I'm sick again! Had to leave work early!

United States
February 21, 2012 4:52pm CST
I have been battling a sinus infection for along time. Twice I took anitbotics but they didn't get rid of the infection! Went back to the doctor yesterday. He gave me the same antibotics! If the this doesn't work this time it will be time to find a specialist! So I atarted the meds this morning. Around noon I started to feel like crap! Sweats,chills,upset stomach,aches and pains and was getting pale! So after two and a half hours at work I went home! I am feeling good enough to do some work here on Mylot for now! I hope I can work tomorrow but if I can't I will call in sick! Sinus infections are not fun!
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8 responses
@MaryLynn321 (2680)
• United States
22 Feb 12
I use to get them all the time. I finally went to a specialist and he suggested I use a saline solution and flush out my sinuses daily. It really helped alot. My husband has recently tried this method as well and has found that it helps alot. You can purchase the nettie pots or bottles with the mixture to add to water or you can heat your own water and add salt. The information is on the internet on how to flush out your sinuses. Hope you feel better soon.
• United States
22 Feb 12
I have noticed with the mild winter we have been having that I have more problems with my sinuses as well.
• United States
23 Feb 12
Sinus problems have ben going around at work! I am the one person who gets at least once a year! I have tried the saline solution and I feel it really doesn't help me! If these meds doen' help I will look for a specialist right away! I am so sick of the headaches,the dizziness and light headiness!
1 person likes this
• United States
25 Feb 12
You might need to check and see if it could also be allergies. I use to get an allergy shot once a month for years which really helped alot. Hope you feel better soon. Hugs
@sjvg1976 (41132)
• Delhi, India
22 Feb 12
Hello blue65packer, Sorry to know that you are sick again. Oh yes i think you should go to a specialist if medication does not work this time.I think it happens when someone gets sick he/she feels to go to home early from work hope you get well today and go back to work tomorrow. I doubt why after taking antibiotics still you are getting infected.
• United States
23 Feb 12
I am feeling better today and I stayed home from work! I have sick days I can use. I am still wondering myself why the antibotics have not worked in the past! If this time is not the charm,I will find a specialist!
@Blondie2222 (28611)
• United States
21 Feb 12
I'm sorry to hear your sick again and you're right sinus infections are not fun, i've had plenty of them. But why would they prescribe the same meds that didn't work the first time? You would think they would try something else unless he increased the dosage to see if maybe that works for you? I hate leaving work early too but I've had to a few times before as well because I was sick and got sent to the emergency room one time. I hope these meds work this time for you if not then yep I would definately go see a specialist. Feel better!
• United States
23 Feb 12
I have no idea why this doctor keeps precribing me the same meds! Like I said in the discussion I will go and find a specialist to help if this doesn' make me any better! I am getting sick of this! Mentally and physically! I am feeling better today but I hope the pills don't make me more sick again before I get better! GR!
• United States
22 Feb 12
I hate sinus infections i also remember in 2009 i was really sick and miserable and i had a bad sinus infection and went to the doctor three times and i will never forget it at all. They kept trying different medicines and finally said you need to go to a ear nose and throat specialist. He put me on a nasal spray and then also put me on steriods and i was cleaned up by a week after seeing him. It was not cheap after what they did for me. I believe they also stuck a qtip of something up my nose and i was cleared nad good after it all. You might want to look for a specialist and jsut get it over and done with like i had to do. They might suggest getting your sinuses drained too and that alwasy helps but is the expensive way out of things. Goodluck with everything and feel better soon.
• United States
23 Feb 12
I will find a specialist to see if this doesn't clear up or when i get another one! Luckily I have health insurnace and will find a specialist that is covered under my insurnace! I don't have the money to see on otherwise!
@ardoy0731 (7308)
• Philippines
22 Feb 12
I having sinusitis too. Take a rest from work for a while and take proper medication so you can be better soon. Get well soon.
• United States
23 Feb 12
I took a sick day from work to get better. I am feeling better and hope it will continue! Next I have this problem I am going to see a specialist! My regular doctor is not been as helpful as I hoped!
• Philippines
22 Feb 12
Take a medicine for u cant suffer some illness.Its not good to go for work if u have some sickness in ur health...Ushould be physically fit to work...
• United States
23 Feb 12
It sucked being at work yesterday and getting sick! It has been along time since that happened! It was not fun and driving home sucked! I didn't want to get out of the car at first because I was so fatiged! It was crazy!
@airasheila (5454)
• Philippines
22 Feb 12
good day blue65packer, with reference to your main topic, try to do a little bit of old fashioned way of healing. since you have taken up antibiotics, why not to give a chance on the other side of medication. like, try to gargle a lukewarm water with salt thru your throat, as maybe some germs are lying inside your throat. another thing, try to inhale and exhale a hot bath, wherein you need to pour a lukewarm water on a basin and try to sniff the vapor from the water, and this will somehow clear your nose from breathing and will also help you to feel relax. those things i have mentioned above are just a few of the old fashioned way to cure oneself. hence, there is nothing wrong to try it since it will just require a simple steps to follow.
@VRamone (325)
• Brazil
22 Feb 12
i have also,i need to put some sprays daily to control it