How often do you hustle? How about shufflin’?

everyday I'm shufflin' - Hustling at your job
@bounce58 (17387)
February 7, 2012 5:12pm CST
Today was such a busy day at work. Aside from the owner (my boss) not being in the office for a seminar, the other lady that runs the business was out sick. So, I was hustling all day trying to get things organized, and get parts out of the door. I was shufflin’ from one station to another! And hustlin’ guys to get things done! Although it’s a bit tiring, I don’t mind it that much as it gets the day going much quicker. Do you hustle at your job? Have you ever tried hustlin’ to make a living? Do you know how to shuffle?
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11 responses
• United States
8 Feb 12
Funny you have brought this us i actually work for a company called Mr Hustle and i work for a construction company. We work pretty fast on things and always try to hustle to get things done in a timely manner for our clients and new customers. Sometimes we can always hustle other people we work with like counties for permits and that sometimes takes a while and then i feel bad about our name and not working up to our name always. Now i do hustle when im on jobs to get things done and not spend a whole day on one job sometimes. Now im usually in the office and the last 30 minutes im tehre im usually hustling to get my work done and get things accomplished for customers as well.
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@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
8 Feb 12
I think you've got your work cut out for you! You really have to work to a certain expectation! Or at least live up to the name of your company. It is a good thing, as it keeps your customers, but you must get so tired at the end of the day. Thanks Ms. Hustle!
@katsmeow1213 (28717)
• United States
7 Feb 12
I like the hustle and bustle while at work, but don't get much opportunity to do it. I do have activities to keep me busy in between customers, but these activities don't help the time pass.
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@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
8 Feb 12
I guess some tasks are just 'easy'. Even though we're always hustling and going at lightning speed, it doesn't seem tiring as it makes the day go quicker. And there are tasks that are just a chore, just a bore! Thanks kat!
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
9 Feb 12
Sounds like a busy day. I like it when the day is busy enough to make the time go by fast. I am usually hustling and shuffling most everyday. It is my job to be in about twenty places at once so I am often moving on pretty fast throughout the day.
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
9 Feb 12
I used to have that kind of job. And it was a big company, with a big facility so it was a bit difficult to be everywhere at the same time. Now that I've moved to this job, I still have to be at multiple places at the same time. But it's a smaller facility so it's a little bit easier. Thanks Jen!
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
11 Feb 12
When I worked at the hospital, it was all that I ever did was to hustle because of the fact that I had to take a large team of patients and there were a lot of things that I had to get done during the course of the day. Now, my husband is a machinist and he is the only one at the company that is able to write programs for the CNC machines and to do setups, so he really never gets to take a break while he is working. This is something that has been hard on him, but we are thankful that he has been able to remain in his job during all of the manufacturing problems that we've been facing in our area.
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
13 Feb 12
I work with one guy here in the office who also does the programming for all our CNC machines. He's also been very indispensable in the company. He works long hours, and even if he screws up some parts, he remains with the company as it's hard to replace people with his skills. Thanks!
@much2say (54010)
• Los Angeles, California
15 Feb 12
I thought this discussion was going to be about dancing (hustle, shufflin') - darnit - ha ha!! Oh how I used to love it when the bosses were out all day and left me to hold the fork the entire time! I had to hustle and shuffle . . . but you're right the day went much quicker on those kind of days. It's almost like there was an air of greater confidence - and that I could get all the jobs out - perhaps it was like a game to see how much I could really do on my own. These days as my work is "kids", I don't know if the right terminology is hustlin' and shufflin', but surely it's something like that - hee hee!!
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
23 Feb 12
I think there's a lot of hustlin' and shufflin' with kids too! I drive my kids to their afterschool activities, after I get off work. With baseball and taekwondo at opposite sides of the town, there would also be a lot of hustlin' and shufflin' just to make sure we get to the next activity on time. Thanks much!
• Singapore
8 Feb 12
When things come, they come in pairs and in groups, so I have to hustle all day. Other days when there is not much action, it's the opposite. I do not want to tell people when I have some free time, because whenever I said that, things just appear out of the blue.
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
8 Feb 12
You're just like me! I cherish the free time I get at work, however few and far apart they come. I've made a mistake of announcing that I had some free time once, and I ended up with some 'project' that I needed to do. Not so good when you have a deadline to meet on top of the regular things that you are busy with. Thanks.
• Singapore
10 Feb 12
Seems like people just don't like others to have a relaxing time, especially the boss!
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Feb 12
hi bounce I used to hustle a lot shelving books but when the county went bankrupt. we had to close the library on Thursdays and Su ndays. so those days we just shuffled in our work to make it last all day .So I have hustled and I have shuffled both. lol lol
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
8 Feb 12
I bet you have Hatley! It must have been interesting to see how people 'shuffle' in the library when it's closed and no one else around! And I bet you also know something about dancing the shuffle! Thanks.
@GreenMoo (11834)
8 Feb 12
I used to love busy days, because the day would be over before you knew it. Even today, i like being busy. I hate running from one thing to the other and not do anything properly though. And the only quick shuffling I do is when there's a goat trying to stand on my foot and I'm still in my slippers (like this morning!)
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
9 Feb 12
Wow! That's some fancy goat! It even knows where to stand, or what to step on to! Maybe it needs its own slippers! Thanks GreenMoo!
@yanzalong (18980)
• Indonesia
8 Feb 12
That happened to me a couple of time when we were short for time and it had to be ready the next day. If we'd failed, the project would've been given to others. I never hustle to make a living, and I don't know how to shuffle the way you did, bro.
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
9 Feb 12
We're also a small shop. We really do need to hustle because just like you, if we didn't, other companies would get our job or projects. It is very competitive. You should look up LMFAO, and see how they shuffle! Thanks!
• United States
8 Feb 12
All day at school. I have to practically run to the next class because everyone else is running and you have to avoid getting run over. It's like a zoo there. Though when it's less "speedy" I find I always get stuck by a person who walks slower than I limp, which was rather annoying. Especially the people with their pants hanging down, and their "strut" that looks more like they have a stick tin their pants than anything else.
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
9 Feb 12
You remind me of when I was still in university. And I had classes which were at the opposite ends of the campus. I would literally have to walk out of the previous class 10-15 minutes early just to avoid all the people, and get to my next class. That was some good hustlin' and shufflin' on my part back then. Thanks.
@enelym001 (8322)
• Philippines
8 Feb 12
Yeah I experienced the same thing before, especially when my other colleagues are on leave or on vacation, sometimes it is really good to have so much work in the office as it makes time flies really quick.
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
9 Feb 12
I guess if the job is not stressful enough, it's better to be busy and get on with the day. Instead of making it drag all day long. I could actually use having my colleagues leave for vacation. It would make the office quieter. And I could get more things done. Thanks.