what animal you fear the most?

February 24, 2012 3:31pm CST
Among all dangerous animals, Cockroaches is animal that i hate and fear the most, i hate how it looks, how it smells and i HATE flying cockroaches so much. i can feel my heart beats so fast when i know that thre are cockroaches near me. and it will only stop until i see the cockroaches die infront of my eyes. what about you? what animal scares u?
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19 responses
• Philippines
25 Feb 12
Cockroaches belongs to the insects/bugs family isn't it?? I hate crawling insects such as cockroaches and spiders... if we are talking about animals, that would be any animals that has fangs or sharp big teeth...and they shouldn't be bigger than me.
• Malaysia
25 Feb 12
hey smashville! long time didnt see you! how are u buddy? well im also scared with big animals especially those with sharp teeth.. but it is so unlikely for me to bounce with those kind animal or it must be a very unfortunate event that i come cross to meet an animal like that! but cockroaches! Its like plenty of them! and it will not extinct too! urghh.. hope to see u more often yeah!
• Philippines
25 Feb 12
glad to be back too...
• China
24 Feb 12
Yse,very hate cockroaches.
• Indonesia
28 Mar 12
i think cockroaches is funny animal
• Philippines
4 Apr 12
This is really but my one and only greatest fear is maggots. Every time I see one maggot crawling on the floor, I can help but to scream and jump and run away from it. It makes me nervous. I don't even want to imagine it. It's so gross!
@trisha27 (3494)
• United States
3 Apr 12
That is one animal that scares me...but not the most. But yeah flying cockroaches sends me in an itching frenzy I even get afraid that they will fly on me. So when I see one I go running out the room and send my husband straight in to kill it. But besides flying cockroaches...I am more afraid of spiders. That's the worst for me. I'm afraid of them being poisonous and one maybe biting me or something and I'd die. Sounds weird I know, but I am afraid of them. From watching this movie called Arachnophobia when I was little, made me afraid of them. Spiders send me running out the room and sometimes crying and I send my husband straight in to kill them. If its poisonous though not sure that was a good idea, but most of the time he always offers to kill them for me. I'm really afraid of the really huge ones.
@shskumbla (3338)
• India
13 Apr 12
Really..! Same to you.! I also fear at Cockroach and Frogs. I hate it. But it didn't hurts me. Don't ask 'why'. Because I can't explain. Happy myLotting.
• United States
3 Apr 12
Roaches, Spiders, and Praying Mantis. Ugh! Roaches are just nasty. Spiders are freakishly creepy, and Praying Mantis bring back chiilhood experiences. I remember playing in my Aunt's back yard and these ugly praying mantis things were spitting out this stuff. UUUgh!!
@Tushavi (2077)
• Karachi, Pakistan
25 Feb 12
When I Read your Discussion title I felt you scared some kind of Lion,Elephant,Tiger or Wild Animals, but After Reading Your Discussion, I Have nothing to say But LOL! Why you girls are so poor & scared of INSECTS.
• Indonesia
25 Feb 12
I do agree with you. I don't like it. There are a lot cockroaches in my place. I want to get rid them all. But, sometimes, if I get rid one, their friends will come. It is a disgusting animal, that I don't want to see. When, it flies in my room, I would better leave my room for a while until its gone, or I ask someone to get rid of it.
@Kalyni2011 (3496)
• India
10 Mar 12
I am not afraid of cockroaches but i hate them because of their nasty looks, foul smell, well if i face a tiger or lion, i will be definitely afraid . Thanks for this post. Best of luck. Happy posting, cheers. Kalyani
@Triple0 (1904)
• Australia
25 Feb 12
Same as you! I just have no idea what it is with cockroaches that simply scare me to bits! I really hate the big black ones, those are simply ugly! One crawled on me while I was asleep, I almost cried! I hate it when they just pop out at the moment you least expect, I hate chasing them around trying to spray them too and I start running when they start crawling close to me. Why are they so fast!? I have never seen a flying cockroach and I totally do not ever want to see one!
@jadoixa (1166)
• Philippines
25 Feb 12
i can be scared of snakes..i have never really seen a snake in real life but if ever i see one in front of me i would be really scared..especially that i can see on tv they can move fast towards you..and they can bite you..so they are really scary for me..i also i would be scared of that dragon lizard i saw on tv..it's really big and it's tongue stick out like a snake..i don't really know if i can see it coming or in real life..that would be really scary for me too..
• India
25 Feb 12
All bugs I hate, but as animal I hate most to rat, from childhood, don't know how it start but I avoid looking them, may say - allergic.
@CODYMAC (1356)
• San Diego, California
25 Feb 12
Hello, cairalyssa. Any little bug or bug that is bigger than a cell phone. I was working in the garden a few years ago, and I was being eaten by these little black things. Anything that has antennas and walks slow.
• Italy
25 Feb 12
In my opinion the most scaring animal is the human being... the rest, if you don't bore them they don't bore you
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
24 Feb 12
I think rats and mice scare me the most mainly because they intrude into my space, I love all animals so lonf as they stay in their own space but once they enter mine then that is different.
@yanzalong (18980)
• Indonesia
25 Feb 12
lyssa, I hate snakes. Just can't imagine being bitten by one. I always make sure that no snakes sneak into the house. It's terrible, you see.
@venkit (2955)
• India
25 Feb 12
I hate Snake more than anything else.. i dont even like to have a look at it. Just hate it..
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
24 Feb 12
I think it would be a nasty alligator or snake, and possibly then the roaches and spiders. There is alot of bugs out there I dislike but not afraid of, some of them are fine if they aren't near me.
• China
24 Feb 12
Yes,very hate cockroaches.