do you like being married or single

@lifes97 (884)
United Arab Emirates
March 19, 2012 10:57pm CST
which is the best life married or single? and in your opinion why?
3 responses
@5mahi05 (666)
• India
20 Mar 12
Being single is good as long as you are 25yrs old for a women and at the max, 20 yrs for a man! This is according to me! I mean, yes, being single is in a way good because we do not have any responsibilities of anybody else other than ourselves. And, we can live our lives without any sort of restrictions and things like that. In simple, No hurdles for fun. But married life is also something that you can never miss out. Yes, the fun quotient of it reduces considerably once married, but then the happiness and the completeness that you feel when you have a family of your own, is greater than anything. Your responsibilities changes in every stage of your married life. First comes the wife/husband, then the kids, their childhood, then, their schooling, then their teenage, everything changes. Life is so beautiful. If you are missing marriage in your life, you will miss something beautiful in your life.
@lifes97 (884)
• United Arab Emirates
20 Mar 12
yes marraige is beautiful sharing your life is beautiful and some of the fun in being singel will go, but another type of happiness and fun will come
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@SarahAlyx (181)
• United States
20 Mar 12
Married because you don't have to worry about being single and trying to find your other half (: Married is awesome. PLus!! If you guys get a divorce, you get half of everything!! lol
@lifes97 (884)
• United Arab Emirates
20 Mar 12
married is better yes so you do not stay home alone, or age alone, i agree with you but no divorce sure
@lilepad (15)
• Canada
20 Mar 12
single all the way lol, but it does get lonely
@lifes97 (884)
• United Arab Emirates
20 Mar 12
hi welcome to the topic, what you said is right especially when you get old you need someone to lay your back to, so i think there is two sides for each decision you have