Easy ways to keep my house clean?

United States
March 20, 2012 5:23pm CST
I would like some pointers and tips on how to get my home clean and organized FAST, and KEEP it that way. I have 4 children and expecting number 5. My children are 6, 4, 3 and 1. So please keep that in mind when you share your advice! Thanks!
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5 responses
@maezee (41996)
• United States
21 Mar 12
I don't know that there's any easy way to it. With that many kids, it's hard to keep up after them. Shoot, I live with my dad and between me and him, it's hard to keep up after ourselves! . I try to keep up with dishes, laundry, etc. I designate one day a week generally to do laundry, and I make sure to do all the dishes every night or right after I use them. I also try to sweep/mop once a week. But with kids it's probably a different situation. You could try maybe designating tasks & chores for your older kids (maybe the 4 and 6 year olds?). Just an idea. Good luck to you!
• Philippines
21 Mar 12
Make thing organized and teach each kids to put things back where it should be placed, in that way, messing up things is less and its easier to clean and get things done. Since your kids are still small, yet their age can follow simple instruction already. You can teach them to hang the towel back on the rack after taking a bath. Throwing their used clothes to the laundry basket. Putting their toys back in the box of place where it should be place. Those simple things are big help enough and not too hard for little kids to do as well.
@lampar (7584)
• United States
21 Mar 12
With all these kids of such young ages at home, it is hardly any best way around to get your home clean and organize fast, it is just impossible for any tip to work and keep your home that way for more than a day. You just have to keep your cleaning task up to date every day and make it a routine daily house chorus.
• United States
21 Mar 12
Keeping things clean and orderly is almost impossible with so many young children. The best advice I can give is to set a routine, or as much of one as possible. Make a list of chores...daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, etc., and follow it. Even if it means doing these chores in whatever spare time you may have. At 6, and maybe even 4, you can try to teach your munchkins to help out with the chores if any are in their ability. Like picking up toys before bedtime. I have four children myself. They all started helping me with the little things around those ages, and are pretty good at keeping their chores done now that they are older. Best of luck to you, and congrats on #5. Children are such a blessing!
• Portugal
20 Mar 12
Throw the towel in now. 5 young children (one a newborn) thats a mission Tom Cruise would refuse to accept. Every moment you have free you need to take for yourself. Good Luck.