that I would Ever make a living singing . Now I know!I'm Too talented, lol!
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@Andyvil (793)
• Philippines
9 Jan 12
Although I wasn't born when Elvis and The Beatles were at the top of the charts, I admire their work and talent. It's sad to see that there are only a few great artist left in the new generation. There are a handful of the new artist who rely to much on technology instead of creativity and talent. I really hope there won't come a time when science will invent a machine that can compose and write music. Like you I admire the imperfections on those great composers and artist. That made them unique since they were still able to achieve excellent music despite their imperfections.
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@signum (545)
• Australia
8 Feb 12
Oh don't even get me started on this auto-tune thing and devices to make people sound good when they clearly cannot sing. I am frustrated to say the least, if they can't sing live in concert without the assistance of electronics or computers on their vocals, then they shouldn't be in the music industry at all. To me they are fakers, and not true musicians.
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@signum (545)
• Australia
8 Feb 12
Sid you make me laugh :-) Sarah, it's ok, everything in my collection is real lol, and I know where to go for good music and real vocalists but it still annoys me when I hear a song in the shopping centres, or on the radio, that clearly isn't real haha.
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• United States
8 Feb 12
Signum, there is solace . Watch The Voice on NBC. There are some true voices out there. I saw their debut and felt so much better.
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
8 Feb 12
so I could of been a rockstar if only I'd known about this auto-tune???
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
8 Jan 12
Same here! I know they do this and sometimes when they have to sing in person they are definately not that good....I also like the older singers!
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@shaggin (71672)
• United States
9 Jan 12
There are already so many things that people use to alter the sounds of their voices when they make cds etc. All the sound effects and being able to change the pitch. What you are describing sounds even more then that basically any one can be a singer if they are using this thing even when they have no talent at all. I love a true beautiful musical voice not something created by gadgets.
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@sid556 (30960)
• United States
8 Feb 12
Oh I agree with is cheating. So how do you tell the real from the fake? Please don't tell me that Eddie Vedder and Chris Cornell fall into this catagory because that is what I love about them the most..their voice. I just did a discussion on the ruckus over Steven Tyler singing live at the playoffs. I didn't get to watch the gamebut I did look up it up on youtube. Good lord..he did great. I prefer the anthem to be sung Elvis style but still... The way they were all talking I thought he forgot lines or sounded horrible. He sounded just like Steven Tyler. Good grief, some of them pre-record and then lipsinc...also cheating in my mind. It might of not been my idea of how the anthem should have sounded but give the man credit...he sang live and in a bad sound arena one of the most difficult songs to sing.
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• United States
8 Feb 12
I agree with you. Steven Tyler sounded like Steven Tyler! And no, Eddie and Chris don't use these tricks.My rule with lip-sinking is if they are the singer on the tape and they are doing so much dancing that if they tried to sing it wouldn't sound right, then lip-sinking is ok.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
8 Jan 12
There has been a lot of that going on for some time now. I have heard live shows before that sounded nothing like the computer generated voices from a video or record. I enjoy the imperfections in voices too. That is what give them character.
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@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
9 Jan 12
A lot of good songs, and good singers became popular because of some imperfection in their pitch, voice, etc. That's why when people remake songs, we still go back to the original. Or always compare it to the original. If there's a toy that makes it perfect all the time, then I don't see this being 'human' anymore.
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@inertia4 (27961)
• United States
10 Jan 12
I have to agree with you. I know about those things. I have seen them and heard them. Yes they do make for voice sound real good. But nothing will ever replace the real thing. I grew up with all those rock bands and each and every one of them were unique. That is the charm of the whole thing. And, each singer does have their own way and ability.
• United States
11 Jan 12
There is a commercial using a cover of the Beatles' " In My Life" The vocal is so much better than John's but I Still prefer the original. It got me thinking, if the Beatles came out today Paul would have done All the lead singing!
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• United States
16 Jan 12
Agreed. They would be like Coldplay!
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@inertia4 (27961)
• United States
13 Jan 12
I think it would be even worse, if the Beatles came out today, they might not have made it at all. Not only for the singing, but for the type and style of the music. But, then again, they would not be making the same kind of music.
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@yiankoon (23)
11 Jan 12
Where is all the great singers? In today's entertainment industry, look seems to be more important than skills, what a sad world? Plastic surgeon earns loads of money. Only great singers last forever and respected by their fans.
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• United States
11 Jan 12