Life has many Blessings for us- even though we think we lack something.

February 1, 2012 10:34pm CST
Nothing is never enough. True to some. Why is that so? People usually define contentment as achieving what they have always wanted in life rather than just by realizing how blessed they really are by what they already have.We strive everyday of our lives trying to chase happiness, trying to fill the lacking pieces in our life. We study, work, try to find means to our ends in order to get to a certain point where we can finally say we succeeded. But in the long run, we wind up making more rooms for regrets. and we ask ourselves" why Lord? Why can't you just give me what I want and let me be happy?" Maybe because we have been asking for the wrong things.Maybe because we have been chasing for the wrong dreams. Maybe because we have been neglecting some things in our life.Shouldn't we stop asking God to bless what we are doing and find out what God's doing and realize it's already blessed? A good advice: If you compare what you have with what you want, you will be disappointed.But if you compare what you have with what you really deserve, you will realize how blessed you really are.So cheer up. Let me know what makes you think you're blessed beyond gratitude.
7 responses
@boylopez (382)
• Philippines
2 Feb 12
Many is not happy what he is now. Even though he has the all things in life. They want to get what the others have. This bad attitude is what you can see everywhere. Many rich man, want to be rich more. Even the things of the poor, they want it. But to the man who are afraid of God is content what they deserve. They are just waiting what God bless on them.
@nfrenciz (99)
• Philippines
2 Feb 12
WOw,, yes indeed definitely agree with that. If you really compare what you have with what you want, you will never be contented. Contentment in life really is one of the best thing we can have in our self to live freely and stress fully free. For if you are not contented you will really strive hard to work on it just to achieve it, so the pressure, stress and problems occur. Being alive and healthy is very quite enough and a very great blessings we receive from God, for it means we can do a lot of things in this earth we live in.
@yanzalong (18980)
• Indonesia
2 Feb 12
God's blessing is countless or too many to count. People can not or do not have the ability to count how many blessings God has given us.The purpose of this Universe Creation is none but for us all who live in this planet. Take a look around you: it's all what God has provided for us. People who lack understanding of this blessings often complain for not being lucky, or for being misfortune. Take a look at some people who still smiles despite their incomplete physical body: no hands, no feet,no eyes. They still smile as if they were nothing that burdened them.
@Hazelrose (2179)
• Philippines
2 Feb 12
All things that we have in our life are definitely God's Blessings,especially our life and strength.we must be very thankful for what our God has given to us.We don't have the right to question him.Blessings are not just material things but the most are spiritual.Having a happy and peaceful life are such a great blessings.
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
2 Feb 12
Very true, people tend to in general look at a lot of things they don't have, then rather they do have. I think that in the eyes of many, they tend to overlook a lot of things that they quite frankly take for granted. And there is a lot that when we grow accustomed to it, we can take it for granted to say the least. That is just the nature of being human. Still we got to stop and think about it. So what if we don't have this, we have this and we should feel bless. There are a lot of things like food, shelter, a supportive network of family and friends that may might lack, that would cut off a limb to have, that we are going to rather take for granted. Just stop and think about that for a minute.
@TriGyn03 (84)
• Philippines
2 Feb 12
God is so good. God will give us all we want, all we need, all the things we dream of but not by out time but in His time...
• Philippines
2 Feb 12
Definitely! For the past few days, I'm at my lowest point again. I've been asking God why it happened to, why did I chose this kind of career, and so many things that I have now. I'm also thinking that I don't deserve the license that I have for my profession. But, I think I'm really thinking too much. Instead of asking for more, I should count what I have. Be proud of what I have. Sometimes we can only appreciate things when they're gone.